The War of the Gods

  • Thread starter Deleted User - 819397
  • Start date


"Orders received and understood." Peter replied. he turned around. "Squad, move out! we're heading to the Midpoint." his squad assembled, and one by one, they walked through the Nordic teleport.
they emerged into an assembly area. the cannons could be heard thumping like a heartbeat in the distance.
groups of soldiers flowed through the teleports, surely there was no way that the Egyptians could destroy such a mighty army?
Peter and his squad jogged across the assembly ground, heading for the sound of guns, the front beckoned...


Caught flat footed by the sudden rocket attack the assembled norse scattered in their attempt to avoid the screaming death that rained down upon only the shouted commands of NCO's managing to gather a fraction of those that had arrived to join Odin in a frontal assault on the Egyptian forces, his ravens circling high above the enemy in order ot tell their master the enemies positions and movements. In hastily dug foxholes the norse struggled to hold back the oncoming tide of gods and soldiers as they were gradually picked apart by the Egyptians superior fire power.
However all was not lost for they had a plan with which they hoped to turn the tide of this battle.
Racing across the growing no mans land between the two forces Bjorn leapt in the drainage ditch in which the group of Saxons had taken cover "Are you David? if so you're to make your way down to the fjord an board a ship the fleets moving in for a flank attack" the ground to the left of them exploded showering the huddled soldiers in dirt. Peering over the top of the ditch Bjorn once again leapt out into no mans shouting over his shoulder as he went "Best of luck to you"
The neat regimented lines of Greek Hoplites formed up just outside of the portals exit, dressed from head to toe in pseudo greek armour with long horse hair plumes and armed with sword and shield it looked as if the hero's of ancient Greece had marched straight from the classical era into modern day Ukraine.
In the distance the sounds of battle could be heard as the Egyptian and Norse troops battled one another. They had already dispatched a few light infantry squads or Peltasts as they were known out into the field inorder to clear the way for the main part of the Greek army.
Mounted atop a white stallion General Antonio Basilone paraded before his troops "Today my brothers we take midpoint many of you will not see tomorrows sunrise but those who do will be hailed as hero's Now march my brothers for death or glory!" a large cry ripples throught the greek ranks before section by section they begin to march.
There had to be around a dozen cannons deployed upon the hill complete with ammunition trucks and a company of Egyptian infantrymen guarding them. Raising a pair of binoculars to his eyes a peltast sergeant by the name of Lucas examined them carefully. Behind him he could here the rest of his squad whispering to one another as they made ready to lanch their assault upon the position.


Peter sighted in on an Egyptian soldier and squeezed the trigger, sending the Egyptian straight into his so-called afterlife.
next to him Leighton was blazing away with the Jimpy, there was no way Peter's squad was gonna give up the fight.
a sandbagged bunker 200 yards to his left suddenly exploded, a victim of the cannon fire.
"I'm out!" Milton shouted, searching his battledress for a spare clip.


Not even a minute after Odin had completed his speech, had an attack happened. It came from the Egyptians, sending chaos through the ranks. They had brought to bear various types of artillery, ranging in effects from vapourizing the enemy to turning the battlefield into a desert. David could see large elements of the Nordic fleet sinking from extreme water damage, and nearby, Odin himself was fighting one of the Egyptian gods. David looked around for cover, and finding a former drainage ditch, hopped into that, where other Saxons were already hiding.

"Men, we need to thin out the Egyptian ranks a bit. All good marksmen grab a rifle, spread out, and eliminate Egyptian senior NCOs and field grade officers. Everybody else, get materials to conceal with. Keep moving, and only take one shot at a place." David brought his L86 to firing position, and loaded a round into the chamber. Looking around, he saw a WO2 of the Egyptians, and took aim. Just then an official of Odin came and ordered David to the Nordic fleet. Sighing, David appointed one of the sergeants to lead the marksmen operation, and ran to where remaining elements of the Nordic fleet were stationed, weaving through wreckage and dodging cannon fire. He made it to the boats, and hopped on what was hopefully a promising looking boat resembling an American PT boat from the 1960s. "I'm being attached to your boat, Chief," David announced to the Chief of the boat. "Don't know for what just yet, but I hear the fleet is going to try and flank the Egyptians. Maybe we're doing a landing. Good luck, Chief."


"Forward!" Peter ordered.
his squad clambered out of their cover and darted across the open ground. suddenly Thornloe was thrown fifty feet in the air by an explosion, creating a red mist around him
"FIND COVER, NOW!" the squad hid behind a clump of bushes.
"We need to take out the Egyptian artillery!" Peter said, breathless.


Sven turned to look as the group of Saxons scrambled aboard hitting the throttle just as the last one mounted the rope ladder, too many ships had been taken out already and he didn't wish to be a sitting duck any longer than was required.
Moving over to meet the leader Sven opened his mouth to reply only to find himself drowned out by the hammering of the quad as it brought down an incoming rocket "Good shot boys!...the names Sven its nice to meet you" he said pumping the mans hand vigorously as the small boat joined the flotilla as it made its way into the centre of the fjord, the Egyptian artillery redirecting their fire toward more tempting targets "We're going to sail around two miles down the fjord then make landfall in a small cove allowing us to cut in behind and trap them between our two lines" a shower of water suddenly washes over the deck as a stray rocket detonates on teh port side of the ship soaking all those on deck a manic grin spreading across the tall icelanders face "Aaaah but it is a good day to die!"


Peter kissed the bronze amulet around his neck before scrambling to his feet and dashing across the open ground towards the sound of the cannons.
behind him his squad followed in single file, keeping a safe distance from each other.
eventually the cannons could be seen.
Peter and his squad were lying breathless on top of a hillock.
"I'll find a sniper position, Mitchell, Leighton, set up a position for the Jimpy. Cooper, you take Milton and attack the crews. we'll give you covering fire." he ordered.


Shells and rockets roared out from atop the hill to plunge down upon the norse guerrilla's below. Using state of the art tracking equipment Nazir homed in on yet another group of poorly armed guerilla's as they took cover behind a low wall whereupon he fixed them with a laser sight that would allow the designated weapons to home in on their target with deadly acurracy.
Feeling the hammerblow to his chest long before the crack of a rifle, Nazir stared down at the large hole in his chest before collapsing onto the floor leaving the button that would have rained death upon its target unpushed.
A roar of angry voices greeted the Egyptian gunners as the Norse left cover and charged up the slope towards them, the company of infantry designated to guard them quickly rushing to position only to be greeted from behind by an identical cry and a hail of carbine shots as Greek peltasts opened fire.
Taking cover as best they could the Egyptians preceded to fight the confusing three way battle the artillery pieces silent and forgotten giving those out in the field a much needed respite.
The carbine chattered noislily as Lucas led his men down the slope towards the pinned Egyptian gunners. A comm's operator was desperatly trying to contact the main body of the Greek army unsure as to their standing with the Norse who had unexpectedly assaulted the same position as they werre.
Armed with only light carbines and shotguns the peltasts would be quickly outgunned should the Norse turn against them.
Scrambling out from behind cover Jack and his men had joined Peter and his team in the assault of the gun positions, the batterd M16 in his hands firing quick, sharp bursts up at the cowering gunners. However the sudden arrival of Greek light infantrymen had him worried "Should we pull back? i mean if the Greeks are here can we take this place?" he asked Peter, the light infantry would be a doddle their weapons although more advanced than their own only had a limited range and firepower something that even the lowly M16 could outmatch greek Hoplites on the other hand...they were a different matter altogether.
With the artillery now silenced no doubt caused by the guys inland Sven and the small flotilla of ships were able to race across the fjords placid waters as the men who crowded his deck checked and cleaned their weapons ready for when they were put ashore. With his FN propped up in teh corner of the wheelhouse it had been decided that Sven and his men would join the rest of the Norse forces as they plunged deep behind enemy lines.
A voice crackled over the intercomm remind ing Sven that he would have to get it fixed sometime as he swung the ship to head into a small cove where he killed the engine, bringing the boat to a hault in the shallows with the others "End of the line my friends its all on foot from here on out"


"We stand fast, incur as many losses as possible to the enemy, then we see who pulls back first." Peter braced for the recoil of his rifle before squeezing the trigger, sending another Egyptian to his doom.
"And besides, if we can capture the cannons intact, then we are sure of victory!" he continued as reloaded.
the Egyptians were at breaking point, those who were still alive cowered behind cover, being picked off one by one.


The chief of the boat vigourously shook David's hand, introducing himself as Sven. "Captain David Bolan, Third Infantry Battalion, Southern Brigade." The PT boat joined the remaining Norse flotilla, and Chief Sven explained what they would do. Simple, hopefully effective. The problem was that they would be doing a beach assault, he would have to find a good vantage point quickly. Just then, an Egyptian rocket landed nearby, splashing the deck dwellers, and prompting Chief Sven to say it was a good day to die. "It may be a good day to die, hopefully you mean death of the enemies. Then we can get a pint in a new Ukrainian pub."

Now, the Egyptian artillery was silent, and the flotilla landed in a small cove. Time to disembark. David loaded a cartridge into his L86, and waded the short distance to the land. Nearby, an Egyptian rocket position was in chaos, as Egyptians, Greeks, and Norse fought over the ground. David ran to a good position, about 200 yards from the chaos. Not knowing who to fire at first, David decided to aim at the Egyptians. A frantic sergeant major trying to rally the Egyptians soon was introduced to his afterlife. It was then that David decided to wait, and see if the Greeks would start to win the position, and help take them out if they did.


James and Sam made their way towards a group of artillery and James, who as a camouflage expert knew what to look for, spotted a small band of peltasts. They ran over and switched off their suits as soon as they were near enough to hide themselves. They switched off their suits and appeared next to the commander and he turned round raising his weapon. However he stopped when he saw the Greek markings on their uniform. Seizing the moment James shouted to the commander "I'm James, we're a two man squadron and we have explosives! Make a distraction and we'll get in there and take out those artillery!"