The only way to end the multi account problem on the game is by taking action and Take No Prisoners.
It's quite simple, i have developed the whole idea and i will discharge my payload right now.
It's 2024, everyone has a cellphone...
Any website you try to create an account nowadays ask you for a valid phone number to link it directly to your account to confirm your identity.
That keep away bots, and also people intended to have multiple accounts to take advantage of any features.
Why can't we get rid of multi accounts?
Killing it by cutting off the roots
For new players, implement an identity verification system when creating an account. Player has to provide a valid phone number and confirm with a code sent by SMS.
What about other players that already has an account?
Access will be denied until player confirm it's identity like everyone else.
Just that will wipe out at least 75% of multis. Discouragement, Dissuasion...
When Will This Cease?
Multis Will All Rust in Peace!
How to keep them away?
Like any disease, you control it's spread... Just like a vaccine.
Check again identity randomly, but no longer than once every 2 mo.
What if i change my number?
You change in-game afterwards...
Recovery of access methods could be implemented also in case of a player that forgot to change his number and have been asked to confirm identity.
Plenty of solutions out there for the back end out there that will take care of the SMS part of the authentication.
It's silly, but it will discourage many players that take advantage and mess with people that play the game fairly.
It will also eliminate problems related with players that never had an multi account being banned in a batch with another 30 accounts that they never even heard of.
i will call it the Polaris
Launch the Polaris
The end does scare them?
When will this cease?
Multis Will all RUST IN PEACE!