The Horse Thief - Results


Level 100-110
Player | Duel wins | Total Cash | KO the Scoundrel
Michael Knight |3| $15,236 |x
wc1038| 1 | $6,666 |x
mazort| 2 | $4,214 |x
ovie08 | 1 | $1,877 |x
Sanjuro| 1 |$528 |yes

Raffle winner Michael Knight - choice between General Grant's Saber or a steel lined box

Level 90-100
Player | Duel wins | Total Cash | KO the Scoundrel
pauleto|4| $21,187 |x
SingleShot| 1 | $2,963 |x
PrisonBull| 2 | $2,149 |x
abskay| 3 | $2,585 |x
kasar21| 3 |$896 |yes
filthgrinder| 1 | $116 |x

Raffle winner kasar21 - choice between General Grant's Saber or a steel lined box

Level 80-90
Player | Duel wins | Total Cash | KO the Scoundrel
abskay |1| $8,333 |x
Jimmy Lips| 6 | $15,840 |x
Truez Gritter| 7 | $3,898 |x
Misdomingo| 1 | $76 |x
Nevohim| 1 |$55 |x
Briljan| 1 | $37 |x
Rain Time| 2 |$35 |yes
silentrunner007| 1 | $25 |x

Raffle winner Briljan - choice between Boone's Axe or a steel lined box

Level 60-70
Player | Duel wins | Total Cash | KO the Scoundrel
Truez Gritter |3| $15,453 |x
Dr. Mortimer Slice| 7 | $4,601 |x
Gogelf| 2 | $3,389 |x
Misdomingo| 1 | $695 |x
Nevohim| 1 |$279 |x

Raffle winner Truez Gritter - choice between Nat's machete or a steel lined box

Level 40-50
Player | Duel wins | Total Cash | KO the Scoundrel
colombino|5| $17,422 |x

Automatic winner colombino - choice between Athos' Foil or a steel lined box

Level 20-30
Player | Duel wins | Total Cash | KO the Scoundrel
dennis jordan |1| $5,000 |x
pik1982| 3 | $7,050 |x

Raffle winner dennis jordan - choice between Figaro's Razor Blade or a steel lined box
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Over already! How long do you get to find, travel to and duel these players? I travelled across the world to dal the 40-50 guy and he wasn't KO'd. Now I can't duel him!
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The event runs for 2 days or until the scoundrels are koed. I'm not going to change the time because this is not meant to be a long term event, but I will probably offer one more scoundrel at the highest level.


The event runs for 2 days or until the scoundrels are koed. I'm not going to change the time because this is not meant to be a long term event, but I will probably offer one more scoundrel at the highest level.

Oh sorry, didn't know that it was a 2 day event. Could you tell me where it says that and the other info is on this event so I can get prepared for the next one.


Thanks for bringing up this issue Bendos. The description of this event was listed here It doesn't say anything about 2 days there, but I will make that change for the next time.

So far as being prepared for the next one goes - There is no way to be prepared for the event other than to log into W6 and read the interstitials. It does not take place on set dates, but it is planned for only once a month.


its pretty fun but you gotta hustle to duel those npc's because they get ko'd pretty fast lol
i got one duel in and before the hour was up where i could get in a second duel he was dead