Revert building times back to 1 hour as default.


Well-Known Member
Idea title: Revert building times back to 1 hour as default.
Details of idea: Build times used to have a default of 1 hour and should be returned to 1 hour instead of the recently change of 30 minutes. 1 hour is much more used and useful for the normal player.
Visual Aid: Optional, None
Reasons for submitting: The default used to be 1 hour. With the latest world/update it was changed to 30 minutes. 30 minutes is the middle of the 2 times so it sort of makes sense but practically it fails. 1 hour is by far the most used time. Even 15 minutes is more useful in my opinion. I know this effects a small portion of the population but it should be a simple fix since it was originally 1 hour and was only changed recently.


Agreed. Hate to have to change it while Im in a hurry, was almost making a mistake today. 1 hour should be default.


If you would have added a little line about the construction also taking same energy as other 1 hour jobs, you would have got much more support :p

Seems like a minor inconvenience. Could also be intentional to make players actually bother with the construction window.


Well-Known Member
It is a minor inconvenience. There is no denying that. If it had always been 30 minutes I would have probably adapted but it was changed a few weeks ago.

If the reason to change it to 30 minutes was to make it more inconvenient, then that is a pretty horrible reason. It already took about the same effort to build for several hours as it did to do a job for several hours.

I also may be in the minority among builder but I dont want 12 energy per hour. If I had to pick a change I would double the buildings money cost and pay a portion of that to the builder. Building is now treated more as something players are forced to do rather than a profession.


When the latest update did arrive I did get caught out once or twice and ended up doing 30 minutes rather than one hour. Sometimes I'm in a rush and don't have time to quickly change the times and this could help with that. Just as they changed the egg sending to friends, changing the default time back to 1 hour is a bit more convenient for builders.


Well-Known Member
This wasn't listed in the latest update's improvements or bugfixes, so it has already been reported as a bug to the developers. Hopefully, we will see this reverted back to how it normally was when the bugfixes come, with the '1 hour' job length being the displayed time length.

If this is discovered to have been intentional, though I believe it not to have been, then I will of course support the proposal.


YES! This has been messing me up repeatedly. I know I should learn and adjust but old habits die hard.


If this change is a bug, I hope that it is fixed soon. If it was an intentional change, I support this proposal.


Maybe, while you're at it, make it not require a full hour's worth of material to build 15 minutes! Please!


I wanted to bring this up since it's annoying as hell, but I wasn't sure whether the game or one of my scripts were faulty. I know the 1 hour default selection began as a script feature since the default time used to always be the shortest one, but apparently it changed somewhere along the line. Hopefully it's fixed soon, I have to cancel at least a couple of 30 minute sessions every time I queue construction.