Québecois, Français?


Est tu francais ou québecois, Il y a une ville pour toi, Québec! Forum francais et actif. Plus de 6 habitant dont 4 qui parle français. Alors pour ceux qui sont intéressé aller dans le monde Briscoe et aller dans ranking et puis dans town et rechercher Québec.

Merci cher Québecois et cher Français!


Are you french or Quebec, there is a city for you, Quebec! French and active forum. Capita more than 6, including 4 who speaks French. So for those who are interested in going Briscoe and the world ranking and then go into town and search for Quebec. Thank you dear dear Québecois and French

Note: this town also takes English speaking/writing players per game rules there is no discrimination.
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