The Tiran Wars: Liberty, at all Costs

Deleted User - 819397

Luck was on their side, it seemed. Sync and Glasya managed to avoid detection back to their tent, safe behind the tree illusion. The construct let out a sigh as they passed the entrance, not having realized he'd been holding his breath. The Ifrit confirmed his hope that they were in good shape for not being noticed, though this was short lived as Lucy woke up. One look at Glasya's appearance and she was screaming. Panicked, Sync did the first thing that came to mind and shoved a swift casting at her, cutting off her air supply...her lungs were unable to exhale what she had or inhale anything new, no matter how she labored. Riev had taught him that spell for a silent way to kill someone, but silencing the girl would work just as well. "You utter idiot," he spat in a voice that wouldn't carry far beyond the canvas walls, eyes almost glowing with anger. "We're being hunted by enough people that we will die if we attract their attention. Not that I'd accept you insulting my girlfriend like that in any case. I'm going to let you breathe again, but only if you promise to keep your mouth shut, understand?" He would let it drop the instant Lucy agreed...if he'd've thought about it he could have simply formed a bubble of hardened air around her to prevent sound from escaping, but...some part of him felt she deserved it. Glasya didn't deserve that kind of treatment. Not by half. With the immediate crisis handled, Sync turned his attention to the outside...had he acted quick enough to prevent their discovery, or was this going to turn into a rapid, probably fatal retreat?


"No laughing...this is being hard, ok?" Leilani complained as she retrieved her borrowed sword from the dirt for the second time in so many seconds, much to the amusement of the watching strike team members.
After a day under Red's care Leilani's head and arms were aching from the hours of practice and instructions she’d received on how to properly wield a blade. And science, mustn't forget the science, with much of what was being explained to her going straight over her head or simply sounding far too ludicrous for the apprentice to credit, everyone knew the mountains had been created by squabbling giants!
Dressed in a pair of tight fitting breeches, an old pair of Red's boots and a loose fitting blouse Leilani concentrated on readopting the correct pose just as she’d been taught to do so left foot here, right foot there, arm extended, knee bent... Her mother and sister, not to mention Mei would no doubt be aghast to see her clothed in such a manner; displaying her legs like a harlot! But the clothes were far more practical for the purposes of sword fighting and if Leilani was to be completely honest rather comfortable despite the disapproving looks she was receiving from the passing Khitain women she saw. She was also giving very serious thought to having her hair cut short as it was currently getting in her eyes which didn't help matters.
Satisfied that she'd adopted the correct stance Leilani took several deep breaths before speaking to Red in a nervous voice " being ready again Red" with any luck she'd be able to keep hold of her sword this time.

Feeling the air become trapped within her own lungs, Lucy frantically clutched at her throat as her eyes grew wide with fear. Tears streaming down her face as Sync turned on her leaving her with little option than to agree to his demand that she stay quiet lest he choke the life out of her.
The moment she was free of his spell she would fearfully scramble as far from him and his girlfriend as the tent would allow her to, with the girl almost continuing outside in her efforts to escape him.
Drawing her knees up to her chest she would silently sit there; violently shaking and her lungs on the verge of hyperventilation with it clear that what little trust she’d held in the pair was now completely shattered. Were it not for the men outside and the fact that they knew where Daner was she’d flee these horrible monsters entirely.
Meanwhile fat, lazy tears slowly wound their way down Glasya’s cheeks as she quietly sniffled with her self-esteem now practically non-existent. She didn’t like looking like this; she wanted to go back to the lingering looks and jealous glares of the men and women she passed in the streets. An elegantly beautiful woman who could get whatever she wanted with a few suggestive words. Instead she was a monster, something from a child’s nightmare as loathsome as it was fearsome, unloved and hated. Terrorising mere mortals had long ago lost all interest to her far easier to get them to, if not love then to lust after you with their longing glances feeding her growing narcissism.

A quick glance outside would reveal to Sync that a portion of the men currently crossing the empty campsite had broken away from the others and were heading their way though none of them seemed to know what exactly they were looking for. Perhaps they had simply decided to cover this portion of the field and hadn’t heard anything? Then again and perhaps more likely they had heard Lucy’s cry and were simply unaware of the possibility of a camouflaged tent meaning that there was yet still a chance that they’d go undetected.
By the time Sync had ducked back inside Lucy had recovered enough of her courage to fearfully whimper at the construct “Why is it crying? What does it want with me? Please, I’ll be good, don’t let it hurt me, I’ll be good I promise”

Daner had barely moved a few feet in Ren and Kairi’s direction when he was intercepted by a uniformed Khitain man who judging by the way he spoke and was dressed was some kind of an officer or perhaps even a just sergeant. Either way the man held some kind of authority within this camp and wasn’t afraid to use it as he barked something at Daner that between him and Brahmoth they managed to translate into meaning something along the lines of “who are you? And what are you doing here?” though perhaps not quite so politely worded as that.
By this point the two Ronin had all but abandoned the thief as they slowly weaved their way through the throng of soldiers; stopping every now and again to speak with them before moving on.
It was clear that there would be no escaping the sergeant without giving some kind of an answer to his question. At least not without using violence to aid in his escape; an option that would attract far too much undue attention and would do little to ingratiate the thief into the camp’s good graces and their willingness to tell him the whereabouts of his friends, assuming that they were even here at all.

Mei felt relief washing over her as she heard Gwyll state that they were still friends, with Mei taking the other girl’s hand and giving it a quick squeeze to show her how much hearing that had meant to her.
She wasn’t sure whether she’d made much sense with her explanation but she trusted Gwyll would ask her any questions that she may have on the subject. Mei also supposed that if it came to it that she could swallow her pride and ask Joshua to help her, even if it did mean telling him about this morning’s incident

She would find Joshua where she had left him waiting for them to return “Gwyll and I had a little talk, we should be ok now” she said to Joshua in the same tone of voice she’d used to tell her parents that she’d apologised to her brothers. However despite her and Gwyll being on better terms with one another she still didn’t really want to talk about it and so was quick to change the subject to something else “we should probably have something to eat before we start moving again” she said forcing herself to sound cheerful. Perhaps after they’d had something to eat followed by a few hours of walking everything would be back the way it was.



It was cold here, way too cold. There, ten feet or a thousand, it was too hard to tell which without a frame of reference, the dying remains of what must have been a wonderfully raging fire, cast out from its few remaining embers a feeble orange light, barely illuminating some sort of butternut canvas. As eyes adjusted to this feeble source, Akana began to make out the state of affairs of the current situation. A headache was tearing at her skull, she was shivering, her blanket and outer clothing had been cast around the tent, and she desired a deluge worth of water. The last memory her mind possessed was of her exhaust filled body collapsing onto her cot, immediately giving in to the sweet temptation of refreshing sleep. She was still fully clothed then, head scarf and all. But in the interim between then and now, she, or someone else (a much more worrisome possibility) had reduced her coverings to nothing more than a pair of spats and a pair of green wool stockings. As her mind cleared away the remaining sleepiness, the probable idea made its debut; in a fit of sleepy irritation at the cold, Akana had cast away the garments that were preventing the even distribution of body heat beneath the blanket. Some time later, in response to some nightmare now fortunately forgotten, Akana's thrashings had cast the protective covering aside, allowing her body's heat to escape into the surrounding. Not nearly enough to keep the tent warm, but it did produce the effect of eventually waking her up before she began suffering from hypothermia. Quickly gathering up the woolen square, Akana fashioned the blanket into a makeshift robe, and such her head outside the tent flap, now visible in the darkness. A campfire was merrily crackling, a kettle of some sort of sweet smelling liquid bubbling inside. Daniel was sitting on a tree stump facing towards the forest and away from the campfire and Akana's tent. It was unclear whether he was asleep or intently monitoring the border to the outside world. Akana didn't want to risk Daniel seeing her, not like this, so she retreated back into her tent. There was enough firewood to get the embers ignited again, and shortly Akana had the fire crackling and warm. There was enough light to do a quick search of the tent that revealed that any water that might once have been in any skins was now frozen solid. The only immediate cure for her thirst lay in that bubbling kettle on the fire. Another peek out reveald that Daniel had gotten up and gone somewhere. It was definitely not safe to assume that he had roved into the forest. But, there wasn't any sound around the camp. Nobody walking around. A quick dash there and back again, and the kettle was Akana's. The liquid was some sort of tea and not only did it clear the thirst, but it also cured the headache that had been plaguing Akana since she woke.

The next couple days had been fairly routine. Paperwork, training, paperwork, teaching Loolayannie, paperwork, and sleep. Daniel had been complaining about the damned thief who had pilfered his kettle and what he'd do to the man that had taken it. Red felt bad about it, and intened to return it once he was on the mid watch again. But that would be tomorrow night. Right now, Loolayannie was standing across from Red, trying to hold a proper stance. "Worry not. I laugh not. I had skill not when I the sword have began to learn. Place your hand here. Good. You will a good swordsman one day to be. We will a set now to perform. Wehrhaft!" Red attacked Loolayannie, demonstrating basic movements of the Balone movement, giving Loolayannie a chance to use basic parrying and blocking. Contrary to a real battle, Red allowed the magician in training to get in attacks of her own, giving her a chance to put that theory into practice as well. After a few rounds of this back and forth, Red stepped up the attacks a bit, and promptly broke through Loolayannie's defences. "Alright. You gain improvement. We will a break to have. Sit by the fire. We will science to learn." Red sat down by the fire and began drawing figures on a tablet preplaced there. When Loolayannie joined Red by the campfire, she was shown the figures, depicting various principles of hydrostatics. "Observe the cup. The pipe travels to the top. It loops and near the bottom it extends. The water will in the cup until the level of the loop to remain to reach. The liquid will until empty to flow. It is a siphon. It demonstrates gravity and pressure of air. Observe this container." Red pointed to a container that consisted of a tube at the bottom connected to several vessels of various shapes. They were all connected to the pipe at the bottom and depicted an equal water level in each attached vessel. "This shows communicating vessels. You increase the level in one vessel and the level in every vessel will increase. This has importance for systems of fluid. We will tomorrow discuss hydrodynamikk. Have you questions?" Daniel at this point spoke up. "Yeah, I've got one. Why's teaching the enemy Khitain science and fighting, may I add, so important? We should keep her locked up." Red stared at Daniel, eyes turning a darker shade of gray at every syllable. "Some Khitai desire not to fight. They desire to learn. I will every person with desire to teach. End of." With that, Daniel left to take a walk into the forest, leaving the rest of the strike team to carry on with their own devices. "I will this situation with him later to discuss," Red assured the group. "He has frustration. Loolayannie, have you questions of hydrostatikk?"


Brahmoth and Daner had just set off in the direction of where Ren and Kairi were situated when Oh for the love of! they were intercepted. As Brahmoth strung out a string of expletives enough to make even the hardiest of sailors blush at the continuing interruptions that seems to pester them in this damned infernal rustic backwards uptight stupid country Daner called upon his memory of Khitain to help them translate roughly what was being shouted at them. It seemed that the sergeant was questioning their purpose being in the camp. I really want to stab him. As in, really want to stab him. Brahmoth sighed internally and externally started preparing his reply. Stabbing the man would be so utterly pointless that me might as well stab himself through the throat first. Though, that experience was rather akin got having a conversation with most Khitainians at the moment. In mildly faltering Khitain, Brahmoth slowly began to speak his reply, making sure that he spoke nice and loud and slowly for the idiotic no good brainless sergeant that stood in his way. Usually he had more of a temper for these things but the past few weeks had really started to push him to breaking point.

I… In the camp with…” Brahmoth struggled to remember the word for friends and became vaguely certain that the pronunciation was also close to a rather more suggestive and slightly vulgar word, so he instead opted for “allies. We…” Looking? No, he didn’t know that. He know lustfully gazing at but that was only because of a rather crass joke that even in his state of anger he could tell wasn’t entirely appropriate for the present situation. “Searching.” He thought that was searching. He wasn’t quite sure. “for friends of ours. They... talk with others… that way.” Brahmoth pointed with his arm, reminded for a second of just how gangly and unfitting Daner’s body felt compared to his own. Still, wasn’t like he’d ever get his own body again so he’d just have to make do. Now on the home stretch, he pulled out a phrase that he’d practically memorised in his time in Khitai. “My Khitain very poor, fr… allies speak better than me. They help explain.” Well, that ought to do it. Unless, of course, leading the sergeant to Ren and Kairi protracted a fight because they had committed some cardinal sin according to the pointless rules of the Khitainians and this was punishable by death. Then again, in that case, Brahmoth had a plan. He always had a plan. Sure some of them involved lots of other people dying, but that didn’t particularly matter. He’d always make it out alive. Always? Always Daner, Always.

Deleted User - 819397

It hadn't been too much longer when Mei and Gwyll returned to the camp. Both women seemed subdued, but they had worked out whatever had come between them, or so Mei said. Gwyll still seemed down, but if she had returned she was at least willing to be around again, which was good. Joshua nodded and rose as the suggestion to eat came down. "That sounds like a good idea. We could chance a small fire now that the sun's up...if you get that going I'll heat up some of our meat. Not that it needs it, but it'll taste better if nothing else. Gwyll, if you could get something out of our packs to eat from I'd appreciate it, I'll get the meat." There was still tension, he could feel it. Roping them both into simple, menial tasks like this would help them focus on other things and let them recover. Or at least, Joshua hoped it would. It worked for him anyway.


It was hard to not feel bad for Lucy as she panicked away from Sync and Glasya. He'd screwed up again, the way she held herself, the way her aura was filled with fear so strong it hurt to look at her...yeah, that was bad. He needed to not be so impulsive, he was going to eventually do something he couldn't fix. However, there wasn't time to try to fix it, he needed to make sure they hadn't been discovered. A quick check around revealed there were a few approaching them, but they weren't moving fast enough to have heard them...or at least, he didn't think they were. From this distance their auras, filled with multiple emotions competing for any sort of dominance, were too muddied to make out their intent for going where they were. Still, they didn't seem to know the illusion was what it was, so there wasn't any real reason to suspect they'd be found so long as everyone kept quiet from then on out.

The construct felt sorrow and rage battle for dominance once he returned to see Glasya crying...Lucy's words had hurt her deeply, and he had no idea how to comfort her. The half-insane girl was asking about what 'it' wanted, that she would be good if 'it' didn't hurt her. It was difficult to remember why he shouldn't kill the girl for a moment, but he somehow managed to resist the urge. He took a moment to calm down, then spoke in a measured voice, not wanting to scare Lucy further. "She is upset that you were afraid of her, that you're judging her on her appearance. I believe it would help if you apologized. Just like I would like to apologize for what I did to you a moment ago. I panicked, we're in danger right now and need to be quiet, and I needed to get you to stop screaming. I'm sorry for what I did." His piece said, he retreated over to his lover, embracing her. He didn't know what to say, so he'd rely on his intentions to come across to her through the hug.


Gwyll stayed quiet as she and Mei made their way back to Joshua and the camp. She didn't want to disturb Mei and make her angry again, and she could not ask Joshua anything because he would ask about why she was asking and... It was like being in another pack's den, all quietly bared teeth and wrong decisions. What had happened to the feeling that this would be her new pack, that they were all friends? Were friendships with human really this fragile? Mei was doing the happiness thing, suggesting that they get something to eat and then go walking again, but Gwyll could not find the energy to act cheery as well. Joshua apparently agreed with Mei that they should get something to eat, asking Mei to start a fire up and Gwyll to get something out of their packs to eat. She knew where to find food, she'd been in there last night, so she went to grab it without any questions or comments. After setting it beside Joshua where she knew he could find it, Gwyll went to sit down against a tree a little ways away from the other two and the fire. She wanted to think right now rather than talk or pretend to be cheerful. And she was close enough that she could see the fire and Joshua or Mei could find her if they wanted to.


She had done a lot better this time, with her managing to keep a hold of her sword being a vast improvement, though she suspected that Red was holding back. A suspicion that was more than adequately proved when she suddenly pressed her attack to end with the point of her sword quivering before Leilani's undefended chest within mere seconds of her fresh offensive.
Despite Red's praise it was clear that she had a long way to go before she could even dream of winning a sword fight. Though perhaps with a little practice she might be able to prove a little more of a challenge than she currently was.
It was at this point that Red announced that it was time for her to learn science causing the girls stomach to tie itself in knots at the mere thought of it. She tried her best she really did but so much of it just went over her head and it would appear that this occasion would be no different to the others with Leilani staring at the figures and diagrams in growing confusion. It didn't help that she could only just understand what Red was saying at the best of times as she tried to apply her very limited Tiranian vocabulary to the older woman's strong accent and strange way of speaking.
She was thankfully spared from having to try and ask any questions by Daniel laying into her once again with the man receiving a strong reprimand from Red in response "why Dan-yell no liking of me?" Leilani asked in a quiet voice; watching as the man in question stalked away with the girl dropping her voice even lower as she continued to speak "...Is it because I being… different… to other girls?" she asked, searching for something, anything that she could have done to cause the man to hate her so.
Red had been there when she'd been forced to make her confession through Mei's enchantment so surely she would understand what Leilani was asking her and the implications it held. Right?

Gathering the small pile of sticks and kindling together into a pyramid shape, Mei cupped her hands and gently blew across the dry wood; causing it to ignite using only her breath. Concentrating on the beautiful, dancing flames before her she twisted and formed them to her will. She couldn’t help but play, it’d been such a long time since she’d last had an open fire to play with and she hadn’t realised how much she had yearned to flex her muscles so to speak and make the flames dance to her song. So enraptured was she with the fire that she momentarily forgot about everything and everyone else as the flames first morphed into that of a dancing couple that looked more than a little like her and a Joshua to then morph into a soaring fire bird. Her little display ended with a prowling wolf that circled the edge of small campfire before silently howling at an invisible moon.
It was upon seeing the wolf that Gwyll once again came to her mind, with Mei looking up to see what the girl thought of her creation only to find that she had retreated away from her and Joshua at the first opportunity she’d gotten.
Suddenly playing with fire seemed to lose all enjoyment for the mage as she reduced the flames down to a level that Joshua could cook on with a wave of her hands; her mood once again subdued.
She’d let Joshua do the cooking unless he really wanted her to help, though she did brew some tea for them which was about the extent of her cookery skills.
She tried to keep up the appearance of being her usual cheerful self for a short period of time before giving up and deciding that her heart wasn’t really in it “we’d better get moving I suppose” Mei quietly suggested after she’d finished her meal, with a quick wave of her hand killing the fire dead.
With Gwyll making it abundantly clear that she didn’t want to talk to her, Mei would give the wild girl a very wide berth for the rest of the day in the hope that a little time alone was all that she needed and that their friendship wasn’t over like she was starting to fear it was.

Feeling Sync’s arms gently sliding about her, Glasya leant into the embrace; burying her tear stained face into his shoulder as she continued to cry “why are mortals so cruel?” she asked in a miserable voice, though it was clear that it wasn’t just Lucy this statement was aimed at but the mortal world in general and all the ways in which they’d wronged her. Was there any wonder that her people acted the way they did? “Sync…I want to go home” she sobbed knowing full well that that was something that would never happen. She was banished, exiled, never to return under pain of a very slow and agonising death, if they allowed her to die that is.

Meanwhile Lucy looked on in growing confusion as the monster continued to cry within Sync’s arms, seemingly deeply hurt by the way that she’d reacted upon seeing her. It would take several minutes for the girl to reassess her view of the world with most of the stories and folklore she’d been told as a child seeming to be somewhat lacking when it came to the monsters actually having feelings and with none of them as far as she was aware bursting into tears because their feelings had been hurt. When she thought about it Glasya had been rather nice to her and she was actually rather pretty in a scary kind of way so perhaps she wasn’t all that scary after all… perhaps she was a good monster?
Finally making her mind up Lucy spoke to the pair in a quiet voice so as not to alert the bad men outside “I…I’m sorry pretty monster, please don’t cry you just scared me a little bit…I didn’t mean to make you cry” she said, delivering a sincere if rather poorly worded apology “I want to go home and see my family too, but they’re all gone…I…I’m all alone” she continued, with a look of terror flickering into her eyes as she realised for the first time how alone she really was; No home, no family, the guild that had looked after her since she was a child was gone and her only real friend was locked away in the Forbidden city…she had nothing.
Lucy was broken from out of this rather depressing train of thought by something striking the tent; causing the canvas to bow inwards at an alarming angle with the blonde haired girl leaping across its interior in fright to wrap her arms about a rather surprised Glasya and press her face against her back.
A stream of expletives followed as the tent returned to its original form with the sound of people laughing coming from somewhere outside as the first voice made his excuses as to why he’d walked into a tree.
With no further incidents that night the girls would eventually fall asleep with Lucy’s arms still wrapped tightly around Glasya’s waist and remaining so until she awoke the following morning.

“What friends?” the sergeant replied in his native language as he turned to look in the direction that Daner had indicated. Turning to look themselves the pair would discover that Ren and Kairi were now nowhere to be seen having disappeared around a corner or something at some point during their conversation with the sergeant.
The sergeant was of average height for a Khitain man, meaning that he was at least a head shorted than Daner was. Dressed in dark leather armour and sporting a sword at his hip.
Smiling at Daner in a friendly manner the sergeant raises his handing a calming gesture as he continued to speak in his native tongue, though at a much slower pace than before “Don’t worry, I believe you…come follow me I’ll take you to who you need to see about your friends” he said in friendly voice as he patted the obviously lost young man’s arm.
Effortlessly batting aside any excuses Daner might have for not following him the Sergeant would lead him to a large tent at the edge of the camp, it was the kind of tent where officers could gather in order to hold briefings around large maps of the country and the such. Then again it could just as easily be a mess tent judging from the size.
Unfortunately for Daner however it was neither a mess tent nor an officer’s command centre, for as he stepped inside he would be greeted by the sight of around a dozen people sat in the centre of the tent with their hands bound together and guarded by a pair of crossbowmen. It was at this point that his new friend the sergeant would hit him across the back of the head with his sword and the world went black.

He didn’t know how long he’d been out for, only that he was no longer within the tent and that the sun was now low in the sky though whether that dawn or dusk was currently unclear “good, you’ve woken up just in time to die with the rest of us” a woman’s voice spoke from somewhere nearby though before he had time to investigate this a Khitain officer strode into view “I am going to offer you rebel scum the same deal as everyone else…recover the artefact and you can go free…return without it and you will die” he announced imperiously, gesturing towards the mouth of a recently excavated set of ruins.
At one point in time there would have been a set of spiralling stone stairs descending down into the black depths before them but they had long since vanished, instead there were a pair of hastily constructed rope ladders. It was whilst the officer had been talking that a large sack had been lowered into the depths by a pair of soldiers, no doubt to await them once they reached the bottom.
With his speech made the officer strode out of view leaving a dozen men armed with crossbows behind to both encourage them into the ruins and carry out the other part of the threat should be foolish enough not to enter “well lets get on with it, we haven’t got all day in which to die in” the same woman’s voice spoke prompting several of the group to start heading towards the ladders that would take them down into the inky blackness of the ruins.


It appeared that Ren and Kairia had vanished. Brahmoth’s sarcastic commentary continued in true form at this turn of events though the Sergeant’s response did ease his mind. See, entirely reasonable. Always said so. Though the arm touching is a little much. As Brahmoth resisted the urge to bat the shorter man’s hand away he set off, following the Sergeant through the camp as they went searching for Ren and Kairi. They were led towards an official looking tent and Brahmoth started to get a mildly uneasy feeling, but he was reassured by the fact that the Sergeant seemed like enough of a simpleton that they were in safe hands. They walked into the room and Brahmoth had just enough time to comprehend the scene in front of him, weapons drawn and pointed at the figures bound in the centre, before the sword hit the back of the body’s head. Ah. As Brahmoth pitched forwards, he couldn’t help but think that he really was supposed to have planned for this.

Brahmoth opened his eyes. Shut it. Daner was currently too deathly afraid to make jokes but Brahmoth issued the warning anyway. He’d been a moron. He’d let himself get comfortable and lazy. They’d had an easy enough time wandering around the countryside that he’d decided that it was fine to simply not indulge in basic precaution. He wondered if Ren and Kairi were looking for him. Whether they were in league with the enemy. Whether they were even who they said they were at all. Well this is pointless. All we know is that they’re not here right now. The rest we can figure out… when we escape. As Daner crept out from the rock under which he had been mentally hiding to suggest something, Brahmoth harshly cut across him. When, not if Daner. Positive thinking. Brahmoth stared at the ground for a second, listening as they were given their instructions. As the final pieces fell into place as to where they were, Brahmoth almost groaned out loud. It was certainly a good thing that they hadn’t introduced themselves. If they had, he almost certainly would not have survived very long and they be looting the star key from his dead corpse. As his thoughts turned to the star key, his hand went to his pocket, feeling for it. It was gone. So were his daggers, his smoke bombs and all of his equipment, including his, well their if he was honest, money.

Brahmoth cursed himself. He knew they’d likely been really thorough but he should have taken more precautions to hide the star key, especially given how important it was but such action was pointless in retrospect. He’d just make sure to hide it better next time. Now that the man had finished addressing them the woman from earlier spoke again. Brahmoth sighed. He was useless without his equipment. Walking forwards, he placed his hands on the ladder and started the slow descent. The sooner we get this over and done with, the sooner that we get our equipment back and the sooner we can get to stealing back the star key. Who knows, maybe they’d even not realised the importance of the star key and it would be inside the equipment bag for them to just take back. It was unlikely, Brahmoth reckoned, but you always needed to think positive.


Red knew that teaching the Khitain magician girl would be difficult. She had only a background in the magical disciplines, and while that sort of knowledge was useful for casting spells and such, that knowledge was outdated or sometimes even outright wrong when viewed through the lens of scientific research and discovery. This led to misunderstandings when explaining even basic concepts like mass and pressure. Making matters even worse, Loolayannie and a very light grasp of Tiranian, and Red had a terrible time with the conjunction, making even relatively simple sentences hard to understand for a native of Tiran, much less a Khitain. Added to that was the fact that many of the words of Maurangerian had been developed from scientific advancement unknown to the rest of the world, causing such words as molekül and trägheit to be clunkily explained using close enough Tiranian. This unfortunately left some concepts inadequately explained, and there was nothing Red could do to help Loolayannie with that short of teaching her the language. That would be a complex task in and of itself, best left until May returned and Red began language lessons with her. But back to hydrostatikk. Unfortunately, Loolayannie’s question did not involve the simple science of standing water, but instead the complex and decidedly overly complex subjects of human emotion and individual motivation. The specific topic today was Daniel’s hatred of Loolayannie. She seemed to believe that it must be borne out of a hatred of difference. A moment of study was required to determine what specific difference she meant. The quieting of the voice, the blushing, the downcast face, all pointed to that one subject that had been brought up during her interrogation by the magician May of that one night of pleasure with a longtime crush. “If Daniel that fact to know, then he his efforts will increase,” Red answered, after a moment of thought for the right words. “He enjoys easy targets in his belief to seduce. I believe he a deep hatred for enemies to possess. The presence of you injures the feelings of his. The interactions between us hurt the feelings of his. They are betrayals to him. He has understanding about human emotions, but he the understanding to real life the capability not to possess. We must the light Daniel to show. We require you a good person to him to demonstrate. I have faith to you. We will this task to accomplish.” After another attempt at teaching the subject of hydrostatikk to Loolayannie through the subject of the pressure vessel and the relation of height to pressure (though Red believed it just wasn't sinking in), changed up the lesson a bit. “Ok. Please, you teach me knowledge of magic. I know you a trainee status to possess, but I know you some magic the ability to possess to perform. I would like the fundamentals of magic to understand.” The request, while being true enough in its intentions, also contained the ulterior motive of figuring out how Loolayannie taught. Through that, it might be possible to tailor how Red taught the magician girl to help her understand the wide world of science.

Deleted User - 819397

Sync scowled as Glasya asked the question what made people so cruel. He didn't know...there wasn't a whole lot he could do to deny the statement or answer the question. He hadn't lived all that long, and his experiences had been...mixed, to say the least. About the only thing he was capable of right now was holding her. The construct felt a pang of sympathy roll through him as the Ifrit asked to go home...from what little he understood that wasn't an option for her...just like it wasn't for him. She'd been exiled, he'd exiled himself by turning against his father. There wasn't a home for either of them to go to. "I...I understand...I want somewhere to call home too. I'll be with you though...I promise." Lucy then surprised hm by approaching the pair, saying she too missed home, that she was all alone. It seemed they were a trio of misfits...what a wonderful realization. A flash of guilt hit him as he went back over what he'd done to her in the moments he'd had a chance to be nicer. "Lucy...I'm sorry for how I've treated you..." he began. A sudden bulge in the tent wall cut him off, however, as someone very nearly discovered them. A few moments of panicked listening later, he was reasonably sure they were safe...though it didn't look like the traumatized girl was willing to let go of Glasya anytime soon. Sync decided that his apology would be better saved until morning, and instead settled in for the evening, allowing Glasya to rest on him even as she did the same for Lucy. It was comforting, knowing that the one person he knew meant him no harm was so close...he fell asleep smiling.


It would appear that it was her friendship with Red that was causing the friction between her and Daniel, that and the fact that she had started out working for the other side. When she thought about it, perhaps it wasn’t too surprising then that Daniel held some animosity towards her, not that she’d done anything to deserve it, though she was finding Red’s comment about her being an Easy target somewhat confusing.
However before she had chance to ask for a more detailed explanation it was time for science again, with Leilani only managing to grasp the most basic of concepts before Red brought the lesson to an end. It was then that things took a rather unexpected turn when Red asked her to teach her about magic.
Blinking in surprise it took Leilani a few moments to assemble her thoughts as she struggled to find an appropriate starting point for such a potentially diverse and complex topic. She’d never considered how to explain it to another person before, especially someone who wasn’t proficient in the art themselves “I…I not being sure…there are being these…currents…like wind or…or in water that I can…use…to do things” she said, speaking slowly more for her own benefit than for Red’s as she tried to put her thoughts into some kind of logical order and then translate it into her rather basic Tiranian. If only she could use her native tongue then she’d be able to describe the feel and taste of magic so much easier and in more detail than she could manage with her fumbling and heavily accented Tiranian. Biting her bottom lip Leilani lapsed into silence for several minutes, so long in fact that Red would be forgiven into thinking that she had given up on trying to teach her when Leilani exclaimed aloud and started speaking excitedly “you knowing how to do…erm…the sewing of pictures?” she asked, wishing she knew the word for embroidery or even tapestry but hoping that being a girl that Red would know about such things. After all what girl wasn’t taught to sew and embroider? How else was she supposed to mend and make new clothes for her family “…well each magical element is being different colour thread and…and…to be making spell I …sew…certain threads into certain patterns…is making sense right?” she asked, certain that she must have hit upon the correct if rather basic analogy to use.
However as excited as Leilani was about this new discovery of hers, what Red had told her before about Daniel was still bugging her and would continue to do sountil she gave voice to the question in her mind, and so dropping her voice to a near whisper she asked “Red, I being confused…how me spending of night with Yui making me easy target for Dan-yell?”

Sync would awaken to the sound of Lucy happily chattering away to somebody with her conversation frequently interspersed with girly, giggling laughter. He'd have been forgiven into assuming that she was talking to Glasya, after all she was the only other person within the tent but it quickly became clear that that wasn't the case.
With a slightly glazed look to her eyes Lucy was seemingly holding a full conversation with thin air whilst Glasya watched with an amused look on her face.
Upon realising that Sync had awoken the Ifrit would place a black lacquered finger against her lips before moving in close to whisper into his ear so as not to disturb the other girl "my powers have started coming back" she said clearly delighted at this recent turn of events "...I've cast a little illusion onto our friend, don't distract her its too thin of a weave to take the strain… it’s interesting the things you can learn from someone who thinks they're speaking with a loved one, that and I thought she deserved a little happiness" she quietly explained before kissing him on the cheek and looping her arm about his waist, letting the girl chatter on a little longer before cautiously speaking to her "Lucy dear, why don't you introduce us to your friend?" she asked causing a look of confusion to momentarily wash over Lucy's face as the illusion tried to synchronise with reality " friend?...Oh yeah, sorry...Daddy these are my friends Sync and Glasya...I know she looks kind of scary but she's actually rather nice...Daddy! Trust you to say that with her boyfriend sat right there" Lucy suddenly exclaims, casting the pair an apologetic look as she does so; her cheeks glowing bright pink with embarrassment “Please don’t get mad with him Sync he only means it as a compliment” she quietly asked the construct in a low voice before turning her attention back to where her father was presumably sat; with the girl giggling in response to whatever he had said.
Glasya had to admit that even with half of the girls face cut off she was still rather cute when she was laughing and smiling. However as much as the girl was enjoying being able to speak with her father, the spell was beginning to wear Glasya out and so after quietly muttering a few words she began to dismantle the illusion though not before giving Lucy chance to say goodbye; asking her father whether he would be able to visit her again. Glasya hesitated a few moments before cautiously agreeing, not that Lucy would realise that it was Glasya making the decisions.

With Lucy’s father having once again returned to the ethers of the girl’s mind it was time for them to decide what to do. They had no food so breakfast was out of the question, and after a brief scout around outside by Lucy it was clear that the soldiers were now gone, though to where they weren’t certain “Perhaps they returned to their camp after finding nothing?” Lucy cautiously ventured, with her head gently resting against Glasya’s shoulder with the Ifrit responding with her own comment “or just as easily they’ve over taken us and are waiting a little further down the path” all the same they couldn’t stay here. Though whether they decided to try and track down their comrades in the rebellion or took a different course of action was entirely up to them.

Mei would spend much of the day’s journey in a subdued mood, and although there were moments when she’d return to her normal self often as a result of something Joshua had said and done it wouldn’t last very long and she’d return to her melancholy.
She was scared that she’d irreparably damaged her friendship with Gwyll after this morning and so as well as giving Gwyll a wide berth she was also trying to hide what had happened from Joshua lest he side with Gwyll and lose his trust also.

It was late afternoon when they came across the farm; a collection of buildings gathered around a communal well from which the handful of families had drawn their water. The army had passed the place not that many days before with several of the soldiers leaving behind small trinkets in return for drawing water from out of the well. However as the trio approached it was clear that the place was deserted with even the livestock missing.
Something was wrong about the place; the farmers obviously hadn’t decided to leave as they had left not only food and valuables behind but even a meal cooking on the hearth. There was also an odour to the place, a smell of death and evil. For Gwyll the stench would be almost overpowering, with its source seemingly being the well at the farms centre. To her it would smell like some kind of animal had been here, though it was like no animal that she’d ever smelled before “Something bad happened here” Mei nervously spoke to Joshua as she looked around, with even the air seeming far too still.
Meanwhile overhead the sun was rapidly sinking meaning that the group would have to decide whether they would be staying in one of the farmhouses tonight; preferably one that was a good distance away from the well. Or whether they would forge on ahead and find somewhere to set up camp within the jungle though it would be debatable as to how much further they would get before the light forced them to stop “well…if we used one of the farmhouses then at least we’d be able to sleep on a real bed and have a proper hearth to cook on” Mei pointed out, though even she was sceptical over staying here “…What do you two think about staying the night here?”

The descent into the darkness was a long one; with the muscles in Daner’s arms screaming by the time he reached the bottom. As his feet touched down upon the worn and cracked flagstones the mysterious woman had already reached the bottom and was in the process of lighting another torch from those already burning within the sconces in order to add a little more light within the chamber.
Roughly the same age as he was, the girl was clearly from Jehenna with her dark, wavy hair cut short so that it stopped just below her ears.
With her thrusting the lit torch at him to take it also became abundantly apparent to Daner that she was more than a little attractive with flawlessly smooth skin and enticingly dark eyes, even if her facial features were a touch on the sharp side and she was yet to say anything to him other than a pair of sardonic comments.
It wasn’t long until the rest of the group; around twelve in total, joined them at the bottom of the chamber. With the ladders being pulled up not long after the last man had stepped off the final rung leaving the group to gaze around at the ruins in which they had been led in mild wonder. This was like no place that they had ever seen before with even this chamber being larger than the country houses they had grown up in with long dark corridors branching off in multiple directions.
Seemingly unimpressed by the grand architecture around her the Jehennan girl was busily searching through the sack that the guards had lowered down earlier “The damn thieves have stolen my bow!” she cursed angrily in heavily accented Tiranian as she strapped a Kukri about her thigh “well don’t’ just stand there, get your gear before those idiots help themselves!” she snaps at Daner clearly still irritated about having lost her bow and taking it out on whoever was nearest “She’s right friend, most of that lot are peasants and conscripts…chances are the four of us are the only ones with any real weaponry” a tall, scarred Tiranian spoke as he moved to search the sack with a red haired Soldevi man glaring threateningly at the Khitain prisoners as he did so. Despite the fact that the Khitain heavily outnumbered them they still kept their distance, even more so when the Soldevi was handed a pair of spears; one long, one short and a buckler.
A frantic search of the sack would produce most of Daners weaponry, though his various explosive devices had vanished as had, unfortunately the Star key “Right let’s get going before these idiots do something…NO STOP!” The Jehennan woman screamed as one of the prisoners broke and fled down a nearby corridor. There was a flash of steel and then the man fell to the floor in three neat portions. The entire group would take a moment to stare in horror at the remains before the Jehennan woman cautiously spoke to the three of them “I say we pick a different corridor to go down…and leave these fools to their fates”

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The day hadn't been particularly enjoyable, unfortunately. Gwyll subdued, Mei only animating when Joshua spoke up. Something big had happened between them, and the rift wasn't getting any smaller, much to the Swordmaster's consternation. Still, there wasn't exactly anything he could do to fix it seeing as no one was telling him what had happened, so for the time being he kept his peace...he trusted Mei to work things out with Gwyll, or to tell him if she couldn't.

The day was well and truly ruined by the small farming settlement they came across, the stillness and absence of animals only accentuating the feel and smell of death. Joshua found himself clenching his fists as he looked around at the area...there had been at least a dozen people here, living their lives...and something had snuffed them out, without any particular effort it seemed, since signs of a struggle were minimal. Had it been the soldiers? If so...this was unforgivable...taking innocent lives like this was something he couldn't condone. If not, and judging from the lack of blood spatters it hadn't been...then whatever had done it needed to die. The Swordmaster's hard, angry eyes softened as Mei asked if they should spend the night here, that they'd get an actual bed and a place to cook on if they chose to do so. Something about the idea of sleeping in a bed that both belonged to someone else and who had died here bothered him, but...all the same, there was the practical answer. "We...we shouldn't pass up an advantage...but..." he turned to his fiancée, expression stricken. " you have any idea what happened here? Have there been reports of this kind of thing happening before, where a place just...stops, everyone gone and with the stench of death around it? This...this is awful..." He looked around again, paying attention to the loving details the people had put into their home. "I think we should stay, but...if there's anything we can do for the people who lived here, even if they're dead..." He cut off, scowling. He hated this. Hated what greed and ambition could do to people, justifying things like this. He wasn't going to stand for this. Not now, not ever.


Out of all the ways Sync had expected to wake up, hearing Lucy talking as happy as could be was not one of them. He blinked to clear his eyes, frowning, only to have Glasya explain she'd put an illusion up so the girl thought she was talking to someone she cared about. "That was really nice of you," the construct murmured, smiling at her before giving her a quick kiss. The pair watched her for a moment before the Ifrit asked to be introduced to her friend. It was apparently her father she saw sitting across from her, someone she respected and liked. A little bitterness crept into Sync's aura. How nice it was for her to get along with her parents, rather than realize they were just using her to achieve their own goals. From what Lucy was saying, the illusion had said something uncouth about Glasya, with the injured girl trying to cover for him. "It's fine, really..." he managed after a moment, nonplussed as to what he'd just waved off. To his relief, Glasya ended the illusion not long after, so he didn't need to extend his own thoughts on what the girl's father had or hadn't said. From there it was a question of what to do, since they had run out of food and it wasn't a stretch to think the soldiers had taken the rest of what he hadn't scavenged yet. They needed to move. "Like I said yesterday...I want to pay Joshua and Mei back for sparing my life when they didn't need that means finding them...not that I really know how to...tracking is only good when I can find the target's aura, and they've been gone long enough there's no trace..." He wanted to track the pair down, but unless Glasya or Lucy had a better idea, they'd likely wind up putting their survival first. It was the only sensible thing to do, jarring as it was.


Brahmoth was not having a good day. This body was still in pretty good shape, though they’d lost some muscle from the sparsity of food over the last couple of months, but even so the climb down was fairly hellish. His arms were stinging and as he reached the bottom and the ladders pulled up away from them; he thought about how he might not see the sky again for a while. The prospect was not appealing and for a moment he just wanted to sit down and give up. The body wasn’t his and he wasn’t even really a person, so what did it matter? Surely Daner could take control and do something, even if that was just to die? The harsh words of the Jehennan girl snapped Brahmoth out of his thoughts and a sense of perspective dawned on him. It didn’t matter that this wasn’t his body, he was still determined to live. More importantly, he was determined to make a man of Daner, repay his friends and make sure that this world didn’t go to hell. If he managed to get revenge for the death of his own past self on the side, that was a bonus. He searched through the sack and his day was worsened by the news of the loss of the star key. It had been expected. Even if they didn’t understand the significance of it, which they probably didn’t by the fact that he hadn’t been tortured before being sent in here, its loss was still bad as someone else might recognise its importance. Some other things, however, were still where he wanted them. The arm blades were in the sack, as were his duelling daggers and his throwing knives. His smoke bombs had vanished, the last of his explosives. A memory floated up from Daner of collecting them from the ruined storeroom of the thieves’ guild, them and the explosive mine they’d used in their escape being the only things that had survived the destruction of the building. Fitting the arm bands to his wrists, he tested that they still worked okay, gladdened that at least something was going right today, and then stepped away from the bag.

He’d barely stepped away from the bag when the Khitainian broke free and Brahmoth simply stared, rather than calling out, as he ran. The man was obviously Khitain, he probably didn’t even understand them and the flash of steel ended his swift break for freedom. It happened so fast, Brahmoth wasn’t even entirely sure of the method of death. The wounds were neat and the three portions slumped to the floor in a small pile. Swords, probably. The thought was more for himself but Daner stirred from where he’d been resting during the climb down. Brahmoth quietly thought that he was getting worried about the man. He’d become increasingly quiet in the last couple months and it felt almost like he was fading from Brahmoth’s mind. He vaguely thought about switching with Daner, almost like he was willing it to happen, but nothing did. The girl spoke again and, Brahmoth’s concentration broken, thoughts of switching scattered like smoke on the wind. He wanted to bring the prisoners with them, but realistically the girl was right. He turned to the group of prisoners and summoned his best Khitain. “Follow far from arse [he couldn’t think of the word for behind], you might [wasn’t sure if that was the right ending, it was one of those bloody irregulars] live.” Turning back to the girl, he switched to his much more native Tiranian. “Told them to follow a distance behind, I’d feel bad giving them no chance at all.” Moving over to the pile of torches, he picked one up, snapped his fingers, looked irritated, snapped his fingers again and then smiled as the flames licked up from his fingers and set the torch on fire. Holding the torch in his left hand, he drew one of his throwing knives in his right. The subconscious tally in his head adjusted, nineteen plus one in hand, and he motioned to the corridor to the right of the one in which the man had fallen. “I say we take this one. Stick to the right hand wall, keep following it, makes it harder to get lost.” He paused for a second, making his mind up, before speaking. “One thing before we go, tell me a bit about you. I don’t care about your family or your unborn child or that bull, tell me what’s going to help us get out of here alive. I’ll go first. Name’s Daner, I’ll also respond to Brahmoth. Head of the Tiran Thieves guild, amateur magic user, skilled knives user, mildly decent at disabling traps.” Deciding that taking the initiative was the better course of action to get the result he desired, he jabbed his right hand (and thus his throwing knife) in the direction of the Jehennan girl. “What about you?”


"No...Not that I know of anyway" Mei replied, just as clueless as to the fate of the farmers as the rest of them, only knowing that something very bad had happened here and that the farmers wouldn't be returning no matter how much she tried to persuade herself to the contrary.
The evening would turn out to be just as subdued and tense as the rest of the day had been with the strange atmosphere wrought by the farmer’s mysterious fate adding to their woes with neither Mei nor Gwyll seemingly willing to speak more than a few words at a time.

After eating the meal that Joshua had prepared with Mei’s rather dubious assistance the young couple would retire to one of the bedrooms leaving Gwyll the rest of the house in which to find somewhere to sleep and it was only after the pair of them were nestled within the freshly changed bedding that Mei would finally break down “She h-hates m-me Joshua!” Mei quietly sobbed; her voice muffled by her fiancées chest “it w-was an accident I…I sw-swear! I thought she was you and so I…I…” Mei didn’t really want to confess that she’d inadvertently touched up the other girl, hoping instead that Joshua would catch her drift as she continued to speak “…I a-apologised b-but she wanted me t-t-to do it again!...and well…I…I kind of yelled at her” she finished miserably as she looked up at him with a tear stained face just as a fresh wave assailed her “…a-and n-now you hate me too!” she sobbed, certain that Joshua was going to yell at her.

It was in between all of the tears and the sobbing that Joshua would get the unshakeable feeling that something was wrong. It was like there was a presence within the house and yet no matter how much he strained his senses he could hear nothing other than his weeping fiancée and Gwyll sleeping next door. It could just be his imagination after all it had been a rather tense day what with everything that had happened between Mei and Gwyll, not to mention the grim circumstances surrounding the farm. But then again…maybe it wasn’t.

“I can track a little…that was how I managed to find this place” Lucy cautiously ventured as if she expected the others to call her a liar. She was far better within a city but her father had been a Northman and so had imparted some forest lore to his daughter before vanishing one fateful day.

After gathering together what few possessions they wished to carry with them, the trio left the comforts of the tent and started on their way. Though not before Glasya had cast a cautious eye around the abandoned campsite “I still wish I knew who had cast that illusion…it’d sit so much easier with me to know what kind of debt I owed” Glasya spoke to Sync; almost certain in the knowledge that some form of payment would be required for the safe haven they had been provided “Maybe tonight I can cast a little illusion on you Baby boy and let you see your hearts desire?” Glasya suggested with a seductive chuckle knowing full well where that would lead them, though they’d have to find somewhere else for Lucy to be first lest she see more of the couple than was really necessary.

It wasn’t long after they started their journey that Lucy retreated into silence; refusing to respond to anything Sync or Glasya did in other way than a haunted look as she was once again tormented by her demons.

After spending most of the day following the army’s trail they would spot plumes of smoke coming from the east “What do you reckon Baby boy? Is that our camp or has someone put a village to the torch?” Glasya asked unable to really tell one way or the other whether she was seeing campfires or not. Either way the fires didn’t look to be too far away, though it would mean leaving the trail that Lucy was following in order to investigate. However having lost the trail three times already it was debatable as to how good the trail was anyway.

“Mind your tone thief!” the girl responded with obvious disdain as she took on an arrogantly noble bearing before then introducing herself “I am Alia Sil…Sands” the girl said; rapidly correcting her name in a manner that said she hoped nobody would notice before continuing in the same regal tones “…and I can shoot out a man’s eye from one hundred paces even on horseback, or at least I could if some thief hadn’t stolen my bow” she snapped, directing a look that said she was holding Daner personally responsible for the theft despite it obviously not being the case “…now if you’ve finished wasting my time I suggest we get moving” she said before striding off down the corridor “well…she thinks highly of herself doesn’t she?” the Tiranian responded with a rueful grin “The names Tywin; former guard captain turned mercenary…I kill things, oh and this Soldevi dog is Taranis” The scarred Tiranian said with a smile as he clapped the wiry, red haired and heavily tattooed Soldevi man on the shoulders “…he’s one of the best damn hunters and trackers I’ve ever seen” Tywin finished with the Soldevi man shifting uneasily under the praise being heaped upon him “Are you three coming or what? Or should I find the way out by myself!” Alia snapped from where she stood within the corridor, with the pretty Jehennan girl shaking her head as she muttered something in her native tongue before walking away. Meanwhile the Khitain prisoners would hang back as per Daner’s rather garbled instructions though there was more than a few discontent mutterings within their ranks.


Well she’s a polite wench. Brahmoth chuckled to himself. A high society insult for a high society girl. Or at least, she thought of herself as high society. Give any of them a few good days and nights of honest work and it’ll never be the same for them. That’s why they spend their childhood locked up in castles. Still, Brahmoth made a visible effort (or at least visible to Daner) to commit her name to memory. Given that she already disliked them, forgetting her name was not likely to make matters much better. Alia Sands, fun name fun girl. At least the Tiranian and the Soldevi were in better spirits with the Tiranian introducing himself as Tywin and the Soldevi as Taranis. Former guards captain and a hunter/tracker. They made for a semi decent party then. Brahmoth had certainly worked with worse during his early years, whilst he’d been wandering before he’d returned to the Thieves Guild. Pity there weren’t any magic users besides himself, he’d have to try and compensate for that. As Alia snapped at the trio from the corridor before stalking off, Brahmoth cast the others a rueful grin, or about as close as he could get (it was still weird using someone else’s facial muscles and so it ended up being slightly lopsided), before setting off after her. “Now I know that this might be a novel idea to you, but perhaps you shouldn’t go at the front Alia.” Brahmoth called out cheerfully as they set off. “Unless you happen to have been dungeoneering in your childhood, since I’m sure that was a favourite pastime of yours, then I would suggest that you let someone with a little bit of experience in finding traps go ahead, before you end up a repeat of our friend back in the other corridor.” His piece said he carried on. Didn’t matter if the girl died to be honest. He had the other ones and she seemed like a fair amount of effort anyway. He really wasn’t that bothered.

Deleted User - 819397

Dinner was as subdued of an affair as the rest of the day had been, with Joshua doing the cooking. He didn't mind, it gave him something to do, and he knew Mei's help was more out of a sense of obligation than any enjoyment on her part. If he was to be their cook, that would be agreeable with him. He and his fiancée retired before long, leaving Gwyll the rest of the house. As he followed Mei into the bedroom, he looked back at the shapeshifter with a smile. "Don't hesitate to come get us if anything happens or if you need anything, ok?" He was worried about the younger girl...she'd been morose all day...what had happened between her and Mei?

It turned out that question was to be answered in short order. It seemed that Mei had forgotten that Joshua was to take the last watch, and had been feeling...amorous. This had led to her touching Gwyll, and the shapeshifter had asked for more, which turned into an argument. This made a lot of sense, all things considered...neither had been fully awake and not thinking about the consequences of their actions, and had thus reverted to their natural tendencies in stressful situations. Wrapping his arms about the love of his life, he kissed the top of her head, murmuring, "I don't hate you...I could never hate sounds like there was a misunderstanding on both sides...Gwyll thinks more like an animal than a human...I think when she asked you for more, she meant touching in general...remember how much she enjoyed being pet when she was a fox? Not that I blame you for your reaction, you were thinking in the context of what you had been hoping for to start with me and got locked in that state of mind." The Swordmaster was quiet for a moment before adding, "thank you for telling me...I know that couldn't have been easy. Just remember that I love you and I'm not going to make you stand alone...if something like that happens again, please don't feel like you can't include me...ok?" He would continue to hold her, content to calm her with his presence even as he started to feel uneasy. It felt like his mercenary senses kicking in...something felt wrong. And yet...he was probably just nervous spending the night in a building where something bad had happened. As much as he knew it was foolish, Jehannans had enough superstition going around about the supernatural world that any native to the country would have at least a little worry about it...Joshua liked to think he was above all that, but his practical side told him he was in fact just as susceptible. No sense worrying though...he was safe with the love of his life, Gwyll was nearby, and with her keen senses she'd warn them if something was need to be afraid at all...


The tracking was to be done by Lucy. That wasn't what Sync had been expecting, but he wasn't about to complain when neither he nor Glasya had the ability to follow the resistance. Plus, he was busy enjoying all the possibilities that the Ifrit's suggestion had offered him, his aura blooming with the emotions she could have expected from such an idea as he kissed her. The day passed well enough, though Lucy withdrew early on, locking herself in with her demons. The construct wanted to help her, seeing as he still felt he had to make up for his cruelty to her earlier, but there wasn't anything he could think of. Her pain was all mental, he had no power there...Kraem, he didn't have any power in his own head, all things considered...Joshua's memories were under house arrest by whatever Glasya had done to him, safe for brief browsing, but...if he delved deep again, he'd lose himself once more, he was sure of it. Too many memories all piled up, far more than he had of his own...

It was late in the day when the sight of smoke rose over the horizon, a good amount of it. Something large was burning, though what they were too far to see. Sync shrugged as Glasya asked if he thought it was the resistance they were working to find...from this distance he couldn't see anything. "It's possible, the path could curve back there, and it's the best lead we've got since we've lost the trail a few times. Should probably be cautious approaching though to be safe, in case it's something less pleasant." He grinned at the Ifrit, mask appearing over his face, hiding his facial features save the smile. "Granted...we're not the most pleasant people either..."


Gwyll's day from there was mostly quiet thinking and avoiding both Mei and Joshua. It was not as if she did not want to be around them, more that she did not know what to say. She missed her pack, missed Master, missed everything making sense. And neither of her companions could do much about that. But instead of running off, like her instincts told her, she stayed close. Joshua and Mei had asked her to help, there was no reason she should not. As the day was ending, Gwyll began to catch whiffs of an odd, unpleasant smell. Something like a mix of blood, sickness, and month-old carrion, plus... something almost familiar. Like an animal, but nothing she'd ever met before. The scent only grew stronger as they kept going, with the source, a farm, fading into view from the trees. Mei suggested something back had happened here, which Gwyll was not going to argue. The place was completely deserted, no animals, no corpses, no people. If she really wanted to investigate, the smell seemed to be coming from the well, but Gwyll was almost choking on it as things were. All the same... Mei suggested that they could stay in one of the houses. Not Gwyll's first choice, but with Joshua agreeing, she would rather just stick with them. There was something awful here, she was not about to leave those two to deal with it alone. Their evening meal in the chosen house was quiet, with Joshua and Mei going to their room and leaving Gwyll to lay on the floor and think. She stripped quickly, folding her clothes in a neat pile and shifting to a wolf as soon as she could. The smell became even more unbearable, blocking out even Joshua and Mei's scents, but she felt more comfortable almost immediately. Claws and fur felt right, natural, and not having to think about human things for a while... Bliss. Gwyll curled up near the door, eyes closing in contentment. Her belly was full, she was warm, her pack-mates in the room nearby, even if they were being annoying and noisy, and she could doze a little as she kept guard. Perfect.


(Ok, I guess I lied a bit. I found enough time to get one post out and I guess I was inspired to Tiran it up.)

Perhaps it wasn't quite the best idea to ask for Loolayannie to explain even the basics of magic. There seemed to be a difficulty in communicating even the basic ideas and principles of magic. The attempt to explain magic through currents, a subject most Maurangerians had been familiar with only through extrapolations from second hand accounts and some limited studies of wind across long distances, had fallen flat on its face, and Red was worried that Loolayannie would give up the attempt. After several minutes of awkward silence that seemed to confirm Red's concerns, Loolayannie finally hit upon an apt example, tapestry making. It was an art form that was all but forsaken in Oak Village, after the discovery of oil paints and the development of perspective, but many of the old cloths had survived, probably until the Steintøysoldaten attack that had destroyed the village, along with countless works of literature, scientific tomes, research notes, histories, mechanical processes and machinery schematics, and perhaps the best scientific minds in the world. But that wasn't this girl's fault, Red had to remember; they had already figured that one out. But the comparison worked well enough and Red began to understand the underlying theory. “It has similarly to Chemie. It compares to Stoffe and Forbindelser to combine. You combine the base materials for an useful end product to obtain. It has possibility that science and magic similarities to contain. I believe myself understanding to begin to possess.” If that was the case, if there really was common ground between science and magic, then it might be possible to combine the two disciplines and create some sort of super hybrid of nigh unstoppable potential. But such thoughts of world bettering schemes were driven from Red's head by Loolayannie asking about whether Daniel was mean to her because of the one night she had spent with the boy named Yui. “Hva?” Red asked, surprised that such a subject had been worrying Loolayannie for so long. “That subject gives you concern? Worry about the topic not. We are the only ones that thing to know.” Though Red thought she had explained well enough the reasonings behind Daniel's scorn and hate. But this language barrier had been proving more and more difficult to work around. “You speak the language of Daniel well not. You were a soldier of the enemy. You are a woman he has permission not to mess with. These collect together in a strange condition to form. I know much about this condition not.” It was about this time that Edward approached, two bowls of stew in his hands. “Alright you too, time to take a lunch break. Hope Iceman's not overfilling your head with all that science stuff. It's difficult; I can't understand most of it myself, and I went to a university. Well, bueno appetit.” Red accepted the bowl with a muttered tak and took the bowl. As Edward walked away, Red got up to retreat to her new hidden dining spot, then paused after a few steps. She turned to Loolayannie and asked, “Would you with me to eat to prefer?” she asked, quieter than before, when she was teaching. “I would myself with you about anything to enjoy to talk over.” That, and it had been a very long time since Red had actually eaten with anyone. But Loolayannie already knew why she always kept the scarf around her face, hiding everything but those gray eyes and occasionally that stubborn bit of dyed red hair that liked to sneak out. There was no way finally eating with another person could prove to be bad.


Taking his cheerful tone as being mockery, Alia scowled at the young thief deciding there and then that she'd have to put the impudent whelp into his place; after all who was he to speak of experience? He was no older than she was! "Then I suggest you get on with it then instead of just sitting there chattering like a bunch of old womenahhh" the girl suddenly ended with a terrified whimper as a loud metallic clank sound beneath the heel of one of her riding boots "n-now look w-what you made me do...I...I w-was d-doing fine until you distracted me" she complained in a miserable voice as tears began to flow down her cheeks. For whatever reason the trap was yet to be sprung meaning there was still time to rescue the girl from her grisly fate.

Meanwhile sensing that the foreign mercenaries were distracted the Khitainian's took the opportunity to snatch up the sack from where it lay and disappear down another corridor, with at least one of their number shouting something rather rude about foreigners as they went
"Well you've gotten yourself into a fine mess now, haven't you?" Tywin spoke as cautiously approached the girl; his eyes scanning the walls for any sign for the trap only for Taranis to point out the series of small round holes directly above Alia's head "p-please I...I don't deserve this I only wanted to get out of here" she whimpered pitifully as she stared down at the perfectly round paving slab that was currently being depressed by her foot "just stay still girl! We’ll get you out of here, Daner you know about these kinds of things, how do we get her out?"

"No we are not Baby boy...we are not nice at all" Glasya replied with an evil chuckle as she produced a mask of her own from within the folds of her cloak which when combined with her hood and gloves would completely disguise the fact that she wasn't human "I...I think you're nice" a tiny voice suddenly spoke from behind, that nearly caused Glasya to jump out of her skin. It had been so long since Lucy had last said anything to them that Glasya had kind of forgotten that the girl was still here "Oh sweetie, you only think that because you don't know us very well" Glasya purred; running her fingers through the girl's golden locks perhaps a little longer than was necessary "No, you two are just don't like people to know" Lucy defiantly replied with a knowing look in her eyes that left the Ifrit flailing for a response. Not that it really mattered as the girl was already making her way down the fresh trail and heading for the smoke "oooh I’m starting to like may have competition Baby boy" the Ifrit purred in a silky soft voice to her companion before moving to follow.

The trail was narrow and overgrown but was thankfully rather short with the air growing increasingly smoky and thick with the stench of roasting meat; leading the group to suspect that they hadn't located the rebel camp but had found something else entirely. Breaking out into a small smoke filled clearing they would be greeted by a scene that wouldn't look out of place in an artists depiction of hell; though such an artist would surely go mad in its painting. With the ground literally drenched in blood, a bonfire burnt within the clearings centre with the flayed, dismembered body parts of what had once been enemy soldiers adorning the surrounding trees; impaled upon the branches like some kind of sick and twisted ornament "Do you like what I've done with the place? The master will be most pleased I think?" a voice asked from in amongst the smoke that billowed around them like fog, accompanied by a fit of hoarse, hacking laughter that could only come from the truly insane "Why are you not on your knees mortals? For you are in the presence of his altar and I...I am his harbinger" the voice continued with yet more laughter that curdled the stomach and tore at the mind.

Something moved within the smoke; a shambling parody of man that moved like a puppet with its strings cut
"all hail the Hemomancer...soon his minions will arise and claim this land in his name! But first a little fun, an offering unto him if you will...hello Lucy, remember me?" the pallid white face of a corpse appeared from out of the smoke to smile at the blonde Khitain girl; the flesh at the corners of its mouth tearing up to its ears to produce a large, bloody, leering smile. Lucy screamed at the top of her lungs, with Glasya meanwhile turning to shriek at Sync "by the gods Sync, KILL IT!”

“I…I’m n-not sure she did mean it like that Joshua, I…I r-really think she wanted more than p-petting” Mei sniffled into Joshua’s chest; tightening her hold on him as he embraced her “I…I’m scared J-Joshua, I d-don’t think she understands h-how much trouble she c-can g-get herself in for doing…that…at least Leilani knows what’s at stake” she continued, hoping that Joshua was right and that it was all just one big misunderstanding.

Snuggling in closer Joshua, Mei tried to settle herself down to sleep, though she was beginning to regret suggesting that they stay here. The feeling that something evil and very wrong had happened within this place had only grown stronger and judging by the way that her fiancées muscles were tensing, he felt it too. One night, that is all…and then we can get out of here and leave this awful place for good!

Something was out there…she could sense it. She couldn’t hear anything and she certainly couldn’t smell anything through that vile, evil odour coming from the well but there was definitely something lurking within the darkness outside with its presence causing the fur that Gwyll was currently wearing to stand on end, with the wolf part of her brain struggling to decide whether it should run out into the night to hunt down whatever foul creature was out there or whether to slink under Mei and Joshua’s bed and hide.

The creaking of the door as it was slowly opened caught her attention followed by the sight of wet, slimy, pallid fingers curling about the jamb. The creature was no longer content to remain within the darkness outside, it now wanted to come inside.

It was a relief to hear that Daniel didn’t know about her night of passion with Yui; too many knew about that already as it was though she felt she could trust those that did know to keep her secret.
Despite Red seeming to grasp what it was that Leilani’s poorly worded and rather simplistic analogy of how magic worked, she was still relieved when Edward arrived with two bowls of stew and a cheerful smile on his face, putting an end to any further discussion on the subjects of science and magic. Well at least one of them likes me Leilani thought to herself as she took the proffered bowl of stew, taking a moment to savour the aroma before replying to the groups cook “some of it to be making head aching” she admitted though it was no worse than some of the things that Mei was trying to teach her, such as Tiranian for instance.

It was after Edward had left the pair of them to eat his own portion of the meal that Leilani would be rather unexpectedly invited to join Red rather than being left to eat by herself, though considering that she was perhaps the only person to know the woman’s secret she was an obvious dining partner “yes, I liking of that” she replied, quickly getting up to follow the other woman to a quiet corner where they could eat and talk without being disturbed.

Settling down in amongst the rocks and crags by the lake shore, Leilani took a moment to examine Red’s features as she removed her scarf in order to eat. The woman was attractive enough, though not what Leilani would describe as being beautiful and she found the idea of her in a dress most peculiar “you confusing me Akanna” Leilani said with a sigh and a rueful shaking of her head “…Head knowing you woman, but eyes keep saying you man” she finished in a voice that said it was going to take her a little while longer to get over this particular obstacle.

It was peaceful down by the lake; away from the hustle and bustle of the camp, with the tranquil waters only being disturbed by the occasional surfacing fish “I liking you Akanna, you are good friend keeping of secret…I wishing there being some way of saying thank you”


The girl (Aliana? Something like that) was upset. As she spun on her heel, Brahmoth went to point out the pressure plate that she was about to step on but was rather too late and by the time his finger had extended, her boot was already firmly on the pressure plate. Thankfully, she wasn’t instantly split in two. Despite his earlier thought, Brahmoth recognised they’d probably be mildly worse off if she did die, especially if she managed to figure out her inferiority complex. Unfortunately, the Khitainians took the opportunity of the girl’s misfortune to grab the sack and leg it down the tunnel in a completely unrelated direction. Brahmoth cursed in Khitain under his breath as they vanished off down the corridor. He didn’t really care about them, but that sack would have been useful right about now. As he, or rather Daner, was called up to examine the trap, he stared at it for a few long, hard seconds. “Just as I thought.” He nodded to himself and knelt down, studying the pressure plate under the girl’s foot. “Now then, Alia, stay right where you are. I’m fairly certain that this trap is set to go off when you take your weight off of that pressure plate, when the spears set into the ceiling will drop and kill you. If you like your body being in less than two pieces, I’d recommend staying quite still.” Brahmoth sighed as he stared at the pressure plate. He couldn’t see an obvious way to disable it without digging up the floor and he wouldn’t be able to project a large enough rock to act as a weight substitute with Daner’s lack of magical prowess. Not for the first time he cursed the loss of his own body before adding an apology to Daner, with the reminder that his body wasn’t all awful. “As I see it, we have two options. Option 1, weight replacement. We find something like a large stone and place it on the pressure plate as you lift your leg off. That way, the trap remains in the state of waiting to be triggered. Option 2, we somehow block the spears in the ceiling so that they don’t kill you when you step off. Issues: I’m not seeing much we can do a weight replacement with besides your other foot and there’s nothing here that’s strong enough to stop the spears without itself being severely damaged.” There was, of course, a third option (and the fourth of abandoning her). Brahmoth could always take her place and then attempt to get clear of the area of the trap before the spears turned him into minced Brahmoth. Thing was, he’d already died once. He didn’t have much intention of going for a second, so long as he could help it.