Sick One


The combined fire of the group sent most of the first SWAT team into cover, meanwhile the inhabitants of the second SWAT van disembarked and rapidly advanced towards the gates.
Huang stepped on the accelerator and the van sped forwards across the concrete as several of the SWAT troopers opened up with inaccurate reaction fire.
The van bumped as it sped over the remains of the shattered gate, by now one of the SWAT teams had gotten to the guard cubicles and were opening up on the van's flanks, peppering the vehicle with lead.

The Blockade

The doors of the black SUV opened and four figures calmly stepped out. The first was a man in grey/black fatigues with a gas mask wielding an SMG. The second was a short woman wearing combat trousers, zipped-up leather jacket and pattern webbing, carrying a SWAT-issue assault carbine. The third was a tall figure in a tracksuit armed with a machine pistol. Finally, stepping out of one of the rear passenger doors was a man in a casual grey suit and fedora, carrying a sniper rifle.
The few troopers that remained clustered around the blue SWAT transports scattered as the rebel van crashed through a gap that was definitely to small, badly clipping the front grill of one of the blue vehicles.
The Operatives reacted quickly. The man in the gas mask and the woman in the webbing dropped to their knees and let off accurate bursts at the windscreen, shattering it and sending glass inside the driver's compartment. The man in the tracksuit dropped to the ground, taking out a small electronic device he began to key in commands. Lastly the man in the fedora relaxed his body and took aim through his sniper scope, using the SUV as cover.


Half diving, half falling Sera once again finds herself on the vans metal floor, clapping eh hands over her ears against the roar of sustained gunfire both within and outside of the vehicle. Showered with broken glass from the windscreen and with the sound tearing metal as enemy bullets tore holes into the vans body work Sera promised herself to look into armour plating if she ever made it through this but for now all she could do was keep down and pray that they'd make out of here alive.


(OOC: Does this thing have a sun-roof?) Maya swore, she wished she'd brought her sniper, although she knew it probably wouldn't have been any help. She leant through and yelled "Keep those doors shut. They're the only thing keeping you lot alive!" Then she turned back to Huang and spoke, "Do you know of the abandoned garage she's talking about?" She asked the man, and waited for his response.


Doc continued to shoot even after all her bullets were spent. It was so noisy that she didn't even notice the distinct click click click. But when the windshield broke, and the glass started flying, she threw the useless gun to the floor. Doc quickly decided that Sera's solution was the right one for her as well, and dove down to the floor of the van. She yelled. "Are there any other weapons I can use?"


"Do you know of the abandoned garage she's talking about?"
"No! But since Katy was the only one who knew where the FF safehouse was we should go there!" Huang yelled in reply as the van screeched to the right along the road.
Through a bullethole in the back of the van the SWAT troopers could be seen in their disorder, some trying to chase after the van, some shooting, and others trying to get in their own vans and give chase.
"Are there any other weapons I can use?"
"Yeah... there's a duffel bag underneath Katy's seat with some handguns and ammo in it." These were Huang's last words, for but a few seconds later his head jerked to one side as a sniper's bullet smashed through the window and straight through the back of the driver's head, and out through his frontal lobes to become embedded in the dashboard. In the last moment of Huang's life he stepped on the accelerator before his limp corpse collapsed backwards in the seat.


Maya swore as Huang's head was blown open. "Cover for me! I'd now recommend opening that back door to fire out!" She shouted, before opening the door and unclipping the man, before throwing him out and sliding into his seat. The van was manual but she knew how to drive. She'd received a course on driving whilst at the Department, but she'd never done it to any great skill level. She grunted, knowing that there was nowhere else to go. "I'm going to take you all to my place. After we get there though we split and go our separate ways. I won't hole you lot up there." She hadn't wanted to take them back to her place, but with Huang dead there was clearly no other safe place to go since none of them knew the location of the safe-house. She floored the accelerator before swinging the back round and racing off down a side street. They had to get off of these main roads or they were sitting ducks. She swung down a few more side roads and prepared to crash the van into a parking lot which was coming up ahead. She knew the area, the parking lot had two entrances, she could break through this side and come out the other, a very convenient short-cut.


“Yeah…there’s a duffel bag underneath Katy’s seat with some handguns and ammo in it.” Huang said. Keeping low, Doc felt under the seat that Katy had occupied, and found the bag, and pulled out a gun. Almost immediately following, Doc heard something hit the dashboard, and knew it wasn’t good. She felt the van speed up for a moment, then come to a stop. Maya sprang from her seat, and shouted for cover, and to open the back door to fire out. Maya then opened the driver door, threw poor Huang out, climbed in and took off. All this happened in just seconds. With adrenalin that Doc didn’t know she possessed, she dove for the back door, opened it…and fell back once again to the van floor. Doc started firing, never knowing whether she hit anything or not. By the time her bullets were spent, Maya had turned the van onto a side road, and there was nothing more to shoot.


The van lurched violently as Huang the driver was suddenly shot through the head resulting in Maya having to take control once she'd pushed his body out of the door and into the street "No don't open the..." Sera started to shout just as the large doors at the rear of the van were thrown open, giving the SWAT teams a clear line of sight to them all, thought thankfully they were far too disorganised to take advantage of the situation.
As the van pulled into a car park, smashing its way through the barrier Sera took full advantage of the sudden reduction in speed as she leapt through the open doors being sure to roll as she hit the tarmac. A sudden pain shooting up her arm as she hit her shoulder hard on the ground, though other than a bruise she reckoned there shouldn't be any major damage to it.
Jumping to her feet so as not to give either the pursuing cops or the resistance fighters within the van chance to pursue her she sprints in amongst the parked cars being sure keep her head down so as to avoid showing her face to any CCTV that may be present and dives into a nearby alleyway.
Crouching behind a pair of dumpsters she slowly counts to twenty, waiting to see if anyone would enter the alley before then pulling off the blood soaked hoody and scarf she wore and stuffing them deep into the rubbish. Using the back of one of her gloved hands she then wipes the worst of the blood from her cheeks thankful that the hoody had taken the worst of the splatter before then removing the gloves and pushing them into the pocket of her jeans to be burnt back at her apartment.
The mission had been a disaster from the very start and one that had very nearly resulted in her death, no it was time to put her fate into her own hands for the time being let the others distract the cops by racing through the streets in a bullet riddled van, she meanwhile was going to walk home and have a shower.
Pulling off the scrunchy that bound her hair into a pony tail she shakes out her distinctive platinum blonde hair that had up until this point been concealed under her hood to cascade around her cheeks further concealing any blood that may have escaped her notice.
Looking like just another person albeit in scruffy jeans and a whiteT-shirt she casually walks to the end of the alleyway and takes a right. There was a bus stop up ahead maybe she could get home in time for dinner.
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As Vincent was using the rear doors for cover, he heard a particularly powerful rifle round fly through the van, as the vehicle quickly (relatively) accelerated. Looking back, he saw a headless driver, and seeing as this wasn't Sleepy Hollow, that meant the van was uncontrolled. Reacting quickly, Maya pushed the deceased driver out of the van, and suggested they open the rear doors to return fire. Just as Vincent was about to object, the doctor opened the doors, and began firing. Vincent fumbled in his pocket for the .303 British ammunition, dropping a few out of the back, but managing to get a few rounds out, before seeing Sera, the other noncombatant, fly out the back door as the van drove through a car park. "Turn back, we lost somebody!" Vincent yelled to Maya as Sera was lost out of sight.


The Blockade

The SWAT troopers scattered across the road in the face of the furious but disorganized gunfire flowing from the back of the van.
Meanwhile the Operatives moved quickly, calmly stepping back into the SUV, the man in the tracksuit taking the driver's seat.
As the van turned into the corner, out of sight of the blockade troops the dazed SWAT teams moved to secure the factory and surrounding area.


Putting aside the humming of nearby factory machinery and the overhead buzz of a surveillance drone seeking its' target the street was almost quiet, just a few people moving to and fro, with only a small queue at the bus stop.

The Van

Although sirens rung through the air and the distant whop-whop-whop of a helicopter filled the sky it appeared that the police had momentarily lost trace of the battered Transit van, which had started to billow smoke from the engine.


Walking over to the small bus stop Sera makes a show of checking the timetable pinned behind the grimy Perspex as she took stock of her possessions, her back pack was still sat in the back of the van which probably wasn't a bad thing, as trying to explain why she was carrying around several chemicals and testing equipment could prove to be quite tricky, she just hoped that somebody would think to take it with them once they reached the safe house...if they reached the safe house. With only a .22 pocket pistol, a small amount of money and a mobile phone on her Sera quietly hopes she would have enough to pay for the bus fare as she pulled out the phone and began furiously texting; sending the message down an encrypted line to her contact in the Edinburgh cell.

Hi Bruce, hope alls well with u as I’ve had a pig of a day :( Looks like my new apartment in NY has a rat problem. Will call u once the bleeders are dealt with so u can cum and visit again.
Luv Angel

A slight smile touches her lips at the code name, it had been "Bruce's" idea and a small joke at her expense curse her hippy parents and the silly name they'd given her.
As soon as the bus arrived she would get on and head for the nearest stop to her apartment and hope that "Bruce" would understand the message he'd sent her and pass it along. New York needed to clean house.


They hadn't turned around to pick up the jumper. Thinking about it, that was what she looked like she was doing. She didn't fall out of the van, she jumped out, not trusting anyone else to save her. Looking around, Vincent saw that the police had lost them. How they could miss a damaged van like this was hard to fathom, but what was that saying? Don't look a gift horse in the mouth? It was a more relaxing moment. However, the engine seemed to be producing smoke; maybe the radiator was hit. "I think it'd be prudent if we left this van behind, and made for it on foot," Vincent said to the group.


Doc hated the smell of a blown engine, and that stench started to permeate the van right through the smashed windshield. Vincent advised leaving the van behind, and Doc wholeheartedly agreed. "Maya, pull over and let's get out of this heap, before they spot us again." Doc said. And, before I gag from the smell, she thought to herself. She was not sure when or even if they would be be debriefed, but Doc had information that needed to be shared. She hadn't done this enough yet to know what was proper... but it had been a long day, and she wanted to go home.


(OOC: I agreed this with tiger but then totally forget to post it and then forgot that I'd forgotten to post it, my bad!)

Maya kept a hold of the wheel. They appeared to have lost the police for now, but that would be fine. She drove out the other side, took one more right turn and then pulled into a wooden shed. She got out and stuck her head in the back. "This is where we part ways, there are a couple of bikes here if you want to use them and there's a bus-stop not far from here, but in three minutes this place goes up." The others would find the motorbikes lent up against a wall with keys on hooks above the bikes. There were three in total and there was also a car on the other side, but Maya had already taken the keys to the car. Meanwhile she had pulled two cans of fuel and was busy pouring it all over the building. The wood appeared to be kept bone dry on the inside, this would make it much quicker to burn. She grabbed a box of fire-lighters and turned round to check if the others were still there or not.



Not long after the bus arrived, hissing slightly as it braked to fit exactly within the yellow lines on the road clearly marked 'BUS STOP'.
Aboard, most of the seats were free, inhabited by a mix of commuters and schoolkids, all watched by the camera above the rear exit door. A small holoscreen next to the driver suddenly switched from a soft drink commercial to the news, where a 'BREAKING NEWS' headline flashed in red across the screen. An aerial shot of the industrial district flashed with the signals of little police sirens, visibly clustered around one point.
Meanwhile the driver sighed and repeatedly asked her for the fare.

The Shed

First to move, Ethan hopped onto one of the bikes, grabbing the keys as he went. "Seeyas." He acknowledged before speeding off out into the street.
Meanwhile inside the wrecked van, there came a just about audible buzzing as a phone screen inside Katy's bag lit up.


Stuffing her mobile into the pocket of her jeans Sera waited until the bus had come to a stop before joining the queue to get on clutching the handful of coins in her fist. It was as she was boarding that the holoscreen suddenly changed to display the factory that she had so recently fled, the bold red lettering declaring her and her colleagues to be murderers and terrorists but...I didn't kill anyone her mind quietly responds to the outright lies before her.
Realising that she was staring and holding everyone up she quietly apologises before handing over the handful of change and apologising once more for having to pay with shrapnel.
With the bus mostly empty she picks a vacant seat at random and looks out of the window and wonders how the others had got on, the news hadn't said that the police had caught anybody which either meant that they had escaped or they were all dead. Promising herself that she would make contact with the group once she was back home she settles herself down and waits for the bus to get going.
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Doc heard Maya say that the shed would be torched in three minutes, and hastily grabbed her backpack, and exited the van. She left the handgun that she had gotten from Katy’s gear on the floor of the van. As she departed, she thought she heard a buzz of a phone. Looking back inside, she saw a faint glow shining through Katy's bag. She dashed back in, ripped open the bag, and grabbed the phone. "hello....hello?" While she waited for a reply, she looked over at the bikes, and shrugged her shoulders, and knew she would be walking. She had never learned how to drive them... Or, was it ride them? She never could remember. "hello?"


The Van

There was a pause. Shallow breathing could be heard at the other end of the line. The caller ID read 'Unknown'. Eventually a voice spoke. "I would like to speak to Katy. Tell her this is her landlord." The voice had a heavy Brooklyn accent, but spoke slowly and clearly.


Maya heard as a phone in the back of the van rang. It must be Katy's. "Don't!" She yelled, but it was too late, and now another girl had picked up the phone. She ran across and snatched it out and commanded. "Who are you and what do you want?" She made a motion to the girl to show that she was dealing with this, if she didn't get a codeword in the next twenty second she was hanging up, because after that they could begin triangulating her position and she had no idea if the person on the other end was FF or Department, and frankly, she wasn't willing to take the risk.


Boredom...never before had Sera been so content to be bored as the bus slowly wound its way through the city, don't get her wrong she loved a bit of excitement as much as the next girl but after the excitement of the last couple of hours she was happy to just stare out of the window and watch the traffic roll on by.
Eventually arriving at her stop; one of the last on the line she gets off thanking the bus driver as she does so and walks the last few blocks to an apartment building with the ARMSCORP logo emblazoned across its front, the small yet comfortable apartment she lived in being a perk of working for the multinational arms company.
Keying in the buildings access code she walks across the small lobby area and takes the stairs up several storeys before then keying in yet another code so as to enter her apartment; the loud clacking of automated dead bolts telling her that she had gotten in right.
Entering an apartment that was decorated in a strange combination of Sci-fi and pink, Sera locks the door behind her before walking into the small kitchen area and dropping the pair of gloves into the sink before then pouring a liberal does of lighter fluid over them and setting them ablaze. Once she was certain that no evidence could be extracted from them she then washes the charred fragments of plastic down the sink before moving on to the more complex problem of dealing with the gun. The weapon was small which was good as she didn't think she could hide anything larger within her apartment. Wrapping the weapon up in an old carrier bag she carefully places it behind one of the panels on the cooker hood where she would leave it until she had the time to do a proper job of cleaning it with one of the more potent acids she had at her disposal...and electrical tape...hadn't some gangster wrapped the handle of his gun in electrical tape? She wasn't too sure on that one but burning off the serial numbers would be a very good start.
With her gloves gone and the gun safely hidden Sera heads over to the bathroom for a much needed shower; blood and vomit was not a good look and it smelt even worse.