So cool.


I just found the game today and I think I am already hooked. I have been waiting for a real 'GAME' that is relevant to me. I love the ethic.


Glad you like it, but there a question here? One thing you may be look for is how to spend your skill point. The usual keywords for a lot of games, strat, build, etc, don't work here. The keyword you want to use for a search on how to spend them is "specs".


I just found the game today and I think I am already hooked. I have been waiting for a real 'GAME' that is relevant to me. I love the ethic.

cool have fun
duelers FRESH MEAT !

all kidding aside now
since your new i would say go charisma with the attribute points and don't worry about doing a quest the level you can get it. i am not saying don't do the quest until you past it by 20 levels, but rather don't spend your attribute and skill points just so you can do a quest. doing this you will become frustrated come level 30 with being stuck doing mediocre jobs.

going charisma with the attribute will help you with your tactics(defense skill in dueling) and is a good start for the trade and appearance skill for some cash jobs. i would also choose the adventurer class for the 1st toon and if you can afford to buy gold nuggets, get the energy premium.
when it comes to doing a job if your not able to have the labor points at least at 3 then wait on it and do another job instead. for high danger jobs(40% +) be sure to have at least 7 and be prepared to still get some damage until the labor points are in the teens
and DON'T consider making your own town. all that will do is bog you down. if you want to be in a town then join one thats is out there already because the headache of making a town for a new player is more then you can imagine

thats the basics as to where to spend your skill points thats up to you i don't think anybody ought to tell anybody how to play the entire game for them since what fun is that. and to finish this put the link below in your favorites to use as a reference


register at the site then upload your skills and inventory per instructions found there and use the job calculator it is a god send for this game
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I just found the game today and I think I am already hooked. I have been waiting for a real 'GAME' that is relevant to me. I love the ethic.

Also as docmed says, if your gonna buy gold don't waste it on character bonus, a complete waste of money. I think it actually reduces your chances of finding anything and increases the chances of getting hurt.:p That's what I think of character bonus.



Im in exactly the same position ;) Except I joined yesterday.

Such a nicely crafted game with a unique, appealing concept.


we all know tis game is 'awesome' :D

(it has been discussed before)


I Know What You Mean

Ya im already hooked too. Can't believe it its now one of my favorite games.


You mosey across the plains, perhaps you don't often stay in a town, too many bandits looting them. You are a free spirit searching for adventures and riches. What will happen during the next job, or the next quest? Will the pay be a huge wad? What amazing thing might you find? Or what dangers may lurk?

Or perhaps you love to build a town, watching it grow, working hard to fund it, hopefully with the help of others. Do you specialise exclusively as an expert builder, or learn some self-defence too? Will you be attacked by bandits at the worst moment? Will they keep coming back? Will your stores be able to provide some excellent goods, or will you only be able to secure deals with mediocre items?

Maybe you like to duel. Either as a bandit robbing the weak and defenceless, or a more noble fighter, or a pure defender of the weak - whether your own town or whatever helpless town is being invaded. Either as a raiding party or a lone gunslinger you ride across the desert, and into the enemy town, calling them out to a duel. You wait for the show to begin, and like a scene from a Western movie the hero (or villain) takes on the enemy, and perhaps you do not even know if our hero will win this particular fight as it unfolds. But you know they will probably win the final showdown at the end of the movie. :)

So many possibilities. One of my characters, a dueller, the doubledealing, self-serving Gilly searched around for a good town to join. He joined a well-developed town, but it was at war with three larger towns very close by, and there were much more skilled and experienced fighters living there. After being beaten to within an inch of his life, Gilly decided he would grab what he could from the town and then get out of there as quickly as possible, into a more peaceful land. He knew they were coming to finish him! Nearly falling off his horse the whole way he managed to get back to town safely and emptied his pockets buying what he needed. Then after getting cleaned up and resting for a while he quietly handed back the deed to his property and set off on a long trek to his new home.

Yes, great game. :)
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