Rancho Pistolero - (Need Builders as well)



We at Rancho Pistolero are looking to recruit anyone who desires a community of friendly, honest, and hard working individuals. We are a fast growing town in World 6, and at the moment, we need dedicated builders, soldiers, duelers, and adventurers who are willing to help our town rise to one of the greatest.

This is an ambitious task, but we all know that we have it in us to succeed, and if you feel willing to take part in our endeavors, please do join us! Join us and succeed in becoming part of one of the quickest rising towns in World 6!

P.S. Our numbers may be modest now, but we are a very active playerbase. We will no doubt work our way up to become one of the top hundred towns eventually if we keep strong and put much time into hard work.


Our town is located, in the mini-map, on the square next to the upper-right-most one, and we are at the northeast end of the map.


Isn't anyone interested? We are still the fastest rising town in our general area, but we always need dedicated people to form a part of our community.


Currently, we are now up to ten players. We are growing quickly, and would like you to be a part of our growing population!