The war: Time Disruptions ( Story)


This is a my story. Yes a one it made up myself. Feel free to talk about your comments. Ok I reccommend you to give me suggestions on the next chapter. Keep a lookout for spelling errors and inform me.

Chapter 1
Time Disruptions:

At 7:30 a bus at Washington District disappeared mysterious. The water was calm, kids on the school bus were copying each others homework. Suddenly, out of the blue, a shrill ring of a siren sounded. After the siren was blood-curdling scream. The sky turned dark, it started to rain. It rained torrents after torrents, rain like spears that punctured the bus so strongly that is made holes in the roof. Forked thunder lashed out, followed by a ear-bursting thunder. The children on the bus scrambled out of their seats in order to get out of the vehicle, however, the door wouldn't budge. The driver disappeared from his seat like a puff of smoke. The kids were terrified, some began to cry for their parents. The bus began to spin, spin and spin and finally the spin swirled. Smaller and smaller. There was a clap of thunder and a tornado appeared where the bus was. Then everything cleared, like nothing had happened. The bus was no longer there. Chirping of birds, the cool breeze... However the town clock stayed at 7:30 despite ten minutes had passed. It was the first Time Disruption.
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Chapter 2
All about Money:

He smiled to himself. He always smiled. Smiles of tragedy, smiles of happiness, smiles of cruelty, smiles of please. He drove his BMW up the stoned pavement, up to the private estate of Mr Glert. He looked at his clock. 9:00. He was just right. Not to late nor to early. He smiled to himself again. His hand reached for the door bell but before he had a chance to press it, the door opened and there stood a man, elegant in his suit and bowlers hat. " Ah yes! Desan Smale! I have been expecting you!" He gushed as he outstretched a hand and gestured toward the room. Smale bowed and entered the room.
" So was it successful? What did you find?" Smale asked, grinning.
" Ha! I could have struck a fortune with this thing!" Glert said, grinning from ear to ear.
In Glert's hand was a object that look like a key. " So how much do I get for this thing?" he asked contentedly. "60 million?" Smale asked as he reach in his pocket and fished out a cheque and a pen. With that, he scribbled the amount and gave it to Glert.
Mr Glert loved nothing more than money. In fact, all what he had been doing was all about money. He was a mercenary man. Everything he did must be repaid with money. He never did donation drives, charities or anything that involved giving free money.
" Ah yes, of course, why not!" he exclaimed as he accepted the cheque and folded it neatly before putting it into his chest pocket. "So, the rest should be in here to! Well except for the last one of course! I will come back next month and with another 60 million!" chuckled Mr Desan Smale. The door closed behind him as he walked back to his BMW, rubbing his hands together and sighed contentedly.
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Chapter 3
The Discovery:

Smale drove down the stone path. Next stop for the box. But it was not a normal box. It was a box that meant special to him.
"Chyle! Get the damn box!" Mr Hasket roared. Chyle, muddy and untidy, presented a rectangular object wrapped in aluminum foil. Chyle had only seen the box briefly. It had five keyhole, above the keyhole was a gauge from 1000-10000, and above the gauge were some words which he couldn't see clearly because Hasket had already wrapped it up. "Chyle! You are a mess! Look at yourself!" Hasket thundered. Chyle turned around and looked at himself in the big mirror in the living room. He had dark hair, big brown eyes, small nose, and a small mouth. " Clean your self at once! How can you meet him like this?!" Hasket scowled once again. Chyle hurried to the bathroom.
Chyle was Hasket's slave. At the age of 6, his parents disappeared on a trip to London. Chyle was brought to the market for selling. He was finally adopted as a slave at the age of 10. He had already been with Hasket for a year, which is to say, he is eleven.
Hasket was a mean man. Like Glert, he also eyes money, and he made sure Chyle gives him that! He was a man with elongated pointy nose and the boss of a departmental store.
Chyle came rushing out of the bathroom, his face dripping with water. Briefly wiping it away with his dirty shirt, he waited for the next command of Hasket. Ding-Dong! "Holy cow! He is here! Quick, get the chocolate cake!" Hasket said as he opened the door. Smale was there, grinning. As he was escorted to the table, Hasket brought the box. " Yes, I found it, the box you have been looking for, how much would you give me for this prized possession?" " Let's say 80 million for this babe alright?" Smale slammed a cheque on the table and handed it to Hasket. " So Smale, I see you are very interested in collecting things, why on earth do you need such a junk?" emphasized Hasket. "Ah well, Hasket, I will tell you a story, the legend of time." Smale beamed as Chyle came with the cake and placed it carefully on the table. " But first, get the child away."
" It was a cold morning, Lucazal, a bright and brilliant scientist realized that Einstein theory was correct. However, he made it simpler for us, instead of whizzing about in space to time travel, he created a box. The box was only completed after 347 years, which mean that many descendants of his worked on it too. And by chance that the child there is one of his descendants. Anyways, after it was completed in 4569, the only person to test it was his 5th descendent. He visited the past and future with sheer pleasure and comfort until one day a robber stole it. After it was recovered, his descendent made an adjustment. He added five keyholes, each representing his father, grandfather, great grandfather and so on. Only when all five of the keyholes are placed in the correct keyholes, the time machine would work. Now there is a disruption called the Time Disruption. I had been said that the five keys were lost and scattered in different times sections. Only when the time is right, the key will be found. His 7th descendent made a terrible mistake and scattered it along his travels in time. And that is what I am questing for-the key."
Mr Hasket was not interested in his description of the box and whatever stupid descendent he was talking about, rather he was more interested in his share of money he would get when Smale gets the key.
Chyle was in his kitchen when he overheard the conversation. So there are five keys? So he was trying to make dinner for Hasket- dried cod and crab meat. He was flipping the pan as he cooked it when he noticed something in the food, shinning and bright. Only when the time is right, the key will be found. It was a key, bronze in color. Hurriedly, he washed it with water and tucked it into his pocket on his jeans. His mind was racing, he could hardly contain his excitement. He had found one of his ancestors handiwork.
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There is a story section in the west glory:Campfire Stories. I only read Dean Koontz ,Terry Pratchett and Stephen King and some classics (each year). So my opinion won't be worth much. ..Mmm not bad. Needs a bit more body I would say. I also wouldnt say that the character would spill the beans to a stranger but guess you need a vehicle.
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Yes i know. But I don't participate in such activities mostly because I don't know what character to make up and tell some sort of story with other people. And most of all I don't get a chance to post.

Ah yes a vehicle..BMW?


Chapter 4

"And there is something more important I want to tell you, something you might benefit from!" Smale said. Hasket leaned over, his eyes saucer-wide. Smale whispered something into Hasket's ears that was a muffle to Chyle.
With that, he bowed to Mr Hasket and opened the door and left. As he boarded his BMW, Hasket asked something. Samle nodded and smiled before disappearing down a turn.
Chyle ran forward, grabbed what was remaining of the cake, placed Hasket's food on the table and rushed back to his room. "Chyle, you have the key!" he said to himself. He laid down on his bed and looked at the roof, wonder at which time could his father and mother be. In the future? Or the past? Time was a mystery to be solved. A shrill ring from Hasket broke his thoughts.
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And after I finish writing all the chapters, I will accumulate them and post them in the Storybook section.


Chapter 5
The Memory:

"Chyle come here!" Hasket called from below. Chyle ran down the stairs and found Mr Hasket smiling at him. " All right, Smale and I have arranged a meeting at his house tomorrow. We will take the train tomorrow, alright?" Hasket beamed. Something in his tone was not right, as if he was talking to a child that he might eat later. With that, Chyle simply nodded and ran back to his room. As he finished the remaining of his cake, he wondered what could simply be that they need to visit Smale. He carefully felt the key in his pocket, and was quickly assured by it.
With that, he went to bed, continuing to think about his parents when something struck him like lightning.
8:30, Thursday. John and Emerald were getting ready to leaving to Mr Smale's house. They were delivering a key to him. The key was bronze in color and smooth. John received a letter from Smale that if he gave him the key, Smale would give them a reward of 40 million dollars. " We could repair the roof and even renovated the house! Poor old house is falling apart!" John said to Emerald. Emerald, however, was more cautious and warned him that Smale might be up to no good. Why would he need a key for 40 million? John assured her and that morning they drove off in their car....
It stopped at that point as if a wall had blocked him. That was all he could remember. It was like a film that was suddenly clogged up. All that thinking gave him a terrible headache and he soon drifted of to sleep.

Chapter 6
The Plan

The next morning they took off. Strangely, Hasket had been smiling all day long, which was unusual because he always used to scowl. They took the train to Smale's house, which was actually only 2 kilometers away, but Hasket always enjoyed leisure so he refused to walk. Soon, Chyle and Hasket found themselves in front of a huge mansion. There were two iron statue guards holding pikes and dressed in full armor. Hasket looked high and low, hoping to find the doorbell somewhere. However, as he could not find it anywhere, where he had found, he was left with knocking on the door. " Ah! Hasket! You arrived, but can I ask why didn't you use the doorbell?" Smale questioned and raised an eyebrow as he pointed towards the button on one of the statue's armor. Hasket looked at him blankly.
As soon as they were settled, Smale talked to Hasket about a deal. " Now I will give you a period of three months. In this three months, you must search for a unique key. The key is bronze and smooth with a label 2 on it. If you find it, come to me and I will give you this!" he challenged, slanting his head to his right and winking at him. In his hand held a suitcase. " So what do you think?" Smale questioned. The now opened suitcase contained at least 50 wads of 100 dollar notes. "The total amount in here is 1 billion! You are going to be a billionaire!" Smale smiled. " Deal!" agreed Hasket. Chyle was in his room arranged for him. As he leaned against the door to listen to what the were talking about, his hand instinctively reached for his pocket. The key was bronze, smooth and the number engraved on it was 2. It came to his mind immediately, he had to escape. But how? The room had no windows. It was like a cell. It had a steel bed and a small table. In the corner was a clothes hanger.
Next, Smale was mumbling something to Hasket so Chyle wouldn't hear. And he found it, he would escape by the door! He would escape in the night so no one would know. He would take the train and head away. Soon he began devising a plan to escape, plotting it careful so it would be a flawless escape.
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Moved thread to Graphics, Art and Media. This is the section for all graphics, poems or stories you want to share.


Chapter 7
The Escape:

The next day he set off. He set off for the train. And the train station was miles from here, he had to take more than 3 days before he could get there, unless... Unless he took a taxi. But the taxi company was also owned by Smale. If he issued an order to find Chyle again, they would be sure to find him. He couldn't take three days. He would have been found by then. And so, he thought of the most ingenious way of escaping the crowds eye.
He took a taxi. And the taxi driver must had thought he had a patient from the metal hospital. Chyle was decked in a handkerchief covering his face, a ragged blue jacked, heavy laced boots, a bicycle helmet and a pair of safety googles. He looked like a bicycle rider and a surgeon mashed together. He reached the train station in less then 2 hours.
In the same attire, he bought a train ticket and enter the train with the curious stares of the passers-by. He made himself comfortable and nodded off. Yes he slept. He did not know how long. Because, before long, he felt that he was falling, falling through a tornado of voices. There was no end to this pit. The wind gushed over him. It was pitch black. He tried to open his eyes but it felt like metal shutters, not wanting to budge. He paid more attention to the voices. It was English, but backwards. He felt that he was floating now, floating through time, squeezing through the time and...
He was shook awake by the train grinding to a halt. He was back where he was, on the train. But the train had a make-over. It had a terrific animal skin seat which he had not seen before, a personal laptop in front of his seat and a television right above his compartment. He had a thick blanket over him and a drink on his right floating magically.
What kind of train is this? Suddenly he was called out by a person. "Sir, may I have a look at your arm?"
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Chapter 8
A elegant man clad in white clothing and a red tie seemed to appear out of nowhere. Before he could even resist, the man grabbed Chyle's arm, took out what looked like a torch and shone it on his arm. After a few seconds, he tossed the torch up and grabbed it with his skillful hand. " Thank you sir..." he mumbled as he investigated the next and the next commuter. Chyle immediately shot up and scrutinized his hand. On his hand was a little red stamp. It felt like nothing at all, like as if he was born with it... Or could he be?
He briskly strode towards a washroom. Chyle took a close look at himself ont the mirror. Or rather someone else. He looked completely different. He had shaggy hairstyle, casual T-shirt, blue skinny jeans and a pair of white gloves with green sides. Who was he?
Before he could think any longer, a man popped into the washroom. "Chyle, dinner's ready!" Dinner? He only set off at 8 am in the morning. How could it be dinner? Blankly, he stepped out of the washroom and followed a white attired man to a dinning hall. The sound of the clattering of forks, spoons plates and people requesting a toast welcomed their arrival. " So, I serve myself?" Chyle questioned as he surveyed the 78 foot long table that stretched almost from one end of the room to another. The table was laden with delicious delicacies. A roasted suckling pig with an apple in its mouth, a mouthwatering roast turkey, a green color fruit salad with mayonnaise, goose liver, a big puffy oval bread and a humongous dark chocolate cake. People at the tables were laughing gaily while stuffing themselves with the delicious food. " Yep, of course, the plates are right there!" Before Chyle knew it, he was seated at the table, munching away. He could never eat this at Hasket's. Hasket always gave him a meagre portion of his leftovers.
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Chapter 9
What the heck:
After the delicious lunch, Chyle marched back to his seat. Soon, he drifted into sleep once more. Moments later, a deafening bang resonated through the air. Five masked men appeared in balaclavas, each wielding deadly looking weapons from Smith and Wesson .40 to Caliber rifles and AK 47s. At the same time, several men in green - the train's security masters- stormed into the plane with rifles and bullets strapped across there shoulders. One of the terrorists fired. One security master twisted around and fell onto the ground, red blood oozed from his chest onto the floor. With vengeance, the rest of the guards took their stance and the ominous clicking of triggers with blasts of bullets being freed reverberated throughout the train. One of the bullets started its fast and short journey into the terrorist's head, who was thrown back by the impact and killed instantly. The followers, enraged by fall of their comrade, took no mercy and fired at everything. Horns blared and red alert sounded. Staff diverted all the passengers a safe distance away to the next cabin, safely protected by the bullets which fell like torrents of rain. Nevertheless, unfortunate victims were killed by the the rain of bullets. Chyle, despite the fact that he knew it was unsafe, was keen to stay and see more. As stealthily as a mouse, he slid under one of the seats. Luckily, for a child of such stature, he would never be seen. The train carriage had became a war ground as the train drove forwards as if nothing was happening. More masked men appeared and hacked the security masters to death. All their lives were simply brushed aside and forgotten. One man with a general hat and a Caliber rifle signaled the men to the dinning hall.
More screams and blasts were heard. Chyle was surprised that no one stopped the train for a emergency evacuation. Nope, nobody. Chyle quietly climbed out of the seat. It was the wrong move. He never noticed a man sitting on one of the seats, keeping guard. In a swift movement, he grabbed Chyle by the scruff of the collar of his weird looking shirt. Chyle struggle valiantly and tried to punch the man in his face. The man was wearing a red polo t-shirt and brown pants. The last thing Chyle saw was a silver line drawn by the reflection of a metal rod.
Chyle woke abruptly, only to find like arms and legs tied up and his mouth gagged with tape. The room was dark and musty, lit with only the meagre glow of a candle. The silhouette of a man was seen, fiddling with something. Suddenly, he turned his head and stared at Chyle in the eye. Rubbing his hands, he went over to the stone bunk and untied Chyle. Chyle found himself being lead downstairs from a trapdoor underground. The man threw him a rough sentence that almost sounded as if it was as jagged as a saw blade before slamming the door, " Find your own way out!" Chyle was in a small cell. There was a stone bed, a dim glow of light from the lamp on the ceiling and nothing else. Chyle tapped at the wall, nothing. He kicked the metal door, nothing. He slammed at the bed, nothing. He sat on the bed with a huff at last. And he found it.
Gleaming against the dim-light, was another trap door on the floor. He opened it and found a dark pit. He looked once again around the cell. No way but through. And he jumped. Within seconds, he tunneled through and he emerged out to a room bathed with light. At the same time a grunting sound. Chyle swore. How could he let this happen. In front of him was a terrifying bull. Chyle knew why the bully's attention was diverted from the food to him. His red handkerchief on his neck. Alright, maybe it wasn't his. In a swift second, he tore off the handkerchief and ran to the stone wall. In one fling, his swatted the handkerchief onto the stone wall. In blind fury, the bull lunged for the handkerchief and struck in fairly in the middle with its horn, then plunged its magnificent horns into the stone wall with a loud crack. It was stuck. That was when he remembered about the second key. He felt into his pockets. There was a jagged edged material. It had managed to travel with him! Then there was something else. A pen and a note. The note read:
Exploding pen
Clock wind cap

With curiosity heightened, Chyle stuffed the paper back into his pocket. Intuitively, he turned the pen cap and threw it at the bull. The pen hit the floor with a clatter. Within the next 5 seconds, a deafening blast from the pen exploding boomed through the arena. The bull was instantly thrown off its feet, tearing its body away as they horns were still stuck in the wall. It flew through the air like a dolphin leaping out of the water and was blown into pieces in mid-air. Red coloured rain pelted down on Chyle's shirt, staining it bright red. The hornless bull head landed right a Chyle's foot.
And then he saw it. Gleaming against the light of the torches. The key. It was it. The key with the 3 engraved on it! Chyle found it. Smiling, he slipped the key into his pocket, solving another part of the mystery. He walked towards an arched opening at the wall. Chyle found himself on a plank. Water surrounded it. The thin strip of plank stretched across the water until it was invisible in the mist far ahead. Like a dream of beauty, Chyle strode slowly toward the mist. The mystery on the train and the source of the pen and note could come another time... Another time....
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Chapter 10
The leader and the trio:

Tania Thompson was in her manor, enjoying her cup of coffee. By the door stood 2 guards each holding R &S rifles. Smale was in front of her, flipping through his files. No one spoke. The room was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. A few minutes later, Smale tore his gaze away from the files and focused on Tania. " I understand you have forked out your time to talk to me, and I shall be brief with it. I just need a document, you know, the one with blue sides and a red stamp on the front of it. Yeah... That one"" I am extremely sorry Mr Desan. I am unable to register what you have said and I have no idea what document you are looking for. My attendants have gone through the whole drawer and have found nothing." Her voice was flat and emotionless as if she was a robot. " I'm sure there is! It must be here! I dropped it off here just a week ago! I gave it to one of your staff!" Smale insisted, not letting Tania off the hook. " And by what name is the staff?" Tania spoke flatly, her gaze directed to the computer screen beside her. She rested her delicate fingers on the keyboard, ready to type in whatever name. " I don't know. But she had brown hair, blue eyes..." " The NAME!" Tania boomed, still looking at the computer screen. " If you do not have the name, you might as well leave as we do not have the document." Smale did not show any disappointment. More like raw anger. You literally see smoke billowing out of his ears. "OUT!" Tania hollered. The two guards grabbed his arm and dragged him out off the room, Smale's feet dragged uselessly behind.
Hasket made himself a good breakfast. Scrambled eggs, toast and kipper, freshly brewed coffee and hash brown. It had been two days since Chyle disappeared and surprisingly, he was not angry about the loss of money, in fact, he was happy that he did not need to feed one more mouth. Bored out of his skull, he reached for the remote control and switched on the television. The television reluctantly flickered on with a buzz and turned itself on to the news.
Major Injured In Unknown Attack.
A picture of the major flickered onto the screen followed by the footage of three masked men barging into the room, holding an m240 7.62 and pointing at the major. Suddenly, a line of white appeared from the gun. The white line went in slow motion through the air and penetrating the major's left side.

A shaggy, unshaven and lean man who called himself Carhlo was a hired assassin. He had a mysterious career. He was a contract killer who had killed more than 50 people for briefcases of cash. This time, he was hired to kill Mrs Thompson for a hefty amount in return. There were two others with him. Waltson and Medorn. Waltson was a brutish brute. He was large and his bronze muscles emerging everywhere was able to strike fear into anyone's heart. Medorn was another lean man. He was too quiet for a contract killer. But if he had to speak, it would be a friendly conversation.
Carhlo was wearing a green collared shirt and brown jeans. If anyone were to search him, they would find a gun his right pocket. From his appearance, he looked completely ordinary. Carhlo went into a entrance of the block and stepped onto the marble floor. A gust of strong cool air of the air-conditioner smashed his face. A chandelier hung from the ten story high roof. There was a large oversized sofa on one end and a few plush chairs on the other side. A large coffee table stood in the middle with a few magazines and newspapers. The three men headed straight for one of the 5 entrances on the sides of the room. Carhlo went in first and was immediately blocked by a smart-looking security officer.
'Sorry, do you have a pass for this entrance?'
' We are looking for Mrs Thompson.'
' You need to produce a pass.'
' Let us through!'
' Sorry but you need a pass.'
' Just let us in!'
' Move out of here!' it was Waltson who talked. In his hands was a revolver which was pointed straight at the man's forehead. ' Of you don't let us in, this bullet is going into your head!'
'I can't!'
' Fine!'
The flustered guard side-stepped and made a huge space for the three man. 'Thank you!' Said Waltson and shot him. Red blood splattered out of the man's head and onto the red carpet. The man fell to the ground in a dead splat and the three killers walked by him as if he was not even there. They made their way to the other end of the bright tunnel and stepped into the lift at the other end. Pressing the 8 button. The lift closed with a ding and covered the dead man and everything from sight. A few seconds later, they came to the 8th floor. The men had placed the balaclavas on their heads. The first thing Medorn did when he came out was not to breath but to shoot a security camera down with his revolver. He had placed a silencer on the gun so it did not make any sound. Waltson caught the security camera immediately like an expert juggler. Now that the security camera was out, they could carry out their plan easily. Carlho took the lead and walked silently across the blue carpet that covered the ground, he walked along the carpeted corridor of doors until he came to a room with two potted plants on either sides of the doors. Medorn knocked on the door with a polite tap.
'Come in!' came a reply that sound behind the door. The men had to be quick with what they were doing, else, if anyone finds out about the dead man at the lobby, they where going to be in hot soup. Carhlo, slid in through a small gap that the door had opened and shot Tania. The bullet was supposed to aim at her heart, killing her instantly. However, Carhlo misfired and shot Tania in the ribs. Imagine what you feel when you fall on your bottom and all the airgets knocked out of you. Tania was feeling the same now all the air was robbed out of her, she gasped for air for a few second, then passed out. Waltson slammed into the room and rummaged the whole drawer, tearing all the documents out. Paper flew everywhere. ' Where is it?' Medorn grunted. He had finally spoke for the past half an hour. Then it happened, Medorn saw what looked like a picture. He slapped towards the picture and tore it from the wall. And there it was, a secret compartment. It was box sized and there was a few files. One of them read 'Top Secret. D.S.C' Waltson hurried over and took it off the box. It was a brown book, with blue sides and a red stamp which read ' Top Secret' on the cover. The stamp was needless as anyone would be able to guess that such a unique booklet would belong to some top person in a top position. And Smale fitted right in. Hurried, with the file under his arm, Waltson smashed the window with his pistol by flinging the whole thing onto the glass window. The window cracked but did not shatter. He flung it again and it cracked more, but did not shatter. Finally, out of irritation, he dealt the window a punch of his muscular finger and the window shattered, its pieces of sharp glass flying everywhere. They had particularly chose this window because before they went in, they saw an air-conditioner engine below the window and another below it by the side of it. The air-conditioner engine was like a flight of stairs, slowly leading down to the ground floor. The last engine was at least 10 feet above the ground. Additionally, the floor was also a grass patch, which would not cause any fatal injures from a 10 feet fall.
Slowly and steadily, the three men descended down to the engines. When they were at about 40 feet above the ground, Carhlo's eagle sharp eyes saw what was waiting for them. There were at least five police cars and an three ambulances outside the luxury office tower. They would be spotted if they were to continue their original plan. The men reached the ground and Carhlo's eyes darted about, think for a way to get out of the policemen's sight. Carhlo's had studied the building and it's structures before. He had even been allowed to tour the building when he was given a fake identity by one of his employers as a repair man to fix broken pipes. The whole building had secret compartments, which meant that people could go anywhere they like. These compares are unique to people of the building and only they know about where these compartments are and where they lead to. Carhlo had toured the outside of the building and realised that there was a large pipe in the wall where it lead to an underground tunnel and they would appear in an alley of Brukin Road. Carhlo, felt for the walls and tapped gently. Finally, he felt something hollow. He pressed two fingers, his index and middle fingers, against the wall and tapped at the right. The door opened automatically and there was a hollow dungeon, with lights and lamps on either side of the stone wall. Paint was starting to peel of from the walls and the whole atmosphere in the tube was stuffy and warm. These did not dampen the trio moods. They were going to their employer and claim there ten thousand dollars each! Excitement was bubbling in them as they made their way into the dungeon. What they missed out was the rotating security camera inside the office of Mrs Thompson. It captured every movement of the men's actions, which left evidence for the police.

Hasket switched off the television, no point watching those stupid news. He finished the rest of his breakfast and went back to work. What work meant was to trash his disposable dishes and utensils and get back on his computer to research more about time and time and time and time. And finally get the key to claim his 1 billion. If he could get the key. Now he wondered where Chyle had gone to, perhaps he had already found it...
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