Jain Farstrider… The name seemed, familiar and yet not familiar. He felt that gentle tugging at the back of his memory again, something calling to be let out. Damn and Blast it! Why did the whole thing have to be so damned… mysterious! Setting aside thoughts of knowledge and of frustration, Boris studied the photo. The girl definitely seemed to look at least similar to the one on the news. As Cynthia made a dejected comment about how she was likely in prison by now. Patting her shoulder gently, Boris tried to reassure her. “Don’t worry. If she’d been captured, we’d likely have heard about it on the news, and anyway, they probably wouldn’t send her to prison, they would kill her before she even got to…” Suddenly realising that what he was saying was probably not having the desired effect, Boris released Cynthia’s shoulder and collected both soup bowls before beginning to wash them up, along with the pan and everything else. He would continue to chat to Cynthia as he proceeded with the tasks, attempting to cheer the girl up.
Once he’d finished, he looked at her, studying he up and down. “What might help with your memory and what I might suggest is that we do some physical exercises and some basic hand to hand training. If you need to fight then we’ve probably got bigger issues on our hands but I doubt it would hurt to do some training and it’s not like we’ve got much else to do.” Should Cynthia accept the offer Boris would proceed to walk her through the basic of unarmed combat against an assailant, depending on whether they were armed and whether it was with a gun or not. He focused mostly on techniques that involved using your opponent’s weight against them and dodging attacks that were headed at you. Throughout the afternoon they continued to practice and by the time the sun was beginning to set Cynthia had a basic understanding of the important concepts. It wasn’t much and Boris doubted how much of it she’d remember if they got into a fight now, but it was a start and it was something that they could build off of as they went. Looking through the fridge, Boris selected a pair of lamb steaks from the fridge and set them out along with some flour, honey and cranberry sauce. He picked some broccoli and beans as well and called Cynthia over. “Lamb Steaks with cranberry sauce and broccoli and runner beans for dinner, how does that sound?” The offer made, Boris waited for the girl’s response before making a decision on whether to cook.
Once he’d finished, he looked at her, studying he up and down. “What might help with your memory and what I might suggest is that we do some physical exercises and some basic hand to hand training. If you need to fight then we’ve probably got bigger issues on our hands but I doubt it would hurt to do some training and it’s not like we’ve got much else to do.” Should Cynthia accept the offer Boris would proceed to walk her through the basic of unarmed combat against an assailant, depending on whether they were armed and whether it was with a gun or not. He focused mostly on techniques that involved using your opponent’s weight against them and dodging attacks that were headed at you. Throughout the afternoon they continued to practice and by the time the sun was beginning to set Cynthia had a basic understanding of the important concepts. It wasn’t much and Boris doubted how much of it she’d remember if they got into a fight now, but it was a start and it was something that they could build off of as they went. Looking through the fridge, Boris selected a pair of lamb steaks from the fridge and set them out along with some flour, honey and cranberry sauce. He picked some broccoli and beans as well and called Cynthia over. “Lamb Steaks with cranberry sauce and broccoli and runner beans for dinner, how does that sound?” The offer made, Boris waited for the girl’s response before making a decision on whether to cook.