The Brain Farts - Brainstorm of ideas here

  • Thread starter Deleted User - 1278415
  • Start date


Hi y'all

Hope I am posting in the right place.
So, a few days ago, the county fair was available again in one of the counties..
I had the chance to be the first one to arrive and donate lots of products (turned out that I didn't get as many bonds as I expected).
Anyways, On my way to the counting fair, I noticed that I didn't have at least one of each product, so I decided to use 300 bags with a common product that I got from the trading office, hoping to be lucky enough and get some products that I didn't have. I got a few new ones and donated them for the extra bond but my point is that it takes more than just a while to open 300 chests.

Like being able to craft several products at once, I was thinking that it might be a good idea to be able to open more chests at once.

Your feedback is highly appreciated!! :)


Any chance we can swap characters between worlds? For example if I want my character from dakota to move to colorado and vice-versa would that be possible to implement?


Well-Known Member
Why cant alliance members stay in hotels for free in other alliance towns?

Why cant alliance members stay in hotels for free in other alliance towns?
I think this would help out all members of the game.
Doesn't have to be free for luxury apartment but maybe the guest room.
What does everyone think?

Good idea


Buff Button in Inventory

Minor Idea: Add a Buff button to our Inventory tab.
Abuse: none
Workaround; none
Implementation: not sure how hard it would be but would
be really helpful.
Details of idea and why it would be helpful:
We have buttons in our Inventory for Clothing and Products,
Guns and Dueling Weapons,Riding Animals, New button and an
Upgrade Button.
Now, I realize we could use the Product button,
and page through it, however this is time consuming considering
most people have tons of items in that tab.
Finding a particular buff, and there are many different types,
does not work well in Search either, as we can't actually search
by the type of buff we are looking for: Energy, Work Motivation,
Health Points, Dueling, Fort Battle, Character, etc.
IF we had a tab in Inventory, with All the buffs being located there,
it would be much easier, faster and less frustrating to find what
we need.
Thanks for reading.


Sorry not sure if this was suggested before, I did try and read a ton of things but did not see it.

place the persons' name 1st in the section that he/she was in.
For example I was attacking a fort, it would be listed 1st on the attackers section-- it is easier for any player to see themselves i they were 1st on the report.

If defending same thing, you would see yourself 1st on the defenders list!


add a part 4 or 5(whatever part we are at) to the crafting quests and make the new 9k recipes its reward.


add a part 4 or 5(whatever part we are at) to the crafting quests and make the new 9k recipes its reward.

Not the 9k recipes as reward, please. They are elusive and let them be elusive. It's more fun that way. (And no, I didn't get the recipe for myself yet.. if you're thinking that. It's just that the game is better with some tough challenges)


Not the 9k recipes as reward, please. They are elusive and let them be elusive. It's more fun that way. (And no, I didn't get the recipe for myself yet.. if you're thinking that. It's just that the game is better with some tough challenges)
challenges for what? the item itself is useless and does not even give a new gun or something. I like one of the many got stuck without a green achievement because I took the optimal path to level crafting, had been stuck that way for a long time. 70+ points away from green achievement so like a good trooper I got parts for the 1 green recipe and click that button every week(due to the accursed cooldown) and just as I was 25 points away here comes an update. I had hope it would speed things up but now Im stuck with all my recipes gray. Im a pure trader and without using premium drop my chances of finding that recipe are dim.I think things have gone beyond anything cutesy like "elusive". I welcome challenges with worthy payoffs.

but beyond my personal whining I do feel like crafter questlines should give out more harder to find recipes instead of the stuff they give out could have an option to drop it from a job/buy/etc and/or do the quest for it,the quest itself needs to be made harder.


add a button next to pick up all button. the new button will only pick up unsold items.


challenges for what? the item itself is useless and does not even give a new gun or something. I like one of the many got stuck without a green achievement because I took the optimal path to level crafting, had been stuck that way for a long time. 70+ points away from green achievement so like a good trooper I got parts for the 1 green recipe and click that button every week(due to the accursed cooldown) and just as I was 25 points away here comes an update. I had hope it would speed things up but now Im stuck with all my recipes gray. Im a pure trader and without using premium drop my chances of finding that recipe are dim.I think things have gone beyond anything cutesy like "elusive". I welcome challenges with worthy payoffs.

but beyond my personal whining I do feel like crafter questlines should give out more harder to find recipes instead of the stuff they give out could have an option to drop it from a job/buy/etc and/or do the quest for it,the quest itself needs to be made harder.

I am a pure premium adventurer trader with +$12.5k luck on LTO and have not had a single high level recipe drop in the countless hours of doing high $ luck jobs. They are not only elusive, but they are a real frustration for people who are trying to craft. Too many people I know give up on crafting when it is so hard to find a recipe.


how about an advent calendar for every month? all we get for logins are exp and 12-15 nugs a week. if you log in every day for a month you would get a pack of buffs or something. maybe even loyalty set that is not strong but is good looking(along the buffs you would get a part every month) it can just be junk but it would make people feel appreciate/connected to the game.


how about allowing us to sell upgraded items

and putting in a way to remove a fort dig that was dug in error


how about allowing us to sell upgraded items

and putting in a way to remove a fort dig that was dug in error

If we can sell upgraded items, low level players will have lvl 5 melee/range weapons and removing fort digs won't stop multies.


No thanks to auctionable upgraded items, it a matter of choice, you can either auction them or upgrade. Selling them is possible, and there are several achievements for doing that.

Could be a good thing to be able to cancel digs, for at short time after digging, maybe within the first hour, giving those that actually dug in error. Of course the money is lost.

Multies aren't dug in error, but on purpose to either annoy and confuse the enemy forces, or to just annoy people, and even the option to cancel those won't help. A way to stop most multies could be a personal digging timer, maybe two hours (giving time to fight the first and move to next before). That way people who want multies have to coordinate the attacks.


Usually, if a fort is dug in error, the alliances take care of letting their members know that battle is cancelled. Posting in the alliance forums and messages in the chat for the battle is usually sufficient.

Cancel option withing the first 15/30 mins would be fine, but it is probably more trouble that it is worth for honest mistakes.