protest against multis


how can it be a counter if the town that was under attack had nothing to do with initiating the attacks at the other battles.

to be honest, after the sad turnout on offense at NUfightclub(understandable i would defend my own fort first and foremost as well) i was going to go on the defensive at the next battle but was asked not to for possible drama

really, i was chapped that our fort defense turned into a wasted battle...1 ko 0xp(wooot)


they made it a fake cuz Clotho's castle was under attack and that was their allies best fort


uhhhhhhhhhh no?

all battles were medium forts, and all parties attacking or defending all hold multiple large forts, so what exactly are you trying to say?


Sorry wasn't home yesterday... So, there were again some multies? The same multihuging town launched them or someone else did it this time?


Wonderful series of battles tomorrow, Winchester, Grave Times's sister town declares on a NU fort, an hour and a half later a fort that Grave Times got share in gets declared on and four minutes later another one they own is declared on.

A multi-counter? That's new :blink: :p

about as new as the one for tomorrow :hmf:
Oh wait, they are Joxer's allies, that makes it ok :rolleyes:


about as new as the one for tomorrow :hmf:
Oh wait, they are Joxer's allies, that makes it ok :rolleyes:

ofc it does. whats the matter did you get dropped on your head and expect it to be other wise :p


Nah, just banged it up a bit last time I fell down the steps, but it's cool, I am from W10...the land of multi battles ;)


Since I am the town founder of Wolf Canyon and our fort was one of the multis started by Golden Nuggets I would like to add a few words..

Yes, of course other players/ small towns are free to play this game as they like within the rules given by InnoGames. And yes, maybe we will get tired of going to decoy battles sooner or later so we end up losing a fort. But if we do we will try to take it back. As a town, as a team, together.

I personally think Golden Nugget would benefit from focusing on one battle at the time instead of spreading them. Not only do you save money, but you also actually might have a chance of winning a fort then. The only thing you gained when attacking us was a couple of (the few that showed up) members being KO'd and shipped back home without any exp or real battle training.

Fort battles are funny when they are full. So get your act together and come attack a fort with all your townmembers instead. I can almost guarantee you we will all enjoy it a lot more even if that means we end up losing our fort.

Last but not least I also have to thank Golden Nugget for waking us up from our sleeping. The activity that took place last few hours before battle was awesome. Members were running back and forth with resources and our workers were very busy getting the last levels built. Still not completed but we got a lot closer. Thank you all!
And thanks to everyone who wasted several hours walking to the defense just to get rewarded with 1xp.