Harper frowned at Giles as he insisted that it was safe. Nowhere was truly, ever safe, especially somewhere where they knew you had spent a lot of time in, had attachments in. But before she could disabuse him of that notion, he mentioned this... Toby again. And suddenly things made more sense. Precogs were... Always an interesting bunch. Sometimes varied, sometimes useless, but in this case apparently quite helpful. Apparently Toby's... feelings had yet to leave them astray. Not the same as saying that he's infallible, but definitely someone useful to have around. He had apparently only been living with Rach (whoever she was) for a week, the rest of the time was... somewhere else, rougher than a friend's house. Streets then, if she had a good guess. Wasn't hard for someone working illegal or irregular work to end up there and Giles had made no mention of a job at all. So either something he didn't want to remember or something illegal. Either way, almost certainly streets. Which was... Irritating to say the least. Streets suck. But apparently Rach convinced him to move, he met Toby, and everything was sunshine and rainbows and safety, so long as they got out of there yesterday. Harper didn't want to tear him a new one, she really didn't, she felt so nice and pampered, but... "wait for it all to blow over"?
"Never. Ever. Assume it will blow over," she said, voice quiet. "I've heard that too many times, from musicians, refugees, women with black eyes... and it never came true. Nothing ever just blows over. So whatever plan we decide on, we plan for a long haul stormy weather. We need to think long term. We make backup plans. And backups for those backup plans. I don't like staying here, but we have to think about that just as much as hiding out in Colorado and..." Harper winced. This was going to suck. "This is probably the safest place for us long term." The words didn't come out through gritted teeth, but there was more than a little bit of growl in there. Okay, deep breath, band-aid was off. "Next best plan is probably to stay with Rach, but that isn't long term. Hiding out in someone's home can only last for so long, even if that person is prepared. So unless you plan for us to get a snug, quiet little place and find some way to stay fed, staying with Rach is a short term solution at best." And a trap at worst. Not that she was going to tell him that.
"Never. Ever. Assume it will blow over," she said, voice quiet. "I've heard that too many times, from musicians, refugees, women with black eyes... and it never came true. Nothing ever just blows over. So whatever plan we decide on, we plan for a long haul stormy weather. We need to think long term. We make backup plans. And backups for those backup plans. I don't like staying here, but we have to think about that just as much as hiding out in Colorado and..." Harper winced. This was going to suck. "This is probably the safest place for us long term." The words didn't come out through gritted teeth, but there was more than a little bit of growl in there. Okay, deep breath, band-aid was off. "Next best plan is probably to stay with Rach, but that isn't long term. Hiding out in someone's home can only last for so long, even if that person is prepared. So unless you plan for us to get a snug, quiet little place and find some way to stay fed, staying with Rach is a short term solution at best." And a trap at worst. Not that she was going to tell him that.