The Chains of Arunsia

  • Thread starter Deleted User - 819397
  • Start date


Jack listened closely at Varus speech, his mind was in two places. Only now did the full nightmare come upon him, he would never see his forge again. Jack thought he was ready and prepared to be cast out, but he wasn't. Pushing away all thoughts and regrets, they weren't gonna help him out here. He's out for life, nothing he can do about it. "I'll go with you, even if the others won't." Perran's voice brought him back to reality, He looked around and noticed that Carolyn and Artemis were gone, off after Gilly he supposed. Threut then offered his services, only two left were jack and Melk and jack preferred not to say anything just yet. He waited a few moments, when it was clear Melk wasn't going to say anything Varus decided to go after the rest of the group. No other choice but to follow them, once they found her, Jack felt and odd feeling, as though something was watching him. By the look on Varus face, he did too. Jack had his back turned to Varus and the others, checking to see if nothing followed them from the rear. When he turned around, Varus held a bow in his hand, but this was no ordinary bow. The bow seemed to be alive, it was black with purple lines that seemed to be pulsing. Jack stood in awe at the bow, It was unlike anything he'd ever seen before, and it looked as though it was a part of Varus. Jack watched in amazement as Varus pulled back his hand and, out of thin air a purple-reddish arrow appeared. The bow then underwent an amazing transformation, It expanded to twice its width, and the edges split in two. Varus then fired the arrow, a second later they heard a shriek. Varus signaled for them to wait there and ran in the direction the arrow went. He came back with a large corpse, and explained how it was a lesser creature. It was half the size of an average man, with a head and body similar to a lizard or so. "This thing makes for good food, so I'll clean it up and smoke the meat...might as well ensure a good meal or two, eh? In the meantime, I'll catch those of you that left up on what the others know about. Melk, Jack, I could use your answers to my proposal...and Gilly and Melk, if you want to share your Dreams, go right ahead." Varus said as he set to work, and started repeating his speech. " Well, it's not like i have any other choice, i'd rather die with a purpose than die in vain. So ye i'm with you" Said Jack "Need help with that" he asked pointing to the corpse.


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Lizard, hmmmm...He wasn't looking forward to tasting that disgusting looking creature. Before this, Jack and the purple man had both tried to convince Melk to share his dream. Not wanting to give away the only part of himself that he had left, Melk had flat out refused the offers, saying that he wasn't going to trust a bunch of people he'd never met before today... Right now, the purple man was asking him again to share his dream! "No! Stop pestering me...OK? It's my dream! The only thing I have, and you aren't having it!" Melk stared angrily at the purple man, annoyed that he kept pestering him to know what his dream had contained. If he doesn't stop this pestering, I'm going, I don't know... In answer to the purple man's proposal that they set out on a quest, Melk immediately gave his answer. "Any chance to go home again...I'd gladly accept. Though...I can't do much fighting without my weapon..." Melk said, looking around for any sign of Gilly, and wondering how on earth he had come to lose the weapon in the first place...


Like he had expected Melk wouldn't give away his dream, "Listen to yourself, WE have nothing left. NOTHING. There's no chance of us ever going back to our old lives. We'r out, FOR GOOD, your dream is of a bigger cause, how can you not see that.? I get it, you miss your old life, we all do but this is our life now. Whether we like or not, so just give it up mate. Tell Varus your dream. As much as i hate to say it, he's your only hope of surviving out here. You wanna try your luck on your own, go ahead but im telling you now, we'r all in this together." Growled Jack, his temper rising after every word.


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Melk gave Jack a confused look, signalling his lack of understanding at Jack's sudden outburst. "W...w...what? I don't...understand? It's my Dream?" Melk sighed, collapsing to the ground as he did so. "I said I would help on the quest, b...b...but I don't understand..." Melk's voice faded away, lost in the turmoil of emotions that Jack's outburst had initiated. He didn't understand where he was, why he was there, nor what Jack was going on about... All he knew was that his Dream was his, after all he was the one who had Dreamed it, wasn't he?...and that he owned it... Confusion racing around his mind, Melk looked out into the bleak landscape, trying to find a way out of his terror, but none came to him...In his despair, Melk cried out. "Where are you Fliana!?!" before letting loose his emotions and crying despairingly.


Watching as the freshly skewered lizard, type, thing was dragged out from in amongst the very trees that she had described as "Iffy" all Gilandria could think to say upon hearing Varus' comments about it was "Oh" and although some of the others grimaced at the thought of eating it she found that it didn't bother her in the least then again once you'd had to dine of rat you could pretty much eat anything.
She listens as the purple man goes through his spiel asking whether they would join him on his quest to collect some kind of jewellery, she wasn't quite be honest she'd found most of it confusing a fact not helped by the fragmented nature of her mind "I suppose I could help...but only until Gale arrives" she says in dubious agreement moments before the boy Melk points out that he wasn't going to be much good without a weapon, the Harlequin offering him a snide grin as she sneers "ooh that’s unfortunate isn't it" feeling not the least bit guilty over her part in its loss.
However as once again the subject turned to the dreams she couldn't help but feel sorry for the boy as the far larger man Jack began yelling at him seemingly intent on bullying it out of him "Knock it off!" she snaps waspishly at the blacksmith "...we all know he's being an insufferable, whining brat but there’s no need to be cruel about it! if you want a dream then I'll tell you mine" she continued knowing that they wouldn't be satisfied until they had heard it and hoping that by doing so they would leave Melk be for a little while.
Taking several deep breaths she steels herself before beginning to relieve the events of her dream speaking in a trembling voice; only her previous anger at the blacksmith giving her the required courage to so "There...there was darkness in my dream, no far away cities or magical beings just darkness...and pain lots of pain, burning through out my entire body like I was on fire. I try to move, to escape the pain coursing through my body only... I can't. I am trapped in some kind of thick, black, sticky substance that is slowly oozing its way up my body and over my eyes to scorch my face and inflict yet more suffering upon my already pain wracked body and just as I think I can't take no more I pass out..." Gilly pauses to cuff away the tears as they once again begin to form within the corners of her eyes before continuing in an unsteady voice barely above that of a whisper "...When I awake I am alone in some...wasteland, my body is burnt and ruined and I can barely see and yet I remember thinking to myself as I pull myself back onto my feet that I had survived just like I said I would and that I would have my revenge...Now don't you ever ask me to tell you this again!" she finished with a pain filled cry before storming off to collapse at the base of a nearby tree and putting her head in her hands and sobbing as everything that had happened to her in the past few hours overwhelms her completely.

Deleted User - 819397

It seemed that everyone had given their affirmation that they'd help aside from Artemis. Melk once again refused to share his Dream, and this time Jack got angry, yelling at him for not sharing. Frowning, Varus made to move the larger man away, only to have...Gilly, if Carolyn had used the proper name, tell him off instead. It seemed that she was feeling bad for the younger boy, as she then related her Dream. The corrupted man closed his eyes as she told it, remembering the pain. "I did promise revenge," he admitted once she'd finished. "However, that revenge was against the man who brought the world to ruin...not all of humanity or anything like that. When I first awoke, most of the damage to my body WAS burn based...the corruption was only on my hands and feet. I can't say for my face the time I found water, it was like this, and the corruption was spreading its way up my body. By the time I found the fragment, it had progressed this far. If I hadn't found it...I'd have been lost a long time ago...the corruption is intelligent, see...until I found the fragment I had a voice in my head, growing louder as the corruption spread, telling me that it would consume me and use me as its master, the man who did all this, wanted it to. I haven't heard it in years, and yet I still can recall the voice in my mind, clear as day."

Varus shuddered. "Anyway...just have to smoke the meat now, and then we'll discuss our plan of action. Also, Artemis, I need to know if you're with us. In the meantime, why don't you all share something about yourself? We're going to be out here for a while...might as well know who it is we're out with here. Despite the fact you know a lot about me, seeing as the Dreams follow my time in the Archbeing's employ, I'll go first. I was born on a small farm a day away from the city some of you saw. My family's life was simple, but happy. It's been literal ages since I was a child, but I still remember helping on the farm. My father was also an avid hunter, particularly skilled with a bow. He gave me lessons as soon as I was old enough to pull back on a training string, and by the time I was thirteen I was as good as him, and would have surpassed him some day. However, during that year, while I was away hunting, there was a fire. I don't know what caused it...perhaps my mother fell asleep while cooking or something...but all that matters is they were both dead and the house was gone. I didn't know how I was going to survive without them...I wasn't old enough to take control of the farm, even if I'd had the house! However, the Archbeing came to me as I cried in front of the ruin I'd called home. She said she'd been watching me from afar, and that I had potential...she took me in and finished raising me, then when I asked what I could do to repay her, she explained she wanted someone she could rely on to eliminate possible threats to the land, so that she could focus on making the people happy. I agreed, and for the next decade I was sent to combat minor invasions, helping out at her tower, which was the statue Artemis saw in his Dream, when I wasn't away. When I turned 30, she offered to make the station...permanent, seeing as I'd done so well and proven my loyalty. I agreed, and she made me immortal unless I fell in combat, giving me the bow many of you saw as well."

At this point the small fire Varus had been trying to get going finally sparked to life, and he grunted in appreciation. "Anyway, that's my life story up until your Dreams. What about all of you?"


As the harlequin retreated away from the rest of the group clearly troubled by the dream she had recounted to them Varus told them of his life before the corruption had taken him, before the world had gone dark.
Upon finishing his tale he invites the others to do likewise, a request that seemingly none were eager to perform judging from the lack of response.
However hoping that he would be able to draw their attention away from his Dream, Melk slowly raises his hand like an unsure student before speaking "Well name is Melkanai though you can call me...Melk" he'd said that already...hadn’t he? He wasn't sure everything seemed so blurry at the minute making it hard to focus on anything. Deciding that it wasn't important the boy simply shrugs his shoulders before speaking once again in a quiet voice "I...I was an apprentice merchant in the city before was a pretty quiet life really, I spent most of my time either in the shop or with Fliana...I...I would very much like to see her again...someday..." he said distractedly as his eyes seemed to focus on the middle distance for several moments before snapping back to the here and now "So how exactly are we going to get back this...sun...thingy? I mean wouldn't that mean going back to the city?" he'd heard one of the others mention how King Drashk had a gem just like the one Varus had mounted upon his crown, but... surely that would be suicide?
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Arclight Varus had explained his life up until the Dreams. It seemed like a good life, living on a farm, hunting (though to Carolyn's understanding, all meat came from farms, so there was no need to hunt), and otherwise being a normal child. The fire was extremely tragic, seemingly no reason for it to happen, though the presence of the Archlight was fortunate, if a little suspicious. Through Varus's telling of it, she truly was a great person, someone Carolyn would have liked to meet. After an awkward silence after Varus's telling, Melk explained his life, a merchant apprentice (would he have been future competition?), who had a thing for a girl named Fliana. After he was done telling his story, Carolyn decided to tell hers.

"I was born to a doctor and a trobairitz, a female singer. I lived a normal life until my mother was taken away, and sent to Abraham. I haven't seen her for 10 years. Until then, I wanted to be just like my mother, singing to people everywhere in Arunsia. But I didn't want to go crazy, so I decided to go a different way. With help from my father, I opened a shop, and put a few instruments in it. After the first few sales, I started to make some instruments, though the bulk of my merchandise was commissioned. A couple years ago, I joined a group called the Young Arunsians. We were dedicated to introducing new forms of music to the city; our main focus is a blending of the orchestral and the lyrical. Last night, I had finished writing a song that I was going to present, but I suppose that this song will never see the light of day now.

"I am a bit bitter about this. I don't sing very often, but I do compose somewhat regularly. I like it when my work is well liked. But all of that's gone now. During my life in Arunsia, I ran a good shop. Well, I like to think that I did. I kept it clean and sold quality instruments. I was living comfortably amongst the merchant class; I didn't need to open my house to boarders nor beg at the feet of money lenders. I wonder what will happen to everything I owned in that life. All I have now is this dress, these shoes, and this thing." After indicating that this thing was her Messer, Carolyn took a sip of her water. "And this water, I guess. Though I do wish we had something stronger as well. Having your fortune in life reverse in the blink of an eye does bring more than some sadness, and a glass, or a bottle, of red helps chase that feeling away."

Deleted User - 819397

Varus had practically finished smoking the meat before Melk finally spoke up, giving a little information about his life up until this point, centered around his apprenticeship. As he faded off into recollection, Carolyn spoke up and gave her story as well. The corrupted man listened intently throughout, clearly interested in the tales of the people he'd be traveling and fighting with. He chuckled at the instrument maker's mention of wanting wine. "While I can understand the sentiment, you won't find anything like that out here...I haven't had wine since the Fall. However, I'm certain your voice would be welcome in places there aren't many monsters..if you're up to it, of course," he added hastily.

Melk then asked how they were to fix the sun, mentioning that they'd have to return to Human's Sanctuary to do it. Sighing, Varus nodded. "You're quite right, some point we will have to go back there...however, I'd like to save that until later for two, it'd be foolish to go back there now...the Grey Guards will be on high alert, looking for you to return for a while. We need to wait for them to think you've expired before going back. Two, like I've said, Drashk is a puppet for the true power behind the monsters and darkness. The man who caused all this has to be in contact with Drashk somehow. Therefore, the sooner we go after that particular fragment, the sooner he'll know someone is after them. My fragment pulls me to go to a different one...I've seen the thing that has it, and I don't think there's communication there. Drashk is the only one he'd have to directly control, as he's supposedly in charge of the city. The others he could just instill a need to protect the fragment, no effort required. So, while we do have to go back to the city eventually, it won't be for a while." The corrupted man looked around at the group. "Any thoughts?" Varus considered asking them to start heading towards the fragment today, but according to the city's time mechanics, it was late, and the Dreamers had had a truly rough day, so they had to be exhausted. He'd discuss with them as long as they wanted, but he wouldn't push them to start until tomorrow.


Big fat tears rolled down her painted cheeks as she sat with her back against the tree with her knees pulled up to her chest, she wanted to go home, she wanted her brother Gale to tell her it would be all alright and more importantly she wanted her pain filled Dream to go away and leave her in peace.
Lost within her misery she missed the majority of both Varus and Melk's stories though by the time Carolyn spoke up she had calmed sufficiently to listen to her tale of a life that bore no resemblance to that of her own and yet was somehow more pleasing to hear "You sing?" she asks in a small child like voice her eyes still glistening with unshed tears"...I...I like singing, though Gale always said that there wasn't a tuneful bone in my body...I miss him" she had never been away from her brother before or at least not for any real length of time “we’ve always been together ever since our parents died in a fire when we were little, nobody wanted to look after us Gale said mother was a black sheep whatever one of those is… so we joined the circus working for Stromboli” the fat ringmaster hadn’t exactly been a loving parent but he had looked after them in a fashion though she decided to omit certain details about how they had been pick pockets long before they had been entertainers and how they had spent much of they’re lives living on the streets…some people had funny ideas where that was concerned and she didn’t want to jeopardise her position in the group especially since Gale wasn’t here to stick up for her “…When we were eighteen Gale and I left the circus and set up our own act and have been performing it in the streets and park ever since…not the happiest of stories I know but better than a jab in the eye” she said with a slight smile touching her lips.
Rubbing her eyes with the back of her hands in order to remove any remaining tears in her eyes she grimaces at the black and white smears covering her hands “oh great and now my make up is ruined!” it would seem that today wasn’t going to be her day.


After Carolyn and Artemis found Gilandria, or rather Giliandra threw something at Carolyn and climbed out of one of the trees, Varus appeared with the rest of the group. Varus seemed to notice the uncomfortable feeling in the air, he looked around, seemed to find something in the darkness and shot an arrow at it with a living bow that appeared from out of nowhere. Artemis couldn't make heads or tails of how Varus had done it but decided to just mark it up under inexplicable things Varus is able to do.

Varus returned with some kind of large lizard. Varus noted how this being was a lesser creature and how it could be used for food. Artemis didn't know about how the other's felt but that lizard could have probably over come him easily and Varus only classified it as a lesser creature. Artemis shivered at the thought.

Artemis listened to Varus's speech and contemplated what to do. There wasn't really a choice if he wanted to see more of this world or even live long he would have to travel with Varus. Simple as that. Paying attention to the group once more Artemis noticed that Melk was bawling and shouting for someone known as Fliana. He judged based on Jack's proximity and Gilandria's angry look that Jack was the cause. Gilandria decided to tell them what she dreamed about and what Artemis heard Gilandria had a good reason to not want to talk about it. She had the memories of Varus being tortured and attaining the corruption that moved about on his limbs.

Artemis sat down hard as Gilandria sat sobbing at a base of one of the trees. He couldn't move to help her. He just sat there staring at the ground as Varus, Melk and Carolyn told of their life stories. Varus had been a farmer, Melk had been a merchant's apprentice and Fliana was someone from there. Carolyn had also been a merchant but she was also a musician, memories vaguely sparked into life of Artemis fixing the clock to some such store and seeing someone like her. Gilandria responded to Varus mentioning singing and told of her story. She and her brother had been orphaned at a young age and had grown up as circus performers and later become their own separate act.

Artemis spoke as a lull occurred after Gilandria made a self deprecating joke. "Varus I will follow you to return light to the world so that it can be traveled freely." Artemis said momentarily controlling his emotions before turning away slashing down a thin branch of one of the trees and engrossing himself in turning the branch into a makeshift spear for Melk.

Deleted User - 819397

Artemis finally agreed to come with the group, meaning everyone was with the corrupted man. Varus stood up, his work with the meat done. "So that's settled." He sighed, realizing that all three of those who had shared their stories had been content with their lives, despite the ever-present dark. "For what it's worth, I'm sorry that you all got dragged out of your lives into this situation just for Dreaming about the's not fair. Drashk may be a complete figurehead, but he does make sure everyone has a decent life. I'm sorry."

He waited a moment, then cleared his throat. "Anyway, judging from how long you've been out of the city you all think it's let's head back to the cave and you can get some sleep. I don't sleep much anymore so I'll keep watch, and we'll set out in the morning."

(Almost done with the intro stuff...bear with me! :D)


Perran watched silently reigning in his emotions. He was almost back to being a normal person now. He didn't speak for a long while however once the others had agreed he spoke up "My past and who I was no longer matters, my past has rejected me and so I will reject it." Then once Varus had spoken he spoke again "I agree with that proposal."


"You don't have to apologize," Carolyn said to Varus. "You didn't order us out here to die." After a moment to yawn, "We have a great opportunity here. Bring back the sun and restore the world to humanity." Carolyn yawned again, the time for sleep had come early today. "I could use some rest. Can't find jewels on a groggy head." As the group walked back to the cave, Carolyn began whistling, a way to prevent her from falling asleep where she stood. A sleep in the forest, outside the protection of the cave, would mean certain death for anyone foolish enough or sleepy enough to try it.


"Ok Johnny we won't go to the city just yet" Gilandria replied in miserable acquiescence, disappointed that she wouldn't be able to see Gale just yet but kind of understanding why it would be foolish for them to return " where do we go, I mean despite my rather fetching war paint I am no warrior queen and he's just plain useless" she said nodding her head at a befuddled Melk having found his earlier display of "Fighting Prowess" or rather the lack of it thoroughly unimpressive.
With the entire group now having agreed to join him on his quest it was at this point that Varus suggested that they stay the night within the cave as it was beginning to get late a fact that she had failed to notice what with there being no street lights or clocks to mark the hour “Maybe you’re right Johnny.…but I’m far too excited to sleep I mean think of all the monsters that’ll be out here!” she spoke excitedly her previous fear and misery seemingly forgotten in a flash of madness as she went to join Carolyn; skipping beside her towards the cave “Do you think I could sleep next to you Carolyn? I…I don’t really trust any of the guys just yet” she asked in a low voice casting the others a furtive look. They were probably all perfectly nice people but Gilly’s experience of sleeping on the streets had taught her not to trust anybody…especially alone and after the street lights went on
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Jack stood, his eyes fixed on a random spot behind beyond everyone. While some of the member of the group told about their past Jack was in a battle of two choices. Should he stay and fulfill his promise, or leave the group and fend for himself. He shifted his weight slightly to his right leg, standing at a slight angle. It was then that Varus suggested to go back to the cave, Perran, Carolyn and Gilly agreed to it. So finding no alternative plan "ye sure" mumbled Jack.


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What was going on? First, they ran out of the cave at headlong speed, next they were going back to the cave again! What could possibly be the matter with this purple man and the rest of the group?!? Or was it just him... "I follow." Melk stated, immediately starting to walk in the direction he thought the cave was in, though you could never be sure... As soon as he got the chance, Melk thought, he would take that Gilly by surprise and regain possession of his falchion! After all, what right did she have to it anyway? He was the one who had asked for it at the gate, not her! He would devise a plan, then steal it back for himself as soon as he got the chance! He would dispose of that horrible witch in the process, then HE would become master! Melk faltered in his thoughts... What on earth am I thinking? Momentarily regaining a stable composure, he continued to march off towards the cave.


Carolyn was interrupted from her whistling by Gilly, who had popped up beside her. Gilly whispered to Carolyn about her mistrust of the rest of the group, and asking to sleep with her. Carolyn thought about this for a moment. It was obvious that Gilly was extremely unstable. But then, so was Melk, but he was harmless. But he had no weapon. Gilly was armed with more weapons than a Grey Guard.

"Alright, Gilandria. That's fine," Carolyn finally decided
Carolyn was reminded of how she would run to her parents's bedroom anytime there was a thunderstorm. Even though she knew the weather couldn't hurt her, Carolyn didn't feel safe if she didn't have the guarantee that her parents were right there with her, keeping the thunder and lightning away.


Upon hearing Carolyn's permission for her to join her Gilandria became visibly relieved "Thank you, I won't cause any trouble I promise" she spoke as if fearing that the other woman would rescind her invitation at any moment "...I...I've never been away from Gale for any length of time before, I never really realised how much he looked out for me until now" she continued, smiling nervously as they neared the caves entrance.
She didn't know what Varus had planned for them and frankly after hearing his story she thought he was probably a little crazy but with neither her brother or a plan of her own she didn't really have much in the way of options. Oh well maybe things would look better after she'd been to sleep though there was still one thing she probably should clear up first “Carolyn…was your shop the one with the fancy sign on Westgate? Because if so… I am really sorry”

Deleted User - 819397

As they reached the cave again, Varus climbed atop the entrance, his bow appearing once he settled down, legs hanging down. "Like I said, I don't sleep much anymore. You all go ahead and get some rest...I'll make sure nothing comes in. This'll likely be the safest night we'll have in a long while, so make the sleep count, ok?"

Once the Dreamers were all inside the cave, the corrupted man sighed. He had sounded confident to them, but in truth he was worn out. The voice of the corruption hadn't bothered him since he'd put the sun fragment on, but in truth, that was the only companionship he had had. After centuries of battling the monsters alone, he was starting to lose hope that he could make a difference. No matter how he'd tried, the guardian of the only fragment he'd known the location of had thwarted him, and several times he'd barely escaped with his life. The failures, coupled with his loneliness, had dragged him down. He knew that he was only delaying the corruption's takeover of his body with the fragment...if he lost it, or took it off...the spread would continue. He'd thought about killing himself multiple times, when things seemed bleakest. It was the only way to ensure that the corruption didn't take control of him., he wouldn't even think her name, else the sense of loss would overwhelm him...the Archbeing had given him power...more than any human could gain on their own...the corruption would turn that power against humanity, and he wouldn't let it. However, he finally had a group. They weren't fighters, but with the exception of Threut he might be able to make them into a decent force. Some of them didn't trust him...Melk and Gilly most of all. Carolyn...she apparently was the only one basing her opinion off of her Dream...and she had had her Dream from L...from the Arclight's perspective. It appeared the experience had been rather realistic...and as such, she was seeing him before the corruption...when he had been the Arclight. Technically he still was, but without the Archbeing's guidance...he didn't feel like it. He was just a man living on borrowed time...time that would end if he took the headband off.

His fingers found the metal object as he continued to muse, tracing around the fragment, never touching it. Quite honestly, he wasn't sure whether to be happy or not that Carolyn was intent on seeing him as he used to reminded him of his purpose, but it also reminded him of his failure. His overconfidence, his recklessness...this was all his fault...all...his...fault.

Varus forced himself out of the thoughts that he considered to be his darkest, focusing on the gloom, waiting, watching to see if anything would trouble them as the Dreamers slept. Focus on the Dreamers...keep them alive, and help them get the fragments...that was what he had to do...that was the only hope he had left.