Stranded (rpg)


Alexandria take te girl into te tree house and let her sleep there...she went outside and saw te guys sleeping...

"dang...its almost sunrise..." she thought to herself and went back to te house to get something for te girl...


*all of a sudden wakes up and grabs a shotgun real quick and runs to the door*"whose here, tell them im nowhere."*but sees it was only James and alexandria.*"ohh,sorry,thought it was someone els.">.<*lowers shotgun*


" you better be careful wit tat gun sir^^" she said to hier....

"i just have to make something for a girl ...she seems lost...i wonder if one of you knew her...well we can talk about it soon as we all get some rest " alexandria added then went straight to her closet then down to te kitchen to get some food...she went back t te tree house and finally decided to get some sleep.


James went up the steps to the treehouse and said,"Mind if I come in ma dame?"


*rub her eyes*

"cant sleep mister?" alexandria said as she open te door of te tree house..

"i wonder if you know tis girl" she said looking at te girl sleeping.


"Nope. I know the one in front of me who looks pretty good considering shes half asleep," James said with a laugh as he climbed in.


"hmmm...thank you mister..and i think youve been so busy lately tat you need a rest or you'll think mah cat is a sexy lady in black..." she said laughing.. :p



"Haha. Only sexy lady in black right now is you," James said with a smile.


*goes back to sleep,but having shotgun next to him and pistol under pillow*