Rise of the Sentinels

  • Thread starter DeletedUser28032
  • Start date


It was in dark days of the kingdom, a time of civil war, of famine and plague that the Sentinels arose bringing salvation to the darkness despite such humble beginnings.
The king of Talamh Bui a great and wise ruler passed on to the next life leaving his sons Aeric and Calaine to govern his vast kingdom.
Aeric the eldest of the two brothers was pronounced king much to the disgust of his brother Calaine an arrogant man who believed his brother to be weak and unfit to rule, he secretly raised an army recruiting the Eorls sympathetic to his cause along the way and so it was with this mighty army that he attacked his unsuspecting brother stealing his throne from beneath him and plunging the kingdom into bitter civil war.
The skies were filled with banners and pennants as both sides rode to war, throughout the kingdoms fertile plains warriors clashed in battle drenching the fields with their blood, their cries of pain echoing across the northern mountains.
Never a natural warrior, Aeric found himself losing more and more ground to his brother’s brutal assaults, his army weakened and demoralised defeat was sure to follow if something wasn’t done soon.
It was whilst he out riding in the forests on the outskirts of the kingdom that Aerics fortune would swiftly change, for it was whilst he was isolated and alone that his bodyguard disillusioned by their king turned on him. Aeric surely would have perished had it not been for Beornoth the woodsman.
He watched from the shadows as the kings men drew their swords and attacked, armed with only a simple peasants bow and staff Beornoth ran to his king’s aid, two fell to his bow, his arrows finding the tiniest of chinks in their armour through which to strike, the other two he met in armed combat. With only a quarterstaff for a weapon and a leather jerkin for armour Beornoth attacked the two mail clad warriors, he fought like a wild man and though he was outnumbered and his opponents better armed and trained Beornoth was victorious.
Beornoth a veteran of a long forgotten war made an oath to the king that for as long as he could still draw breath that he would watch over the king and the people of Talamh Bui. It was this humble woodsman who would later form the Sentinels, recruiting its members from all walks of life and training them to become the guardians of Talamh Bui and its rightful king.
Three decades of peaceful rule went by even the casual raiding of the kingdoms neighbours ceased with the Sentinels watching the kingdoms borders. Aeric was to become a benevolent ruler and a caring father however it was when his eldest son Carfel was selected to join the ranks of the Sentinels that he was his most proud. Brash, arrogant and filled with misplaced confidence Carfel demanded to take the test early, pressurised by the king Beornoth against his better judgement agreed to allow Carfel take the test.
Carfel along with the other candidates crossed into Chasind territory in order to track one of the more violent tribes that lived on the kingdoms border. Unhappy to just to watch the enemy and track their movements, Carfel decided to lead an attack persuading the other initiates to follow him.
Outnumbered three to one the initiates didn’t stand a chance out of the original twelve only three of them walked out of Chasind territory alive, Carfel however was not among them.
Greif stricken the king and queen accused Beornoth of having the Prince murdered by the other initiates and so the Sentinels were outcast, never to set foot in Talamh Bui again.

40 years later
The king surveyed the grim faced nobles who sat within his hall and the empty spaces where fallen should have been, fighting men all of them forged in blood and battle.
The war was going badly, heavily outnumbered, his men as valiant as they were, were slowly being whittled away. Worse still Tristan had betrayed him taking his men across the river to join the enemy kidnapping his step sister in the process and holding her to ransom. “Eorl Turegor have any of our allies responded to our request for men?” the ageing king enquired, Turegor a dour man with a long greying beard arose from his seat at the council in order to address his king “Yes sire, The Franziskan’s have promised us five hundred men and the Breton’s will send a further two hundred” Seven hundred men is that all? How had it come to this, his father’s once mighty kingdom begging their allies for help “What of our northern neighbours? The Chasind?” A bark of callous laughter issued from Eorl Turegor in response to the king’s question “The Chasind are mindless barbarians I wouldn’t trust those savages or their heathen witches to come to our aid”
Wearily massaging his temples, long grey hair spilling from under a golden circlet across his shoulders the king contemplated what had been said “So what you are saying is that we are all alone?” Turegor grimly nodded his head once to confirm the king’s statement but would say no more on the matter.
“What of my daughter Isolla? What is being done to rescue her from Tristan’s clutches?” An uncomfortable silence resided within the cavernous hall, Tristan’s betrayal had been a blow that they had yet to recover from.
Clearing his throat noisily Turgeor calmly proceeded to speak the words that the other Eorls feared to voice “Sire, we do not have the men with which to rescue Isolla….We’re stretched thin as it is there is nothing we can do”
“There is one option still open to us” the Eorls turned to see who had spoken, desperate to know the plan that would return the princess to them.
An old man far older than even the king himself stood on unsteady legs, his beard was as white as winter snow and his eyes as pale as ice. In his parchment dry voice he continued “We can summon the Sentinels my king” a murmur spread throughout the hall, that name had not been mentioned in over forty years.
“My liege there is a reason that they were exiled, I would rather we found another option” Turegor spoke gruffly in response to the old mans suggestion, many of the other Eorls voicing agreement “what other options? You said so yourself we do not have the men available…No I refuse to consign my daughter to an early grave through inaction… Gideon!” a young boy scurried out from the shadows dropping to his knee’s beside he kings throne “Gideon have messengers seek out the remaining Sentinels I would seek an audience with them” “Yes my liege” Gideon jumped to his feet quickly scurrying back into the halls shadows in search of messengers willing to track down the remaining Sentinels “I only hope that they can help me” the king sighed mournfully.

You are all members (or Initiates) of the Sentinels, an order created to protect and serve the kingdom of Talamh Bui and its rightful king.
Although they are a military order the Sentinels rarely take to the field of battle but instead lead daring daylight raids, scout deep into enemy territory and infiltrate enemy strongholds in short they are a kind of special forces group. It is for this reason that the Sentinels recruit its members from all walks of life; from fierce warriors to devout priests all have skills that will benefit the order.

Although completely fictional I have based Talamh Bui and the surrounding kingdoms loosely around dark ages Britain (Vikings, Saxons, etc) to give you some idea of the setting in which the story takes place.

Below is a modified version of Alawa’s character creation mechanism (I have changed the skills to better suit a medieval/fantasy setting).
All the normal rules apply, if I don’t like something you’ve written I’ll let you know via a pm conversely if you have any questions feel free to ask me and I’ll try and answer them. Other than that I hope you enjoy it.

Attributes are broken into Physical, Social, and Mental.

PHYSICAL: The core movement abilities of your character

Strength: Brute physical power
Dexterity: Familiarity with your bodies capabilities in motion
Stamina: The combination of physical and mental fortitude

SOCIAL: How well you character interacts and is perceived by others

Charisma: How well you present yourself to others
Manipulation: How well you can garner response through deceit and trickery
Appearance: How attractive you are to others

MENTAL: Your mental capabilities

Perception: Conscious and intuitive capabilities to notice details
Intelligence: How smart you are (duh)
Wits: Mental reaction to given situations

Abilities are broken down into three categories

TALENTS: A listing of talents, most are self-explanatory

Alertness: Recognizing specific details
Athletics: Running, climbing, jumping, swimming
Brawl: Fighting with your fists
Dodge: Not getting hit by stuff
Empathy: The understanding the emotions of others'
Expression: The ability to convey meaning through written word or oratory
Intimidation: The ability to gain information or action through threat
Intuition: Gut feelings
Leadership: The ability to motivate through force of personality
Streetwise: Understanding the vernacular of the underbelly of society
Subterfuge: Lying
Performance: Ability to entertain audiences

SKILLS: A listing of skills, most are self-explanatory

Animal Ken: Understanding animal behaviour
Crafts: The ability to construct or repair
Tracking: Your ability to track people or animals using only the signs they’ve left
Riding: Your ability to ride a horse (Or similar animal)
Shooting: Your ability to use missile weapons such as Bows, Crossbows and Javelins
Melee (Small Weapons): Your Skill with single handed weapons such as Swords, Axes, Knives, Clubs etc
Melee (Large Weapons): Your Skill with Large two handed Weapons such as Spears, Glaives, Two Handed axes and swords, etc
Thievery: Your ability to pick peoples pockets and crack locks without being caught
Stealth: Sneaking and hiding
Survival: The knowledge required to adapt enough to continue breathing
Discipline: Your ability to stay focused on the task at hand despite the distractions all around you

KNOWLEDGES: List of knowledge’s, most are self-explanatory

Academics: (Can Read 1, Fully Literate 2, Formal Schooling 3, Academic 4, Scholar 5)
Herbalist: Your Knowledge on plants and how to create potions, poisons and poultices from them
Enigmas: Ability to solve puzzles
Trade: How to get the best deal when buying or selling things
Investigation: Combination of formal investigative procedure and common sense
Sorcery: Your ability (Or Perceived ability) to cast spells and/or resist there affects.
Linguistics: How quickly you can pick up and learn a foreign language
Medicine: Healing
Occult: Knowledge of the supernatural, legends, and myth
Research: How to find a sought answer
Science: The application of science (this is medieval science, think Alchemy)

Ok all... that's the list of attributes (which can not be altered) and Abilities (which can be within reason. I know I couldn't list it all)
Attributes and abilities are ranked 1 through 5. As a general belief the numbers can be described as such; 1 poor, 2 average, 3 good, 4 exceptional, 5 outstanding.

Attributes: All categories begin with a base of 1. You are given the following breakdown of points to allocate between the three main attributes (Physical, Social, Mental). They are 7/5/3. That means you can put 7 points into one main attribute, and then 5 in the second most important to you, and finally 3 in the least important. As an example;
I have a soldier. I believe physical, mental, and lastly social to be how I rank importance. I spend 7 points in physical. I have 1 in each category already. So I spend 2 in strength, 3 in dexterity, and 2 in stamina so my final categories would be Strength 3, Dexterity 4, and Stamina 3. Then I would spend 5 points in mental, and lastly 3 in social. Hope it makes sense.

Abilities: All three categories start with nothing in any of the ranks. You can spend the following 13/9/5. Just like attributes, take a moment to look at all the available abilities and rank your categories in order of importance. Your most important logically should have 13 points spent in it, then your second 9, and finally 5 in the least important. There are several abilities that do not require any specialized knowledge to use, Athletics being the first I saw. I can run, but have never been formally trained in real nuance, so I'd have just base dexterity to fall back on. There are others that you have to have at least one rank to perform. Medicine seems to be a good one to use as an example. If you have no training in first aid... you can leave my dangling broken arm alone until somebody who does know what to do comes along thank you very much.

Pretty complex no? It's easy once you grasp the process. Ok... two last things. First, you can only have one rank of 5 on your entire sheet. I don't care if it's attribute or ability. You may have two ranks of 4 anywhere on your sheet. All other ranks must be 3 or less. Second... you get 11 free points to spend wherever you want on your sheet. Attributes cost 5 points each rank. Abilities cost 2 points each rank. So, example, you could pick two attribute ranks, or five abilities, or one attribute and three abilities.
Name: Your name
Gender: Male/Female
Age: How old you are
Occupation: Your job (warrior, thief, nun, mage, etc (Not Sentinel that’s a given))
Equipment: The things you are carrying
Description: what you look like
Background: your characters back story, who are you? Where have you been all these years? etc (feel free to write as much or as little as you like)
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Name: Galen
Gender: Male
Age: 29
Occupation: theif/rogue
Equipment: lethal short sword (+sheath on back) provisions, twin daggers (in separate sheaths on thighs), lock picking kit.
Description: wears a tattered brown leather cloak and dark green cloth hood, he often keeps his hood up, it hides his face perfectly. his face is scarred, he wears a metal mouthguard with airholes in it allowing him to breath, the mouthguard means that his voice takes on a slightly creepy rasping tone as it comes through the airholes. on his elbows and knees he wears worn-down leather pads, he has leather knuckle-guards as well, forming a semi-gauntlet on his hands. he wears light leather boots that make minimal noise, his hair is jet black.
Background: he grew up in an orphanage in the dirty and dark slums of Allansia where he learnt his trade after he escaped the orphanage. after several years of theiving, his exploits became known to the sentinels after he stole from one of their members in a back alley, taking the theft into consideration, they decided that it was a minor incident and would work well for them if he joined them. and so he joined the sentinels.
ever since he has taken on the role of the sentinel's resident thief. helping them get out of (and into) many "interesting" situations.

i haven't used the attribute system before, and am not entirely sure of it's workings, so i will gladly be corrected if i get anything wrong.

PHYSICAL: The core movement abilities of your character

Strength: 2
Dexterity: 4
Stamina: 3

SOCIAL: How well you character interacts and is perceived by others

Charisma: 2
Manipulation: 3
Appearance: 2

MENTAL: Your mental capabilities

Perception: 3
Intelligence: 3
Wits: 4

TALENTS: A listing of talents, most are self-explanatory

Dodge: 3
Streetwise: 3
Subterfuge: 3

SKILLS: A listing of skills, most are self-explanatory

Animal Ken:
Tracking: 2
Melee 2
Thievery: 5
Stealth: 3
Discipline: 1

KNOWLEDGES: List of knowledge’s, most are self-explanatory

Academics: 2
Investigation: 3

as i said, please feel free to correct me if i got anything wrong.


Name: Ragnar Wulfrik
Gender: Male
Age: 56
Occupation: Ranger
Equipment: Long sword, hunting bow, skinning knife, box of tinder, water bag, length of rope.
Description: 6’2” with broad shoulders, Ragnar is a giant of a man with long black hair and beard both now heavily streaked with grey. A large scar runs across one of his dark brown eyes a memento from an unsuccessful raid undertaken many years ago. Dressed in simple peasant clothes over which he wears a thick leather jerkin, bracers and a faded green hooded cloak. His boots though scuffed and battered from years of use are of good quality. On his right forearm the mark of the Sentinel is tattooed
Background: The son of a low level warlord Ragnar spent much of his young life in his father’s hall learning to fight so that one day he may join him in the shield wall. However this wasn’t to be, Ragnar was selected to join the ranks of the Sentinels and protect his kingdom. His proud father gifted Ragnar a sword and boots before he left his home for what would be the last time.
He trained hard, learning the ways of the Sentinel quickly. By the age of sixteen he was ready to take the test along with the other initiates among whom was Carfel the kings son.
It was after surviving Carfel’s ill fated attack on the Chasind and the subsequent banishment of the Sentinels that led Ragnar to the life of the ranger, living along the border lands silently and loyally dispatching the kingdoms enemies and training those he’s encountered worthy enough to do the same.
He learnt to track and hunt wild beasts in order to survive; awaiting the day he could return home.


Strength: 3

Dexterity: 2
Stamina: 3


Charisma: 2
Manipulation: 2
Appearance: 2


Perception: 4
Intelligence: 3
Wits: 3


Alertness: 3
Brawl: 1
Dodge: 1
Intuition: 2
Leadership: 2

SKILLS: (13)

Animal Ken: 2
Tracking: 4

Shooting: 3
Melee (Small Weapons): 2
Stealth: 3 (2pts)
Survival: 2
Discipline: 1


Academics: 2

Herbalist: 1
Enigmas: 1
Medicine: 1

Ragnar watched critically as the boy searched for sign of the wolf in the forest undergrowth, they’d been tracking the creature now for three days now and finally they were beginning to catch up.
Leaning against a nearby oak tree Ragnar patiently waited for the boy, he’d seen the sign immediately but the boy needed to learn how else would he survive in the wilderness.
Boy exclaimed in triumph when finally found the strands of grey fur hanging from the twig, the hunt could continue. The two of them moved swiftly through the trees, despite his age Ragnar could still keep up…Just about anyway. They ran like this for more than an hour pausing only to check the wolf’s trail before continuing onwards. Raising his fist in the air Ragnar stopped the youth before blundered on through the trees, crouching low Ragnar moved forward silently to where he had spied the creature at the edge of a stream.
He watched the big, shaggy old dog wolf as it bent to drink from the streams cool clear water, nodding quietly to the boy Ragnar signalled that he should take the shot after all it had been his parents that the wolf had killed.
Raising the bow steadily the boy took aim, his hands trembling with tension and anxiety, to miss would mean another three days of chasing through this tough wilderness.
Exhaling steadily like he’d been taught he released the arrow, there was a yelp of pain as the wolf fell to the ground the shot had been good.
Jumping to his feet Ragnar clapped his hand between the boys skinny shoulders “Good work Sihtric, we’ll make a Sentinel of you yet” the boy smiled up at the grizzled old man as they made their way to the wolf’s body. Drawing his sword from its scabbard Ragnar thrust the blade deep into its throat killing it instantly rather than leaving it to bleed to death “You need to work on your tracking boy but apart from that you did well” behind them came the snapping of twigs, removing the long blade from the wolf’s throat Ragnar whirled round to face the intruder.
“Stand where I can see you and may let you live” Ragnar bellowed into the surrounding woodland. “I come in peace…I bring word from the king… he wishes you to return to Talamh Bui immediately” Ragnar stood facing the messenger stunned, was it true? Could he truly be going home after all these years?

Deleted User - 819397

Name: Mark Sunder
Age: 25
Equipment: Staff of Light, Crucifix, Religion-based spells.
Profession: Priest
Appearance: 5'11". Slight build. Brown hair and green eyes. Most often has a solemn expression. Wears the robes of a Mage.
Personality: Mark is a solemn person. He is slow to anger, and is overall mellow. The only thing he is passionate about is his God, the rest is secondary. He doesn't have a devious bone in his body, and always follows through on his word. He conducts himself in a respectable manner, and is stoic when it comes to dealing with people.

Biography: Mark was born into a rough family. His parents were both alcoholics, and due to that he was frequently beaten, and treated poorly overall. He cursed his misfortune and ran away as soon as he deemed he was old enough. However, he forgot to pack supplies, and it was in a half-dead state that he ended up on the doorstep of the largest church in the kingdom. The priests took him in and nursed him back to health...this was a new experience for Mark, as no one had ever shown him kindness before. He listened earnestly as the priests told him that it must have been God's will for him to have ended up at the church, and he believed it. As soon as he was well again, he asked if he could be a priest. Due to his age they denied his request, but told him he could be an assistant until he was old enough. He became Priest Anthur's assistant, and in addition to running errands and prepping the church for services, Anthur taught Mark holy magic on the side. By the time Mark was eligible to strive for priesthood, he knew all the basic holy magic and several advanced spells. As a direct result, he was soon admitted to the church as a Priest and received his Staff of Light, as is customary. He also was given the holy Crucifix, a talisman that strengthens all holy spells while he wears it. Mark was eventually approached by the Sentinels and joined their ranks after obtaining the Church's blessing. Mark currently is a low ranked Sentinel, but is one of the more advanced holy magic users. He is incredibly pious, and his faith cannot be shaken, making his holy magic all the stronger.

(Bringing another of my characters back from the dead :) Bio has altered, so please do read)


PHYSICAL: The core movement abilities of your character

Strength: 1
Dexterity: 2
Stamina: 3

SOCIAL: How well you character interacts and is perceived by others

Charisma: 3
Manipulation: 2
Appearance: 3

MENTAL: Your mental capabilities

Perception: 3
Intelligence: 3
Wits: 4



Alertness: 1
Empathy: 4 (+4)
Expression: 2


Riding: 2
Stealth: 1
Survival: 2
Discipline: 4

KNOWLEDGES: List of knowledge’s, most are self-explanatory

Academics: 3
Herbalist: 1
Sorcery: 5
Medicine: 3
Occult: 3 (+4)
Research: 1 (+2)
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Name: Ben Andrews (this is my general name( not real though))
Gender: Male (you guessed)
Age: 35
Occupation: Warrior/Mage
Equipment: Sword and Shield, Bow and A quiver of arrows, a belt of throwing knifes, Medicine bag, Fletching Bag.
Description: With a sword scar on his head Ben is a battle hardened looking soldier. Looks are no matter to him and he is dirty with messy blonde hair.
Background: Born in a quiet village and taken at the age of 2 by bandits. Ben was raised in the art of warfare. Killing presented no problem to him but he disagreed with the bandits stealing what people had worked hard to earn. One night he killed their leader and most of them with the help of two men he had found. These men turned out to be Sentinels tracking the bandits. Upon seeing how good he was they picked him for special training (I will remove the next part if necessary) and during it he discovered his magic powers. He though chose to not just work on them but to only use the for an aid when fighting. Although he is gifted with magic he hasn't nurtured it enough to become a strong mage. Now having been a sentinel for fifteen years he is experienced in the way of the sentinels.

(If I do this section wrong don't hesitate to tell me as I've never done this before)



Strength: 3
Dexterity: 4
Stamina: 3


Charisma: 2
Manipulation: 2
Appearance: 2


Perception: 3
Intelligence: 3
Wits: 2



Alertness: 2
Athletics: 3
Brawl: 1
Dodge: 1
Empathy: 1
Expression: 0
Intimidation: 1
Intuition: 1
Leadership: 0
Streetwise: 0
Subterfuge: 1


Animal Ken:0
Crafts: 1
Tracking: 1
Riding: 2
Shooting: 3
Melee (Small Weapons): 3
Melee (Large Weapons): 3
Thievery: 1
Stealth: 2
Survival: 2
Discipline: 0


Academics: 2
Herbalist: 0
Enigmas: 0
Trade: 0
Investigation: 0
Sorcery: 2
Linguistics: 0
Medicine: 1
Occult: 0
Science: 0

I think I've done it ok. If I haven't send me a private message and I will correct it. Please include what I did wrong.
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Name: Busana Grifyth

Gender: Female

Age: 27

Occupation: Assassin

Equipment: Jar of Lamp Black, Mortar & Pestle, Rope and Grapple, Empty Jars, Wineskin, Traveling Clothes, Hooded Cloak, Short Sword, Dirk, Hand Crossbow & Quarrels.

Description: Busana is attractive to most people. Her smooth skin and sharp facial features hail from the Talmnh Bui
gentry, but her dark green eyes, tribal tattoos, and black glossy hair betray her background with the Chasind savages of the north. Her hair is extremely long, and tied into a thick intricately braided top knot with several gold ornaments woven throughout. She dresses in clothing that suits her purpose, and allows for freedom of movement.

Biography: Busana Grifyth is the result of one of the border raids into the Talmnh Bui territory. Her mother, a minor noble's daughter, was taken as a prize by her father who was a ferocious chieftain of one of the Chasind tribes. Her mother died giving birth to her, and she was raised by her father and his most trusted witch. She learned hunting, tracking, stealth, and fighting from her father. She learned herbalism and sorcery from his witch. She became a Chasind Wraith, one of the most feared of the Chasind savages. Nighttime stories, meant to stay frightened children in their beds, spoke of the Wraiths as solitary creatures who hunt the nights, preying upon the unsuspecting and enemies of the Chasind. This was not too far off the truth, as the Wraiths were the scouts and assassins of the Chasind. Busana's father was killed in a raid, and per custom, she became the spoils of war for the enemy. By this time, she was a gilded adult of the Chasind, as indicated by the gold rather than silver ornamentation, and she escaped at her earliest convenience. She joined an assassins' guild in Foxwith, a massive city in Franziskan, where she learned to read, and the arts of investigation, intimidation, and the seedier sides of the underbelly of crime. She succeeded on a mission in Talmnh Bui, but was betrayed by the thieves' guild and subsequently caught. She escaped the hangman's noose via trickery, and was approached by Victris, a Sentinel who recognized her talents. He played upon her subtle feelings of patriotism from her mother's side, saved her from further persecution for her past crimes, and she has been a loyal member of the Sentinels for the past several years.

Strength 2 Dexterity 4 Stamina 2
Charisma 1 Manipulation 2 Appearance 3
Perception 3 Intelligence 3 Wits 4

Alertness 2 Athletics 2 Dodge 1 Intimidation 2 (+4) Streetwise 3 (+6)
Tracking 3 Shooting 1 Melee Small 3 Stealth 5 Discipline 1
Academics 1 Herbalist 3 Investigation 2 Sorcery 2 Linguistics 1


The guard looked out at the foggy night with a bored expression on his face. He was sick of the damp, and really sick of pulling night duty over and over. This little nowhere of a town didn't help things. He looked at his partner, a young buck who'd just signed with the garrison. He grinned as the boy constantly looked at every peep or croak the night produced. He was as green as they came, and still full of fire. Night after night would soon quell his eagerness, and he'd at least be decent to talk to at that point. The guard's musings were abruptly stopped when the boy pointed into the darkness and almost shouted, "What's that?" The guard sighed and looked out into the thick fog and shook his head as he muttered, "Your imagination... as always Joven." The boy shook his head and hefted his spear into two hands as he stared into the night and said, "No Farkus. I'm telling you I saw something move amongst that hillock right there." Joven pointed to emphasize where he noticed the movement. The grizzled guard clucked his tongue and shook his head. Joven frowned at the man and turned as he said, "Well, I'm going to go check it out." Farkus snorted and let out a raucous belt of laughter, and then said, "Fine! Just don't let the spookies get ya!" Farkus laughed again as the boy moved off along the wall. He shook his head as he watched Joven disappear into the fog bank and muttered, "Dumb taffer... probably end up twisting something out in there." He turned to look out toward where Joven thought he'd seen something. As he did so, a large dark object stood motionless in his periphery. He turned to confront the figure, and as he did so, the figure lept forward with cat-like speed and the cry never escaped his mouth as strong fingers clapped over it and an ice cold length of steel was inserted into his heart.

As Farkus slumped in her arms, Busana tore the guard's cloak off, and kicked him over the wall. She pulled the cloak over her body and lifted the hood up. She dropped a length of rope over the side and braced herself as two more Sentinels scaled the wall. They dropped down into the city as she dropped the rope after the corpse. She stooped down, picked up his discarded spear, and leaned boredly against it. Joven returned shortly thereafter, having not been able to find her illusion, announced it was nothing after all, and shrugged as he illicited no response from Farkus. No new thing that...
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Galen crept along the dark alleyway with his sword drawn, he had been sent to retreive a sorcery book that had been stolen from the organisations Cleric, Mark Sunder. nothing mroe appropriate than to send a theif to retreive stolen goods.
as he reached the dark, damp and relatively smelly door he loooked around. no-one was to be seen.
Galen sheathed his sword and took out his lock-picking kit. after roughly 10 seconds the lock clicked and the door swung open into a dark hall.
he put away the lockpicking kit and drew his sword. he moved along the corridor, with his sword at the ready. he stopped by a door and put his ear to it. he could hear noise, noise of men drinking.
he heard footsteps coming towards the door, instantly Galen drew back.
the door opened, an evidently drunk man stumbled through the door. he was looking the other way. excellent.
without a moments hesitation Galen thrust his sword into the man's chest and withdrew it before the man could utter a sound.
dead, the man slumped the the floor, with blood beginning to pool around his torso.
Galen stooped down to search the body, he first took the pouch, which contained several gold coins. Galen stuffed these in his small knapsack.
next he opened the dead man's knapsack.
there was only one item in the sack, and it was the book that Galen had been sent to retreive.
silently he picked up the book and crept back outside.
when outside, he stored the book in his own knapsack, sheathed his sword and headed back into the town's dark streets. his mission was completed.
as he weaved through the dark streets, heading out of the town and back towards the temporary base of the sentinels. as he moved through yet another backstreet. a man walked out in front of him.
instantly Galen drew his sword, but before he could strike, the stranger started to speak;
"do not strike stranger! for i bear no malice towards you!" the man said in a panicky tone.
"what do you want?" Galen asked in hiscold, slightly rasping voice.
"i am a messenger from the kingdom of Talamah Bui! the king has called upon the Sentinels to aid him!" the stranger said.
Galen had been told about the exile of the Sentinels, so instantly his eyebrows shot up in shock.
"is this true?" he asked, sounding suprised.


As Ben shot an arrow at the target he cursed. He hit it straight on but that wasn't the problem. Ben walked up to the target and looked. It was definitely broken. He decided he could wait. He got out his sword and started attacking the dummy. He was in his secluded hide-out not half a day from the castle. He lived there waiting, he could always visit when he wished but never stopped by and if he did it was in disguise. Ben kept to himself. He had always been so after his First mission, no-one knew where he lived but they knew he was in the forest. There was an urgent knock at his door and a cry of "Help! Please!" Ben ran grabbing his sword and his staff. He ran outside and there was a man. "Please defend me! Tristan's spies are hunting me down! I have to deliver a message to Ben Andrews!"
Ben realised that he had obviously not shaven recently and had a beard. He knew that no-one would recognise him with a beard. "Ok then" he said "Get inside. I'll call you when it's safe."
"Thank you" the man said and slipped inside. He grabbed dropped his weapons and grabbed a wood axe. He used it to cut wood for repairs. He started chopping some logs as if he was hard at work. Three men rode into the clearing. "Oi! You!" one shouted "You seen a man run through here recently?"
"No, I'm afraid not" Ben said "Why do you want to know?"
"We are King's men. We need to find this traitor." The man said all three of them dismounting. Ben dropped his axe and moved to where he had hidden his sword. His left hand moved to the hilt of a throwing knife.
"You bear the mark of Tristan. He was a traitor to the King. You are three of his spies." Ben said calmly. "And because you figured that out you must die! Give us the man and we won't hurt you. We know he's in your house. If you don't we will nail you to these trees and leave you to die." He said
"No, Here are your options" Ben said "Either you leave this man alone and never come back or I kill you. You have five seconds." The men scoffed.
"So be it" they said "you asked for it!" two of them drew swords and the other drew a bow. Ben grabbed his sword in his right and threw a knife with his left. The archer dropped dead. Ben swung his sword into the first man who only just blocked him and threw a knife at the second which he dodged. Ben then thrusted at the second man whilst stabbing the first with another knife in the arm. The first howled with pain and dropped his sword and Ben killed him. He ducked then just avoiding the second man. Ben smashed into him knocking both weapons from their hands. Ben grabbed the man's throat with one hand whilst reaching for a knife with the other. He then got one and plunged it into the man's heart. They where all dead now. Ben turned around and called out "it's ok. Their dead now." and collected his stuff. The man ran out the house and said "Thank you. Thank you! Do you know where I can find Ben Andrews?"
"You're looking right at him." Ben said "now what is it?"
"The king's daughter has been kidnapped. You are to head to the castle and assemble and when you are all present he will give you your orders." Upon hearing this Ben was shocked. He had not realised that the Kingdom was in such a bad state. He told the messenger to leave and told him he would be on his way soon. He put up his sign "Away on business. Be back in a year or so." That would do it. He gathered all his weapons and mounted his horse "Lightning" He rode off knowing he would be at the castle by nightfall.

Deleted User - 819397

Mark sighed. He had recently been learning Arcane magic to compliment his Holy magic. Unlike Holy magic, Arcane depended on the recitation of words and the memorization of motions, making it more difficult. However, Mark already had the required strength of will and direct focus required to use magic, so the process was not quite as difficult as it could be. What complicated matters was the book Mark had been learning from had been stolen, and he was left without a means to study. He twirled his Staff of Light idly. He had loosened up a bit since his leaving the Church, and had a bit more of a worldy view than he used to. His Holy magic was almost perfected...only the strongest of the spells tired him out now. Arcane magic was another thing entirely. Consigning himself to wait, Mark reclined in the armchair he was resting in.

(altered Mark's appearance...forgot to change it away from the Priest robes...)


NPC Script
"Is it true?" the thief enquired his voice strangely raspy beneath the hood he wore "Yes...Its true the kingdom has need of you once more"
It had taken the messenger the best part of three days to track down Galen following a trail of rumours and hearsay gleaned from the taverns and brothels of this fetid city.
"I hear you have contact with a ..." the messenger paused to check a scrap of parchment produced from within his tunic holding it up in a attempt to see the name in the poor light of the moon "Mark Sunder...Do you know of his whereabouts? the king requests his presence also"

"The king wishes me to return? after all these years?" Ragnar stammered he'd not seen his home in over forty years and the thought that he could now return to his ancesteral lands filled him with such joy as to leave him speechless.
"He wishes as many Sentinels as possible to return...Speaking of which I wonder if you could help me?" the messenger, no more than boy produced a scrap of parchment from within his stained tunic. Taking the list from the boy Ragnar studied the names "You won't find these three they're dead and this one is nearly sixty winters" suddenly one of the names jumped out at him, Busana Griftyh.
"Go home, i'll find Busana she's less liable to kill me than she is you" the boy swallowed hard before bidding his goodbyes and leaving the way he came.
"Whose this Busana? and do you have to find her?" Ragnar turned to face Sihtric, he forgotten he was still here "She's Victris' girl...an assassin... to tell that boy where she was would be to send him to his death"
Victris one of the other survivors of Carfel''s folly had become embittered at the harsh treatment he'd received from the king all those years ago and had fled into Chasind territory where he'd received a fearsome reputation, a reputation inherited by his pupil.
"Sihtric I want you to go find Godrick he'll resume you training whilst I am away" Sihtric nodded glumly disliking the decision but knowing that he had no choice in the matter. "Good travels Sihtric and I hope us to meet again" and with that Ragnar went off into the forest heading for Busana's last known whereabouts.


Busana had been returning to her home after assisting the two Sentinel initiates with their mission of switching enemy battle plans. Instead of the incoming skirmishers encroaching into Talmnh Bui, they would now advance directly into a poorly set ambushing line they would have otherwise skirted around entirely. Busana found herself agitated by the aging king's poor tactics, but he and the entire country were suffering from war weariness and mistakes were becoming more and more common.

Shortly after traversing the border into Talmnh Bui, she became aware of a shadow. Busana made it a habit to irregularly circle back while traveling in order to prevent tailing. People in Busana's line of work did not live long if they didn't always expect enemies up every tree or overhang, under every rock, and within every shadow. She had first noticed the dull glow of a small fire in the far off distance, while creeping through the woods at night. She then led the person away from her original destination, in order to set the trap. She'd just have to pick up the trail once again.

It didn't take long to find. She slunk out of her place of concealment at mid-day, and stooped down to study the boot print she had located earlier that morning. It wasn't military issue, and the owner had a very light step indeed. The fact that it was only one perfect print vexed Busana, as it indicated a great deal of skill in stealth. She raised her head and scanned the area carefully. She decided it was too perfect, and most likely left purposefully to snare her into a well-laid trap.

The owner of the boot made a mad dash and dove at the crouched woman, having learned a few years ago it was best to pin her arms down as quickly as possible if words, rather than blows, were to be exchanged. Unfortunately, he made contact with nothing as the illusion of the woman whisped away in black vaporish trails as he collided with the forest floor. The man turned onto his back and froze as the gleaming tip of the real Busana's short sword hovered millimeters from the bridge of his nose.

Busana glared down at the man with her dark green eyes, until a dawning recognition flooded into them. She sheathed her sword in one quick motion, and held out her other hand as she said, "Ragnar... it's been a long time since you've been on my trail. It was very nice of you to warn me of your presence with that fire that was bigger than any fire I've ever seen you make. For that, I'll spare you just this once." Her grin was harder to read than the tone of her voice, which led Ragnar to wonder if she was serious or joking. After helping Ragnar to his feet, she remained standing in a manner much like a coiled spring as she asked, "For what do I earn your visit? I'd heard you were training in Dath'uie"
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"I forgot about the sorcery" Ragnar grumbled as he got to his feet, towering over the assassin, not that size would be any real advantage if it came to a fight after all she wasn't fifty six like he was.
"I was, the boy Sihtric is showing great promise however a rather more pressing matter required me to track you down...I had hope the fire would have been a suitable lure but alas Victris taught you well" Ragnar wondered idly how Victris was doing these days he'd heard a rumour that he'd retired to Breton, the old dog.
"Busana the king has lifted the exile...He wants to see us" Ragnar watched Busana's face for a reaction and wasn't all that suprised when he saw very little after all she didn't have the same vested interest in returning to Talamh Bui as Ragnar did "You know me Busana, you know my word to be true, now I want to know if you will join me and go to Rithe Halla and meet with our king" Ragnar stood patiently in the clearing awaiting her answer.


Busana listened to Ragnar's message and showed no emotion, as the words meant nothing to her truthfully. She'd never been a citizen of Talmnh Bui, and very well knew the citizenry's overall perception of the Chasind. She quirked her lip thoughtfully and scratched her left cheek detachedly, as she continued to watch Ragnar carefully while mulling things over. After a long, pregnant pause she finally nodded her head once. She answered, "I will answer the call. To do otherwise would disgrace myself as a Sentinel."

She glanced around at their surroundings before returning her attention to the old man. She asked, "Do we call on others still? Or do we blaze our trail to Rithe Halla from here?" She pulled her mottled green cloak around her body, and raised her hood over her head. It was of little surprise that she was ready to journey immediately. Ragnar was one of the only people still living that knew where she called home, and the fact that she was present at the crude hut maybe a week at the most throughout the year. She probably could be a ranger, if her prey was anything but other humans. It was for this reason of similarities that Ragnar and she had teamed up and worked very well as a team in the past.
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Galen walked through the wood that some of the Sentinels had been camping in. he had been traveling for an hour or so, the words of the messenger still rolling through his brain.
was it really true?
putting the matter towards one side he carried on walking. he could see the campfire of Mark Sunder through the trees.
whilst still walking, he pulled the book out of his knapsack and walked into the clearing.
Mark, who had been sitting on a log in front of the fire. promptly looked up.
"you have the book?" he asked.
"yes." Galen handed over the book.
the Cleric eagerly flicked through the pages, checking that it was the book that had been stolen from him.
"good work."
"there is another thing..." Galen begun.
"what?" inquired Mark interestedly.
"the king of Talamuh Bui has summoned the Sentinels to aid him."
Mark's eyes widened.


Ragnar scratched his beard as he mulled over the question thoughtfully "The only other names on the messengers list were of dead men and he probably only had yours due to you association with old Victris"
It can't have been the only messenger to come from the Kingdom others would have been dispatched, but then again how up to date were the names they carried?
"If we take a south westerly route and cross the Dead Marshes we'll hit Allansia and I seem to remember a certain sneak theif of ours operating in the area, if he's still there it would be worth us recruiting him" Ragnar gazed blankly into the sky as he struggled to recall his name but came up a blank, well thats old age for you.
"From Allansia if my memory serves correct its a straight run to the kingdom" Shifting his arrow bag from one shoulder to the other, Ragnar started moving south, Busana more than easily keeping up with the steady pace he was setting, his mind still frantically searching for the thief's name.
Then a memory arose from the deep causing him to breifly bark with laughter how could he have forgotten that?
"Busana what was the name of that fool who tried to mug you? because I think we're on our way to meet him"


As Ben rode in front of the castle he stopped to survey it. It was still breath-taking. Some traders rode up to him. "Who are you then?" they asked.
"The names Ben Andrews." he said
"Well then would you please come with us." they said
"No. I've got to go see the King" He replied. The man pulled out a sword. Five riders on horseback came out from the woods wielding swords and three archers and two mages jumped out of the supposed trading wagon. "Tristan requests your presence though" The leader said. Ben bolted it and shouted towards the gates "Tristan's men! Behind me!" and a watchmen turned and rung the bell. Ben turned and pulled out his staff. He dismounted Lightning and Lightning ran inside. Ben didn't need him anyway and he didn't want him getting hurt. He focused his magic and summoned two balls of flames. They burned bright in the day-light. Ben hurled the first at one of the archers and the second at the leader. The mages stopped both. Ben put his staff away and pulled out his bow. He shot off arrow after arrow felling them but still the closed in. They where now wielding clubs and the arrows where tipped with a sleeping draught. Ben shot the leader in the shoulder and thought that was the end of him. The leader managed to stay upright for a couple more seconds though and clubbed Ben to the back of the head. He stumbled confused and his head rang. He collapsed to the side of the gate just as horsemen rode out. Suddenly there where horsemen everywhere killing the attackers. He stood up drowsy and collapsed again. This time he blacked out to the sound of the Kings horsemen beating off the attackers and someone picking him up.


NPC Script
Captain Northman sat watch from the northern gate of Rithe Halla, it was windy and the thatch was old and sparse causing him to shiver. Drawing his cloak closer around him he watched the old road winding off into the distance.
Rithe Halla, The Kings Hall stood atop a steep craggy hill nestled in the bend of a river meaning that anyone approaching the south wall had to cross a bridge in order to gain entry to the castle but not before passing through the small fort guarding the other side of the river, no one had attacked from the southern side for over a hundred years and for good reason.
The ground around the short, squat palisade fort was stagnant marshland meaning an attacker had to wade through thick glutinous mud to reach its walls all the while arrows and javelins would rain down on them from the fort and the castle beyond and even if the fort fell the river was deep and fast flowing.
The hill itself was ringed by a steep ditch and stout palisade dotted with towers and fighting platforms, protecting the thatched houses of the town beyond. However it was past the town and its narrow alleys to the kings hall atop the hill where the castles greatest asset lay. A thick stone wall surmounted the hills crest. one hundred feet high with towers on each corner, it was the only stone fort in the kingdom, an indomitable bastion.
Captain Northman had heard rumours that the old palisade was to replaced by another such wall making Rithe Halla the mightiest castle on the continent, too bad the treasury had run out for it truly would have been a sight to behold.
Up ahead in the distance he idly watched as a lone rider approached the castle passing a wagon on the way, it was at this point that things got confusing.
The captain watched as several armed men rushed him from the tree's one whom appeared to be a mage, wizards were a rare sight in Talamh Bui and so distracted by the sudden pyrotechnics it took the captain several minutes to react. "Bandits just off the north wall" he bellowed as he rang the large bronze alarm bell, seeing the troop of horsemen gallop out of the north gate to intercept them the bandits fled and were long gone by the time the horsemen bearing the kings heraldry arrived.
Captain Northman watched as they returned, the prone form of a man hanging from the saddle of one of there horse's "Uthred, Vallan have that man taken to the guard house, I want his wounds treating then I would speak with him" the two men obediantly rushed out to retrieve their new Guest and take him to the guard house How strange that bandits would choose to attack so close to the castle? Northman would be interested to hear what the man would have to say.
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Deleted User - 819397

Mark had relocated himself to the agreed-upon spot in the woods by the time Galen had shown up. He never understood why they couldn't just come to his house, but he wasn't going to press the point. Upon receiving his book back, he checked it to ensure it hadn't come to any harm. Finding nothing, he looked up and thanked Galen. He then uttered the news that the king had requested the Sentinels. "Well...that's...a change." he said slowly. It was a huge understatement, but all he could manage at this point. "Where are we to convene?"


"i presume it is to be the King's citadel. where else could it be?" Galen answered.
"in which case i presume that we should head there now. we'll have to go south, through Allansia, it is the shortest route." he continued.
"Allansia? but that is the city that is world-renowned for it's thousands of crooks!" said Mark.
"but you forget, i was one of them." said Galen with a smile.
"south it is then." said Mark.
and so the two set off, heading towards Talamah Bui.


Busana pursed her lips thoughtfully as she continued to walk alongside Ragnar without having shown any fatigue, or difficulty with the fast pace he'd set thus far. She frowned at the memory, not so much having been targeted, but having been forbidden to end the thief upon his being caught. She grunted slightly and murmured, "Galen." She noticed the grin as the recollection of Ragnar spread across the old man's face, shook her head and continued to plod on.

"Have you heard discussed why we are being recalled to the court? Has anybody considered it to be a trap to purge the Sentinels once and for all before Talmnh Bui collapses upon itself?" She never made any pretense of liking the kingdom, as it was rarely on good terms with Chasind. It was only her swearing her services to Victris, which ultimately kept her in line. The old man had retired years ago, but he still lived, so she was still oath-bound to the Sentinels. She was about to say something else, when she stopped abruptly.

She frowned and looked around at their surroundings, and then at Ragnar, who had also stopped and was doing the same. There was nothing specific, but to both the area suddenly seemed wrong. She narrowed her eyes, and pressed her body gently up against Ragnar, placing her strong hand on his shoulder to feign steadying herself as she rubbed her calf muscle, as she whispered barely above audible, "We are being watched. I don't know where from, but I always know when there is a weapon being aimed in my direction." She stepped away from Ragnar, and lowered her hood. She pulled her long braid out from underneath her cloak, as she rolled her neck slowly, and stretched her arms high above her head.

She announced, "I'm sorry, but this cramp won't be walked out old man. Let's break our fast, which will probably give me time for the cramp to dissipate and then move again. I'll help you set a fire if you like, after I make a trip out to the bushes." She moved into the dense foliage, and quickly disappeared from sight.