

You got an extremely valuable lesson for incredibly cheap: don't make anyone you don't know very well a founder. Give away all the gray hats you want, but there's absolutely no reason to have multiple founders. The town is only 565 points, so it basically only cost you $300.


Well sad to say I just had to report 4 of the 5 members of that town. Obvious multi accounting going on and though I have only ever reported one other person, I had to report that town.


RAThunter VI

Give me a break...


Sucks to be you, you gullible fool.

If you fall for schemes like these, then you deserve it.
Never, ever, promote anyone to founder if you do not trust them 100%.

This is a story repeating itself on each and every world.
You are not the first, nor will you be the last.

It's your own fault.
You desrve it.


you sir, deserve every bit of this


I always think that it is rather sad when a player realizes that he is so bad at recruiting other players to join his town that he is forced to simply create them, thus leading to a ban. The only players that are willing to do such a thing are generally also very unintelligent as simply changing the names to unrelated items would generally allow them to stay out of trouble, at least until a mod looks up their log times and realizes that it is indeed one person. Postponing the inevitable I guess, if you create multiple accounts.


I always think that it is rather sad when a player realizes that he is so bad at recruiting other players to join his town that he is forced to simply create them, thus leading to a ban. The only players that are willing to do such a thing are generally also very unintelligent as simply changing the names to unrelated items would generally allow them to stay out of trouble, at least until a mod looks up their log times and realizes that it is indeed one person. Postponing the inevitable I guess, if you create multiple accounts.

Exactly right. Its very sad how that works. Shows that they shouldn't be playing the game anyway.