The Eyes Trilogy Part II - Eyes of the Hawk

Red Falcon

Well-Known Member
"Who are you?" Gold Diggo asked the Native American male, who now stood between him and the bandits he was fighting.

When the awesome guy did not answer, Gold Diggo asked again: "What are you doing here? State your business!"

Finally, the Native American male answered: "I have business with those bandits you chased. They owe me money from the last card game they lost against me."

"They're MY bandits!" Gold Diggo retorted. "I'm the one who'll claim their bounty! Tell me your name...And maybe we can split the bounty 50/50."

"My name...Is Red Falcon!" The Mohican said.

Gold Diggo and the bandits gasped when they saw Red Falcon's eyes...They were like white-hot fire burning steel! Never before had they seen such forboding eyes...This man was quite scary-looking, though young and handsome he was.

"You'll never beat us, Injun!" One of the bandits said with a scoff.

"Try me." Red Falcon told them.

Angry and insulted that this Mohican was challenging them so freely, the bandits Gem, the Boot Thief, and her younger sister, Tracey drew their weapons...A Sharp Bowie Knife for Tracey, and Precise Muzzle Loader for Gem. Red Falcon drew his weapon...A Precise Pepperbox Revolver! He threw his gun into the air once...BAM!! Shot Gem twice in the arm and the leg. She cried out and fell down.

"Agh! Damn it!" she said upon getting hit.

"You'll pay for that, Injun!" Tracey said.

She called out a battle cry, as she charged forward at Red Falcon with her Sharp Bowie Knife.

"Child's Play." he said, as he tossed his gun into the air again.

It twirled and he caught it, with just one hand. And at the very next second...BAM!! Tracy got shot in the arm and the leg...In the exact same place he shot Gem! Tracey cried out and fell to the ground. She glared up at Red Falcon, as she and Gem laid there, bleeding, but not mortally wounded.

"Where in the Hell do you come from?" she asked him.

"I live East of the Sun and West of the Moon." was all he said.

Totally shocked and amazed at how well Red Falcon easily took out the two Bandit Sisters, Gold Diggo patted Red Falcon on the back.

"Job well done, Sir." he told the Mohican. "But how in the world did you do it?"

"It was an easy duel...My weapon simply outclasses their own."

"Not that, you silly billy!" Gold Diggo said, as he handcuffed an angry and bitter Gem and Tracey. "I'm talking about your aim, Sir...How were you able to hit them with such precision?"

Red Falcon smiled and pointed to his eyes. "My eyes never deceive me."

"Welp...As promised, you git half the bounty off these here sisters. And good on ya for takin' 'em out."

Red Falcon gave a single/simple nod. "Was not a problem."

And so, Gold Diggo offered Red Falcon the Badge of the Sheriff. Red Falcon accepted it, and so, became known as the Mohican Deputy Sheriff. Together, Gold Diggo and Red Falcon took on and took out many an enemy bandit. Elmyr was clearly impressed with Gold Diggo, even though Diggo really didn't do much to win that battle against Tracy and Gem. He taught Diggo The Ways of the Onion whenever he could. Red Falcon and Gold Diggo gained a valuable reputation as local crime stoppers. But when Gold Diggo told Red Falcon of his new religion...The Church of the Onion...Red Falcon knew next to nothing about religion at all.

"What in tarnation?" Gold Diggo asked Red Falcon one day. "You mean to tell me you don't know nothin' about The Holy Bible?"

Red Falcon shook his head, clearly confused by this topic. "No. I know nothing of the sort."

Gold Diggo sighed...Here was a proud Mohican...An elite duelist! And here, he didn't know a darn thing about religion and prayer! Then, a bold idea suddenly came to Gold Diggo's mind...He would become...An Evangelizer! He taught Red Falcon The Ways of the Onion. And eventually, Red Falcon was attending The Holy Church of the Onion on a regular basis. Though, he found such rituals to be rather strange.

Red Falcon told Gold Diggo of his life and that he had a younger brother named Gray Hawk. Red Falcon added that he believed Gray Hawk to be even smarter than Red Falcon himself. However, Gray Hawk always looked up to Red Falcon, since Red Falcon was his older brother, after all. Then, one day, Gold Diggo challenged Red Falcon to a friendly duel.

"Let's see how well you'd fare against me in a duel." Gold Diggo said, as he and Red Falcon sat in a gloomy saloon, one evening as the sun set. But Red Falcon turned away from him.

"Not today...It is time for me to return home..."

"What in the? But you ARE home! Ain't I your teacher, no more?" Gold Diggo asked Red Falcon.

Red Falcon turned to Gold Diggo, with a solemn look in his eyes.

"That's just it...You aren't my teacher. I already have a mentor...And now, I must return home to him."

Gold Diggo stuttered, clearly taken aback by what Red Falcon just said. But before Red Falcon left the saloon, he turned back to face Gold Diggo.

"Train your eyes to be sharp as mine...And then, maybe one day, we can face off in a duel. But beware! My eyes are very sharp indeed...They are the Eyes of the Hawk. So, when you finally come to duel me...Do not hold back at all...I want you to duel me using all the strength you can muster."

"Where are you heading off to so fast?" Gold Diggo asked, just as Red Falcon pushed open the doors to the saloon, to head out.

Red Falcon turned back to Gold Diggo one final time.

"I am returning to my home...The place I was destined to go to...And the place where I rightfully belong."

"And where's that at?" Gold Diggo asked.

"It is East of the Sun and West of the Moon."

And with that being said, Red Falcon took his leave. Gold Diggo stared in awe, as Red Falcon walked into the sunset. The only hair Red Falcon had was his long braid at the back of his head, and his Mohican Hairstyle. The only clothes he wore were his usual fringed buckskin shirt and matching fringed buckskin pants...Along with a simple pair of moccasins on his feet.

"That is one of the strangest men I think I've ever met!" Gold Diggo told the waitress when she asked him who Red Falcon was.

Once night fell, a quiet ad peaceful, yet eerie village could be seen. Two men could be seen standing in the center of the village. One of the men wore a very long feather headdress and was very strong-looking. The other man was shorter than the first man, though he was still very strong. He wore a much more simple feather headband. The second shorter man turned to the first taller man.

"Red Falcon is coming home. How do you feel about this, Chief?"

The Indian Chief gave a simple smile. "I feel happy...Very happy indeed."

He had his eyes closed until this moment, when he opened them. And when they opened, they seemed to shimmer with a brilliant blue and gold glow...


Shown below is an image of what Red Falcon and his brother might look like in real life:

Real Life Image of Red Falcon and Gray Hawk?
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