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Rise of the Dead


Well-Known Member
John looked around in a daze. He had been caught up in a police station after some sort of...commotion and put into a group with a few other people. Why would they put us in groups? It's not as if it's some kind of team sport. As he started to fill in his details on the piece of paper he had been handed, the station erupted into chaos as strange men and women with lolling heads groped their way into the station. The police then proceeded to start shooting at them. John stared at them in disbelief. What could those...people be? Intent on stopping the madness, John got up and stalked towards one of the men with lolling heads, intending to talk them into going away, and that violence wasn't necessary. Making his way forward, he started to talk to the creature, whose mouth was covered in foam. It was then that he realised his mistake. He stepped forward only for the person, if person it was, to start biting him. Pain shot through him, causing him to scream. That was the last thing he felt.


Boris tried to stop the man as he went forward, but it was too late. The man was bitten and screamed. Then he got up, turned round and joined the horde. "Forgive me." Boris said and fired off two shots, killing both the man and his zombie friend with one bullet each. Thirteen left in the magazine. He could picture the ammo counter on the gun now. It was like some military sim which was set of easy mode where the enemies were equipped with plastic spoons and could only walk.


"Go. There are too many. You'll get yourself killed. You, listen. Get everyone out of here, see that door...go through there, follow the corridor till the end, then go right. It'll take you to the car park, there's a SWAT van.... with a smilie face for registration plates, the keys are in the ignition. Get everyone in the van.... We'll follow behind" Said the cop, after stopping Kent from joining the fight.
He was slightly disappointed that he wasn't able to fight, but knew what he had to do.
"FOLLOW ME!" He yelled as hard as he could. Turning he ran with the others. He wasn't very fast, but he was still only slightly behind Jay.
He bolted through the door and ran flat out down the corridor, swerving at the end he smashed through the door leading to the car park.
"JAY, GET IN THE VAN!" He shouted, he'd direct the others.
Hoping that Jay was finding the SWAT van, Kent stood by the door, making sure that the civilians got through. He winced as a scream emanated from the lobby of the police station, which was abruptly cut short.
Kent turned briefly to glance over the car park, hoping that there weren't any rotters lurking around.


Dominic was too far away from the old man to stop him, it was a hideous sight. Blood splashed everywhere, in a matter of seconds the old man fell to the ground. His body limp and motionless, then he stood up. His eyes turned dead black and his gums a dark shade of brown. His life as a zombie was cut short as the military man fired a bullet through his brain, and one more through another zombie. Glancing back he saw all the group had gone, "LET'S GO!".

The car park

The Swat van was parked in the center of the car park, the keys were in the ignition. As the group made their way to the van, a low growl emitted from the left of them. Three zombies were limping towards them, their leg was at an odd angle and one was missing an arm. Yet they still advanced. Both their eyes were black, their face was sunken in and was a light shade of grey.


"LET'S GO" Dominic roared and Boris nodded. "Get to the van." He said to Dominic, "I'll slow them down." He fired again, the zombies were easy pickings, however, they'd soon overwhelm him in their numbers. Twelve, he thought. He fired twice more, taking down another zombie. Make that ten his brain grimly replied. He kept the gun fixed on the doorway, they were in the corridor now and he moved backwards, slowly scanning for targets, if any Zombies came through the door he could take them out. He glanced over his shoulder and checked Dominic's position.


The keys were in the ignition, the van was ready. However three rotters were advancing across the car park, deeply decomposed one was missing an arm, and another had a broken leg. Their soulless black eyes stared onwards as they lumbered forwards.
"JAY, GET EVERYONE IN THE VAN!" Kent shouted, before running over to the nearest rotter. Grabbing its' head, he attempted to rip off the head. Hopefully decapitation would destroy it. However he couldn't be sure. Making sure to keep away from its' mouth and fingers, he pulled and hoped.


As Mienn and the pastor were about getting in the car, she saw three ugly creatures coming towards them. Zombies, Mienn thought. She split the crowd that was trying to get in the car, holding her shopping pack and shouted "Everybody be quick, I don't have enough eggs for them!" She got a carton out of her pack which had about 15 eggs in it and prayed to God for eggs to slower the creatures, then started throwing the eggs towards the creatures' heads. Luckily, all the eggs she threw hit on their eyes.


Well-Known Member
Glanton hurried for the van following the soldier while keeping a close eye on the boy. He glanced back to see the young lady throwing eggs at the zombies while the prisoner took a slightly different approach. He watched as the man attempted to rip the head off an infected man.

Glanton wasn't sure how he felt about the killing. He didn't feel remorse, sorrow or sadness. No. It was a uncertainty. Uncertain to if he would meet such a fate should he become infected like the man inside the station was. Would they kill him mercilessly like the creature was? Could he murder one the people who he has been grouped with? He hurried to the van praying he didn't get infected himself, hoping he wouldn't have to get blood on his hands.
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Jay was shocked. He barely had time to realise the situation as he saw Kent walk over to the first zombie and rip its head off. Woah! What has he got in his hands? "Get in the car people!", he urged, holding the door open. He secretly hoped the military man had some bullets left in the revolver of his. If not then bad news.


Kent's move ripped the eater's head clean off, the rotting made their skin and bone weak. As the body of the first zombie slumped to the ground the other 2 slowly walked towards Kent the eggs being thrown at them having no effect what so ever.

Dominic and the military man crashed through the door to the carpark, Dominic sprinted towards one of the zombies and took a wild swing with his baton towards it's head, the zombie fell down to the floor. "DON'T SHOOT!" he yelled to the military man, "You might miss". One left, he decided the prisoner was gonna handle it. Looking at the one he had hit, he gave it another bash on the head with his baton just to make sure he had killed it. Blood flew everywhere, his boots were caked with blood as were his pants.

One Armed Ninja

Well-Known Member
Charlie scurried to the van as fast as his legs would take him, when those monsters appeared. There was no way he was gonna let himself get caught, and he had neither the strength nor means to help in stopping them. As he climbed into the van ahead of Glanton, he heard the cry of "DON'T SHOOT!", quickly turning his head he managed to get a grasp of the situation.

"Mienn, get in!" He screamed, "those two can hold them off..." he tailed off, suddenly feeling pretty foolish for stating the obvious. Carefully fastening the seat belt he noticed that most of his group had definitely made it out, though that one blood curdling scream would never be easy to forget. Charlie was determined to keep this group together, as for now, they were all the family he had.


The head came off in Den't hands, and the undead jaws stopped snapping. Surprised and slightly sickened, he stared at the head for slightly too long, not noticing the zombie approaching on his flank. Luckily he was saved by the actions of a policeman. The same one who had let him out of his cell. The policeman yelled "DON'T SHOOT!" Before using his truncheon to smash in the head of one of the rotters. One left.
Looking back at the van he could see that the group had already got in. Good. However strangely somebody, a woman, was throwing eggs at the undead.
Shaking his head Kent threw the decapitated head out of the car park, before turning and repeating the grisly procedure on the remaining rotter. Finishing it off, he turned and legged it to the back of the SWAT van, before leaping in.


Boris watched as Dominic charged in to help the prisoner. Don't shoot, he thought, too many variables. Apparently Dominic had the same thought, and yelled that to him. Boris left the two of them to it and ran to the front of the Swat Van and jumped in the passenger seat. He could fire out from here. He only had ten bullets though, so he'd save them for anything that truly warranted it. He leaned his head out of the window and shouted. "Dominic, we need you to come drive this."


"My God, the eggs doesn't work!" Mienn screamed and got flurried trying to find something to help to slower them as she heard a little boy voice shouting her name. Charlie, she thought and rushed inside the van. "Oh thanks God, you're alright" she said and embraced the little boy as she smiled to Glanton.
"Now you two keep the pack with you, we will need the stuff in it later. I should go find myself a seat." and she went away from them.
There was no other seat, only one empty seat behind the military man.Okay, keep calm Mienn, keep calm. "Hello! I guess we are in the same group so I thought it would be a good idea to meet you. I am Mienn." she thrusted her hand between the wires towards the military man to shake hands.
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"Dominic, we need you to come drive this." yelled the military man from the passenger seat, Dominic turned and ran to the driver seat. Turning the key, the engine came to life with a roar. "Belt up folks!" he said to the group as he stepped on the gas.
They drove for about 10 minutes, the roads were empty, no cars no people nothing. Domininc Turned on the police frequency to hear of any news. Suddenly a voice he recognizes started talking, "..DOWN TOWN IS OVERRUN, I REPEAT DOWNTOWN IS OVERRUN. EVACUATE AS MANY PEOPLE AS YOU CAN OUT OF THE CITY, I REPEAT EVACUATE AS MANY PEOPLE AS YOU CAN OUT OF THE CITY!" it was Brian, Dominic's older brother, last Dom heard Brian had drove home to his wife and kids. He must've been called in for duty. "Brian, Brian. It's Dom, where are you?, i repeat, where are you?." Dom spoke into the radio. "Dom..., listen get out of the city. Drive as far away as you can..... I have to go back for Emma and Jack..." A few sobs and deep breaths could be heard"...Take care of yourself bro... I love you" The line wen dead. "No, no ,no. Brian... Brian, come in goddammit!" yelled Dom, but to no avail. He hit the steering wheel out of rage.
The road he was in would take him out of the city, good. He drove for another till he saw a path that led into the forest. He took it. After 15 minutes of driving in a bumpy and muddy path they reached a small shack, "Alright guys we'll stay here for the nigh" he said to the group as he exit the car and made his way to the front door, A low growl made him stop, "SHHHHHH" he hushed back. "You and you.." he pointed to the prisoner and the military".. let's clear the house first." he said in a low voice so only they could hear him, "There should be a baton in the back, get it" he said to the prisoner as he walked to the front door and stood beside it.


Boris turned as the woman in the section behind him spoke, introducing herself as Mienn. "I'm Boris." He replied to Mienn, shaking her hand. "Nice to meet you, Mienn." At that point Dominic jumped in and hit the gas, and Boris turned around and scanned for zombies. They were lucky, no zombies in sight. However, someone came over the radio who Dominic appeared to know, called Brian. Brian left, to go for his kids, and Boris knew he probably wouldn't survive. He patted the policeman on his shoulder and said "I feel for you man." He stayed silent as they carried on, scanning for zombies. When they arrived he got out and came to the same conclusion as Dominic at the growl. "Do you have any spare ammo for the FN (Five-Seven)?" he asked the man after he'd told him and the prisoner to clear the house. "It takes 5.7mm rounds," he added just in case the man couldn't remember.


Jay climbed in the back as soon as he saw the others had all got in. Dominic the policeman drove the car down the empty roads. The company was silent throughout the journey except for a while when he could hear Dominic shouting something at the radio reciever, which he couldn't make out over the sound of the wind. A few minutes later, Dominic steered the car into a path which led into the forest and drove on. Hullo! Whats the guy up to?, he thought. The path was extremely bumpy and they went a bit slower than before. Finally Dominic stopped in front of a small shack and announced that they were going to spend the night there. Oh great! Right in the middle of the jungle, with zombies teeming around them. Nice idea, thought he. As Jay was getting off the jeep, a low growl emmitted from the shack. More rotters. Dominic quickly ordered Kent and the military man to clear the house first along with him. He heard him saying to Kent, "There should be a baton in the back, get it". Grabbing the baton from the back, Jay tossed it towards Kent and said to Dominic, "I'll protect these guys while you go and clear the house. There may be more rotters creeping around the house. I dont have a weapon though." Looking around, he spotted a dry branch of a tree lying nearby. Picking it up, he found it was quite heavy. "If nothing, this birdy should work fine for a few hits", he said to Dominic and leaned upon the front door, the club in his hand, "Dont waste time, we need to clear it as soon as possible. Go!"


The military man shouted that he needed the policeman, Dominic, to drive.
As Dominic started up the engine, Kent closed the back doors and wiped his bloody hands against his trousers. He looked around at the occupants, the military man and Dominic were in the front. Jay, the egg woman (who introduced herself as Mienn to the military man, who turned out to be named Boris), a vicar, a teenager and another man with a shotgun.
Kent gestured at it. "I hope you're good with that."
They drove for a while. Voices came over the radio, one in particular saying that downtown had been overrun. The voice turned out to belong to Dominic's brother. Everyone in the back remained silent for the journey. There were no windows, so he was unable to look out at the chaos that doubtlessly reigned outside.
Eventually the ride became bumpy, they must have moved out of the city. After a while they stopped. "Alright guys we'll stay here for the night." Announced Dominic, who got out of the van and moved towards the door. Kent opened the back doors and climbed out at the same time as Boris. Ahead there was a small beat up shack. But good enough to spend the night in. A low growl emanating from within stopped Dominic dead in his tracks.
"You and you... let's clear the house first. There should be a baton in the back, get it." Dominic ordered. Kent nodded and turned just in time to catch the truncheon thrown towards him by Jay,
"I'll protect these guys while you go and clear the house. There may be more rotters creeping around the house. I dont have a weapon though.If nothing, this birdy should work fine for a few hits. Dont waste time, we need to clear it as soon as possible. Go!"
He nodded, turning he advanced towards the house, gripping the truncheon tightly.
Boris asked if Dominic had any spare bullets for the handgun.
"Don't use it unless you have to." He hissed. "There shouldn't be too many rotters in there. I'm Kent by the way."


(A full description of this shack would be appreciated, is it 1 floor, 2 floors, what?)
As the prisoner introduced himself as Kent, Boris nodded and said to Dominic "You stay with him," he motioned to Jay, "and protect them. Kent and I can handle ourselves." Upon saying that he turned to Kent. "You ready?" He asked, before gripping his hand onto the door handle of the front door. His body was positioned so that should there be anything the other side of that door, Kent could whack it one when he opened it.


The military man asked Dominic for more ammo, he pulled out his three mags and handed it to him, "Don't use it unless you have to. There shouldn't be too many rotters in there. I'm Kent by the way." hissed the prisoner...Kent. The military man introduced himself as Boris. Boris told Dominic to stay with the indian man and protect the others, glancing at the indian Dom saw he held a thick branch in his hands. "He can handle them, besides he has a shoutgun" he motioned to another member. "stick together and shoot anything that moves" he told the group. "i'll go through the back" he told the two men.

As Boris opened the door another growl sounded. The house illuminated by the morning light, an old style TV and sofa sat in the corner of the room. The room looked barren apart from a few sofas and chairs. Another growl, louder than the first rang from left wing of the house... the kitchen. with every step Boris and Kent took, the floor creaked. The closer they came to the kitchen the louder the growl became, this time followed by sounds of chewing. The door to the kitchen was open. Inside lay a man who looked to be in his 60s, his insides were open and organs littered the floor. Two zombies lay over him, chewing at his skin. The zombies then started flinching their heads, they turned around and crawled towards Boris and Kent, their eyes black and their face soaked in blood.