Despite Kitten's initial attempt to say she was fine, she started crying harder. Feronia knew at this point hugging her had been the right thing to do, though she wasn't sure exactly why the Kitsune was sobbing. In time she quieted, only to tell her she had done fine before following it up with the fact she had a girlfriend. "O-oh..." the Stillblood managed as Kitten went on to explain that that's who she was waiting for and apologizing for leading Feronia on. "I...I'm sorry too...I...this isn't normally me, I don't know why I didn't realize what was happening and back off. I'm usually really good at that..." She felt awful now. She was of the firm opinion that someone didn't cheat, ever...and she'd been a terrible influence on the Kitsune she was still hugging...the young woman had asked her if this was too much, trying to get her to stop...and she hadn't. "I'm...just as much at fault as can blame me, if your girlfriend finds out...I don't want to be the cause of any long term problems..."
Gods damn she was trying to keep her own pretty ideals and she'd gone and ruined them for not just herself but Kitten as well. " there something I can do to help at this point? I know I've screwed things up, but...if I can help make amends I will..." People deserved to be happy, be with someone they loved, living how they wanted...and this had thrown a wrench in the Kitsune's plans for that, obviously. If Feronia could help, she was going to, and damn it all.
It was as she was getting back to cursing herself that the Stillblood started slightly, an idea popping into her head. "I...I just, um...didn't mention leg. Don't get me wrong, I'm really happy you didn't, but...I mean, my memory's a little hazy there, but...I don't think you reacted at all..." She didn't know how to phrase the question she wanted to ask, and talking more without asking would just lead to circles and issues. So she shut up, hoping the unspoken inquiry would be understood by Kitten...otherwise she'd have to awkwardly explain herself further...
Anna looked at Tekki with a shocked expression as the Nuseni burst into tears. "I-I'm sorry...I was trying to help, answer your questions..." the young Human looked on the verge of tears herself as she continued, "If you're here, then maybe there're other fishy people somewhere? I didn't go outside the shelter for a while. There were a couple fishy people in the shelter, but I don't know if they're ok. I didn't see them for a long time. But if there were a couple there, maybe there are more?" It seemed almost like she was grasping at straws, trying to get the nice lady to calm down and stop crying...or else she was going to start crying, and that wasn't going to be any fun...she'd cried enough when she realized her thumb was gone...she didn't want to cry more, but she could feel the tears coming...
Drael confided that being lesser known had its own issues, which Srilm accepted with a nod of her head. "It's a problem no matter what your station if you aren't recognized when you need to be, I won't deny that. Still, it's a little tiring to have people wait on me hand and foot as if I was an invalid. I can still handle myself in most situations, I haven't gotten that old just yet...though to be fair I was horrifically unprepared for the attack, so perhaps there's something to be said for having someone around." She sighed. "Of course, if I was a common person I doubt I'd've been attacked in the first in the end there's no true 'better' path. I suppose it all depends on how we handle the cards we're dealt."
The Drinden Matriarch considered the option that Vulx' explosion had to do with the strange creatures. "I can't rule the possibility out, however much I don't believe it...two very unusual occurrences in as many would also corroborate with the story you told me this morning about a Stillblood blaming Vulx for what was to come. Which implies the Stillbloods might know something we don't...I'll have to talk with them first thing tomorrow. Anything you could bring to the table would be most welcome as well, of's completely possible the creatures were desert-dwelling...even the sands can't stop the trees from growing so there'd be vegetation enough...though of course with claws like that I can only imagine they eat meat..." Srilm laughed a little hopelessly. "What can I say? It's frustrating being on the side that knows nothing about the situation...although it looks like our food is here now, so we can put the unpleasantness behind us for at least a while." Their meals had indeed arrived, and after the waiter had departed the older woman smiled at the Dramoran siblings. "Please, dig in...there will be time for conversation afterwards...for now, just enjoy."
The Nuseni woman listened politely as Uwe talked about his upbringing and why he chose to travel, and paid a little more attention to how he'd responded so fast to the earthquake. "Interesting...a very fortuitous cycle of chances then. You're a fairly lucky person it seems." She seemed about to say more when the Human moved the conversation on to herself, asking how she'd decided to start a cafe in Torpolis. "Oh dear, there's not too much to tell, honestly. Grew up in a small village in a lake, fairly typical, all things considered. Family ran a cafe, and I learned how to help from a fairly early age. Turned out I had a bit of a knack for it, improved on recipes, that kind of thing. Made a trip to Torpolis for the games eight years ago and saw that most comparable shops seemed to be of a lower quality than what I was used to. I made the suggestion I open a branch of the family shop here, my father didn't seem to think that'd be a smart business venture." She chuckled, smiling a little. "I was a little headstrong back then and decided I was going to prove him wrong. Pooled my money, rented out the space I have now, and did well enough that even my father had to admit he'd been wrong." Another laugh, this one a little more earnest. "That was a fun letter to read, let me tell you. Asked if I'd consider making my place a chain, told him no. He had his chance, and I wasn't about to give him a solid portion of my profit every month just for the family name. Most people here wouldn't even know his cafe anyway. He's still mad at me over that, but he'll come around." She smiled at Uwe. "Not quite as lustrous as your tale, rags to riches wasn't exactly my path. Still, I'm proud of what I've managed to make of myself out here...not the most popular place in Torpolis, but definitely not the least." Lensni was silent for a moment, then asked, "so Mr. Lundhof, did you have any other plans for this evening, or was dinner as far as you thought?" Her question was casual, no implications in her tone. She was legitimately asking what he was thinking as opposed to hinting towards expecting anything. Another test it seemed.
This. Was. Torture. Why had Roni agreed to this? The receptionist was all smiles, asking if there was anything he could do...beds, bandages, foot massages...he'd do it all it seemed. Ok, maybe not the last one, but the vindictive part of her wanted to try. Still, one look at the makeshift bandages Kat had wrapped around her wounds told the Stillblood they needed to be changed...her bleeding had all but stopped now, so clean ones should last a while. After informing the Shade of this request, he walked off to procure it. "I hate this place..." Roni grumbled once it was just her and Kat. "I can put up with just about anyone...Shades just are too damn polite...none of it sincere of course, but still..." She shut up by the time the guy walked back in with the bandages though...torture being here might be, but he was at least helping between all the smarm.
I regret asking him for help, Roni thought to herself about five seconds later. the Shade apparently decided making conversation was ok, which was correct...or well, it WOULD be if he didn't do so in the most irritating way possible. And why the actual HELL was he referring to Jokir as the godsdamned ESTEEMED ONE? That alone was enough to make her desire to leave overpowering, but she least until she was rebandaged. The Stillblood's exact scenario from earlier played out as he went on to be pleasantly surprised even her metal leg had been damaged, though of course they weren't good enough to hit the fricking precious esteemed one. "The leg's a part of me, can't exactly remove it...and if the fight had lasted any longer, he'd've..." The Shade was talking again. What. The. Fricking. HELL. That was it, she had to get out of here. Any longer and she'd be saying things she would completely mean but wouldn't do her any favors. As soon as the moron was finished, Roni managed to get a "thank you," out before standing up quickly, wincing and almost sitting right back down. Looking over at Kat, who looked fairly miserable, she stated, "I'm leaving. You're welcome to stay here, they said we could...offer of an inn room still stands though if you come with me. The poison'll work its own way through you, not a whole lot anyone can do for you there. Either way, I've got to go. I've got someo...somewhere in mind to spend the night where I'll be comfortable." It took all her effort to end her statement there...she so wanted to lay into the self-righteous idiots...but no...too many complications if she did. And the last thing she wanted was any more delays at this point...