

1. Whats your favorite Food? Taco's

2. Whats your favorite Animal? Kitty cats

3. Whats your favorite Brand of Clothing?

Style is anything black/goth/emo/punk/bondage style ^_^

4. Whats you favorite TV Show? Supernatural/scrubs

5. What gaming systems do you own? Laptop/PC/Sony 2

6. Worst injury you've ever had? Cut under toe which required stitches, and now scarring is bad :(

7. Do you have any pets? yes, a beautiful white cat, she is named
Ebony, plus 2 little dogs <3

8. Whats your favorite color? Black and dark Red

9. Favorite Snack food? BBQ chips

10. Favorite Song? Too many to list, but a few of them is, StoneSour - Bother, Pink - Sober, Linkin Park - In The End, Simple Plan - Welcome to my life, MCR - Im not okay (i promise) (yes i love music too much >.>)

11. Favorite Class in School? :/ I'm too old, but it was English.

12. Do you have a pool? No

13. Favorite Game? Final Fantasy <3

14. Do you wear your shoes in your house? Sometimes

15. Thing you like to do best? TW/Skype/Party/Talk/Write/Read

16. What are you best at? Ranting

17. Favorite book? Anne Rice/Anne Rule/Stephen King - Authors who i adore and am quite fond of due to there ability to draw people in by how they write. Ultimate write is though: David Eddings <3 he is so damn awesome.

18. Do you have glasses? No

19. Favorite drink? Milk

20. Last movie you went to see? :/ cannot remember

21. What mood are you in right now? Flat

22. Age? 25