Pure Builder level 55 with Dueling level 65


I'm a pure builder but my dueling level has gone up 10 levels because incompetent fools, mostly duelists, die to me, probably because I have a strong strength / vigor.

The latest loser to duel me and lose passed out, too.

What's more pathetic? A duelist that duels a worker, or the same duelist dying in that duel to the worker?


My builders only gained 3, respectively 4 dueling levels.
When a real warrior attacks me, he certainly wins.
When an average warrior about my level attacks me, he wins almost for sure.
When a less-than average warrior attacks me while I have the wrench and working clothes on, he has good chances of winning.
When a weak dueler half my level, with +15 dueling levels attacks me, if he wins he gains 300 XP, if I win I gain 30 XP. Usually he doesn't come back after I win once. Although it's possible to gain 10 dueling levels from defensive wins, once you grow out of the range of "level 25, dueling level 40" bullies, you won't win many battles.
Now at level 70+ I'm attacked by adventurers turned duelers, with +10 dueling levels or so. At least they don't KO me.


My builder/worker on w5 was dueled a bit back by a dueler...I'm not dueled often, which is sad, but I'm surprised that the dude did not KO me. In two duels I suffered maybe 150-200 damage...that's sad.