Suicide vs. Euthanasia vs. pets vs. Free will


It has been brought up in another thread that we as people have the ultimate say in our pets lives. Meaning that when our pet is ill or ailing we have the option to "put them down". However, if a person is involved then the situation changes and it could be considered murder if you help someone else die, whether they want the release of life or not.

Also in the other thread it was mentioned that people do not necessarily commit suicide of their own free will but rather can be "bullied" into it.

In my opinion suicide is an act of free will, which is an act to stop acting on anything else that is in your life. In general, I would say that someone that is suicidal has other mental problems and has not recognized that there may be other solutions to their own problems. I believe that it is usually a cop out and an overall crappy way of dealing with things. Life is no bed of roses! But it can be if you just take the time to deal with whatever crap storm is sent your way.
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