The Tiran Wars: Southern Reaches


"Great, just what we need, death by rocks." Cassius reached out, attempting to grab anything to stop his plummet to certain death by heavy blunt trauma, but nope. Everything was slipping away, the wetness of everything was too great. He called out to the woman, nobody will be able to explain why, but he did, and he saw her, hanging from a limb, hand extended. Cassius grabbed it, held on, and grabbed the limb, made drier, probably from the woman hanging off it.

He hung onto the limb, waiting for the woman to make a move toward shore, he didn't want to climb over her. "Well, I guess you can't be all bad if you've saved my life," Cassius said to the woman, after he had caught his breath. "Now I owe you my life, your Maula des Lebens, slave for life. Oh well, I planned to journey with you anyway. Now, I suggest that we find the elf, if we can. He might be important later."


Kyolja moved her free hand to grasp the limb and inched her way toward shore, until her feet touched bottom. She stood and waded to shore using the fallen tree as support. She climbed up onto the bank, turned, and sat on the soggy bank. Though completely submerged, her peculiar white skin and the purple stains adorning her did not run or fade. She reached into her cloak and pulled a leather-bound book from within. She opened it and brushed her hands over several pages finding them to be dry. She smiled and set the book beside her. She removed her mottled gray cloak and shook the excess water from it. She left it open and set it down beside her, revealing its blank pages. She took a deep cleansing breath.

That was quite a journey we just took. She lifted her face toward the overhanging canopy and remained still. "We have traveled south, I can feel the sun to the west. The elf, Faeron, if he is in the area and still seeks us, I am guessing he will find us before we him. I don't think it wise to remain in this place. We were not in the river long, and that ambush may not be a far travel upstream from here. Gather yourself so that we might travel. It should be dark soon, and it will give us the advantage. I travel as easily as any nocturnal creature in darkness, whereas the seeing must use light sources."

So saying, she grabbed her cloak and stood. She draped it over her shoulders and raised the hood. She stooped down and brushed her hands gently around until they located her book. She closed her book and slipped it back into her cloak. "I am prepared. We will travel south I think."


Faeron was under the water, he swam for a little while but the current was getting stronger. There were rocks ahead and the current was pulling him towards them, he wasn't able to reach the surface and felt as if he falling, he was shaken back into consciousness when he crashed into a rock that ignited pain throughout his arm where he had taken an arrow, a moment later there was another rock, he couldn't avoid it with the pain and slammed against it. The current was getting stronger and stronger, he couldn't move, he saw another rock in his blurry vision and hit it with more force than either of the last two, he could no longer see, he was running out of air and was still trapped under the water being pulled by the current. Everything was black, he could no longer feel the pain or anything at all, he was floating along in nothingness when he was jarred into consciousness again, his head had bobbed above the water again. The pain was unbearable but he managed to swim slowly to one side, the current had died down a little and he was able to make it to the shore. He lay there panting, he still couldn't see and he all he was aware of was the pain and the taste of blood in his mouth, he passed out into blackness again...


Markef looked back at F'nor. "F'nor, I don't think you understand", he replied, solemnly. "This sword helped slay the Demon Giant, not worship him. Really, what harm could come of it?". He carefully avoided the phrase "what could possibly go wrong?", because he knew those words brought death. He tried his best to drop the subject, and went on. Some time later, they came across a road heading north-south. Determining direction by the sun, they determined which way was South, and headed on.


Cassius waited a few moments after the woman had gotten out of the water, than waded out himself. He was wearing a short buff coat with special attached hood, black, with the red crest of his company over the heart, black pants made of woll, with iron wire interwoven, and black boots, all of which were sopping wet, but he had his sword, so that was fine. The woman said something about travelling south, which a quick look to the sun proved to be true, and she suggested that they also start travelling south, the ambushers may be near. While she was saying this, Cassius got relaxed by doing some stretches. "If you are ready, then I am ready as well. It may be wise, after we are certain that the ambushers are lost, to get back to my company. There are over 100 Royal Horse Guards, some of the best soldiers Tiran has to offer." Cassius got ready to leave, and saw that the woman was carrying a few things. "Is there anything that you require me to carry?" Cassius asked. He wanted to make sure he was performing his duties.


Kyolja shook her head as she responded, "No. Lead the way and I shall follow." She waited for Cassius to walk past her and then moved alongside him. She kept her head bent downward slightly and said, "Keep your eyes open for signs of Faeron. I doubt he stayed in that river for long. We are on the same side of the river we were ambushed on, so we should procede with haste."

She lifted her head slightly and turned it towards the river. "Cocheta", she said in her normal toned voice as though the mare were beside her, "we have lost the elf. Travel south along the river. If you find him, allow him a ride and move quickly to find us." She turned her head forward and lowered it slightly once more. She moved with the same speed as Cassius, trusting that he would tell her of obstacles that his movement didn't already betray to her awareness.

"Who attacked us if they were not your people?"


Cassius looked over at the woman, about to protest, but then remembered that she was blind. "Oh right, of course. To the south." Cassius started walking to the south, telling the woman about any obstacles taht might come up. "Do you have a special bond with your horse, like a telekinesis bond or something?" But she had already asked him about the ambushers. "Oh, the ambushers. I didn't get a clear look at them. I think they're either Southlanders, a rebel house, rebel group, rogue creatuers, or witch hunters. I don't know though, it could be anybody, but they weren't royal soldiers, the arrows aren't royal standand."


Faeron was dreaming, he was lying on a beach looking out to the water, time was passing by. He heard something behind him and casually looked, there was a glowing horse floating through the trees, it neared him and pushed him gently with his head.

He woke then and looked around, he was bloody and very sore. He got up and looked behind him, there was the horse which he hadn't noticed before, but it looked familiar, he blinked, looked again and it was still there. The events before flooded through him. He had been attacked, carried down stream by the current and lost the others... how he got on shore he couldn't remember. The horse was nudging him, Faeron brushed its mane. The horse wanted Faeron to travel on her but when he refused she started walking into the woods, looking back to see if he was following. Faeron followed the horse and didn't care where it brought him. He should have cleaned at the stream but he hadn't been thinking straight, soon he taught to himself


She nodded her head as she moved alongside Cassius, "Perhaps ambushers from the war brewing in the south then", she suggested. "Telekinesis is moving things with the power of your mind. What Cocheta and I share is more a link through magic. She's a familiar and we draw strength from each other." Kyolja shrugged a shoulder and continued forward.

Within a short time she paused and turned her head toward the opposite shore. Cocheta emerged from the thick brush, leading the wounded Faeron out onto the bank. The mare snorted and Kyolja smiled as she nodded approvingly, "You did well my friend. We will cross to your side." She turned to face Cassius and said, "I was waiting to learn which side Faeron had arrived on. Now that we know it is the east bank, we can cross. It will put the river between pursuit if nothing else. That is, if you'll allow me to assist you across."


Cassius shrugged at the explaination of the link between the woman and Cocheta. "Shows what I know about magic. I never had the gift of magic, just the gift of field command." He sighed and kept walking, eventually seeing a horse, presumable Cocheta, leading a wounded Faeron to the river, the other side of the river. Why the elf didn't ride the horse, Cassius guessed he would never know. "Faron is over there. Injured, though. If we could get over there, I could treat his wounds, crudely, but treated." Cassius looked at the river itself now. It was wider than where they had gotten out of it, but slower moving. It might be possible to cross, but it might be too deep, it was hard to tell at this vantage point. While Cassius was thinking all this, the woman said offered to assist him in crossing. "Uh, don't you mean to say that statement the other way around?" Cassius asked. "If you don't, then you must have some Mosesian ability to part these waters or similar. If you don't there's always wading."


Kyolja shook her head. "I have no intention of any more river adventures." She reached her small hand out towards Cassius as she began whispering. She gently touched his shoulder, dragged her hand down his arm, and grasped his elbow firmly. She kept moving her mouth soundlessly as she pulled Cassius along with her as she lept out toward the river.

Rather than plummet immediately, they floated weightlessly across the river, using the momentum from Kyolja's hop and landed softly on the other bank. Kyolja stopped whispering and released her hold on Cassius. "Tend to the elf if you can." She moved over to Cocheta and patted the mare's flank. "You have done well my friend", she advised the mare as she patted her again. She set her hand on the mare's back and swung herself effortlessly onto her back.

She grabbed hold of the mare's mane and nudged her forward until they were standing near Faeron and Cassius. She lowered her head slightly and listened intently to the surrounding area once again.

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F'nor decided it was best to drop the issue for now...he understood Markef's reluctance to part with his sword, as if Markef had told him to get rid of his axe-lance he would have been just as reluctant to do it...he decided to ask his father that night how to best proceed.

A short time later F'nor thought he heard voices coming from nearby. He motioned to Markef to draw his weapon, and then followed suit. He wrapped around the trees until he saw three people and a horse in a of the beings seemed to be injured, and on closer inspection he saw that it was an elf. Sheathing his weapon and slinging the shield and it back onto his back, he walked forward, making himself known, hoping Markef would follow suit. "Good day, sirs...and lady," he added as he saw that one of the members of the group was a woman. "My name is F'nor, and my friend (here he gestured in the general direction of where he believed Markef to be) is Markef. We mean you no fact, I think I might be able to help the elf here...his wounds are not anything more serious than I have had to treat myself over the years I've been a blacksmith...may I help?"


Markef followed F'nor towards the voices, making out one equine and three humanoid figures. He kept his sword at the ready, though not out of its makeshift scabbard. He listened as F'nor greeted them, but stayed silent, since he could think of nothing to contribute. As the party came into better view, he realized that a woman and an injured Elf were among them. "Two great burdens", he thought.


Kyolja heard the two men approaching, and pulled her hood further forward to conceal her features as she turned her head slightly in their direction as they greeted their group. She knew she heard the scrape of weapons, though she was quite sure it had been twice so figured them to be sheathed. She clenched her hand in the mare's mane, and waited a moment before Cocheta snorted, causing her hand to relax. She shifted slightly on the mare's back.

"I am called Kyolja", she responded. She turned her covered head toward the other stranger and pursed her stained lips together thoughtfully. She turned her head downward slightly and toward Faenor and Cassius as she whispered quietly, "We must proceed warily. I sense corruption." She straightened her head, though kept it bowed to continue to conceal her features. Cocheta snorted and whinnyed causing Kyolja to lean forward slightly and pat the mare's neck reassuringly.

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F'nor took the lack of a denial that he could not help as a go-ahead. He went over to the elf and examined his wounds. He seemed to be semi-concious, so F'nor said "I'm here to help...just relax." He pulled out the small first-aid pack that he always had with him. This was something he had carried ever since he slipped during forge work and gave himself a horrible burn. He gently washed out the wounds with a little alcohol that he reserved for such things, then bandaged them. Other than the arrow wound, nothing was serious enough to be concerned about...the arrow wound had been worsened by the bad bash it had recieved. All that he could do for it was keep it clean and hope for the best. He stood up, saying "I did all I could...the only area of concern is where he appeared to have taken an arrow...something tore it open even further and it is fairly serious...I stemmed the bleeding as best I could, and I bandaged it, but he'll have to keep the bandages fresh and not move his arm too much for a while, else the slightly torn muscle may heal in an improper way." He appraised the new faces; the woman had her hood up for some reason, but he could tell there was something different about her. "You three look like you've been involved in the war!" he exclaimed. "What happened that the elf is this badly hurt?"


Markef walked over to the wounded Elf. F'nor had done a fine job of dressing the Elf's wounds, but the arrow wound was left only lightly treated. He considered using a method that his father had taught him for mending arrow wounds, but it was incredibly painful and would require an occasional draining of pus until the wound was fully healed. Besides, F'nor had done enough, it seemed. At that point, he realized he hadn't introduced himself. He turned to the others, and said, "hey everybody, I'm Markef. It's a pleasure to meet you all", adding the second sentence only because he knew it was customary.


Kyolja waited patiently atop the mare, brushing her marked hands along Cocheta's mane and neck soothingly as F'nor approached the group to tend to Faeron's wound. She remained silent as F'nor worked and was about to respond to his request as the second visitor approached them and introduced himself. She felt the quiver ripple through the mare as Markef stood nearby. She gently patted Cocheta's neck and turned her head slightly in the man's direction.

She focused on the sense of corruption she had first noticed, and decided it was coming from the one calling himself Markef. She was no stranger to the feeling of pure evil, but this felt different in its intensity. She could only describe it as old and barely constrained. She shifted on the mare, and turned her head back toward F'nor, even as she felt her heart beat faster in the aura washing outward from Markef.

"I have not become involved in the war, and neither has the elf. We were both traveling south, when we met the royal guardsman. We had decided to travel together, and the war found us apparently. An ambush to be exact, not too far travel to the north from here. If you travel in that direction, be aware they have a great many archers. Perhaps the royal guardsman can share more information of them, as I am not from this area."

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F'nor shook his head. "We were planning to head south, to where the fighting to stop it, and Markef to fight in it." As he said that, his axe-lance throbbed temporarily, as though Regal was trying to tell him something. F'nor dismissed it though, knowing he wouldn't be able to talk to his father until night fell. "If you were heading that way, might we travel together? It is obviously no longer safe to travel alone in these parts."


In response to F'nor's statement, Markef continued, "actually, I intend to end the war by winning it". That was a phrase he particularly enjoyed using, since he father had often said that the best way to end a war is to win it. "Other than that, F'nor's right", he continued. "If we're going to the same place, we might as well go together". He turned to the woman atop the horse. His life on the battlefield had taught him to recognize fear instantly; he could almost literally smell it. She was filled to the brim with it. He realized that the fear was coming from him. At the same time he felt both powerful and ashamed, scaring this individual on their first meeting. "No need to be afraid of lil' ol' me", he said. "I'm just a sympathetic, freedom-loving warrior, is all".


Faeron was floating in and out of consciousness, One minute he was walking the next he was dreaming. He awoke on the ground, bandaged but still a little sore...his eyes were a little blurry, looking up he say Kyolja and Cassius ... but there were two more, he stared at them "Regal??? Témalad???!!!" he said moving slightly. He went unconsciousness again, woke and whispered "Cayen, I need Cayen". Cayen was a plant grown in Rwendia, Faeron wasn't sure if it was grown in Tiran but it gave energy and cured illnesses. The arrow Faeron thought... The arrow must have been poisoned, he needed to clean the wound completely. He started dragging himself to the stream but the poison affects were getting stronger. He couldn't move anymore, he fell into unconsciousness yet again