Project Genesis


Cool, hard steel caress’s his cheek like that of a lover kiss as the darkness slowly lifts from over his eyes where am I? He asks as he tries to rise from the cold floor only to find his hands and feet securely bound together. With panic rising from deep within him he realises that he is in a truck on its way to god knows where. Slowly turning his head he spots a group of men sat talking together, dressed in thick rubber suits and masks causing their voices take on a metallic tinge as they talk to one another in Russian….Russian…well at least he’s still on native soil but why have they taken him prisoner? They are clearly military but which military? Federation? Imperial? There were so many soldiers within Russia these days since the outbreak of the civil war between the Russian Federation and the Romanov Dynasty in 2020, a war that had already lasted two years and was still going strong.
Whoever they are or what they are doing makes no difference to him, he has to escape, using his bound hands he slowly inches his way across the floor towards the canvas back of the truck hoping to slide beneath and drop onto the road, the possibility that another truck could be following this one doesn’t even enter his head he’d rather risk being ran over than arrive at his current destination. Moving around the unconscious forms of his fellow captives where possible and over where not he drew closer to the opening, he could already smell fresh and freedom. A booted foot suddenly made contact with outstretched fingers prompting a quiet moan of pain, his heart leaps into his throat and his breath catches as a cry of alarm comes from the soldiers now suddenly aware that one of their charges is trying to escape. He moves quicker, stealth no longer an option but the soldier is much quicker and unhindered by bound hands and quickly catches up with him. He stares up into a pair of large round flat eyes like those of an insect just as the but of a rifle comes crashing down onto his unprotected head sending him back to the darkness from whence he had come. Later he would awake in a strange room with no memory of his time on the truck or even who he was and how he came to be here, but for now he simply drifted within a sea of darkness as the truck carried him away to meet his fate.

Right here it is as promised, the usual forum rules apply also if you write something that I feel isn’t appropriate I’ll PM you and help you come up with an alternative.
Below there is a character sheet though you will notice that there is no “Bio” section that is because your characters will have no memory of who they are or how they came to be where they are (Think Bourne Identity) although parts of your past may be revealed to you as the story progresses.
Subject names are all taken from constellations and the zodiac (here is a nice little list other than that the rest is up to you including how you interpret what I tell you about you past. Once you’ve written your character sheet I’ll provide your characters with starting locations other than that enjoy.

Subject Name:
Age: how old are you
Gender: male or female
Description: what you look like
Major Skill: What are you are really good at (this includes foreign languages)
Minor Skill 1: Some skill but no by no means at expert
Minor Skill 2: as above


Looks good, not exactly what I was expecting but yeah sure, I'm in.

Subject Name: Aries
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Description: Tall, brown frizzy hair. Hazel coloured eyes, Aries is tall burly and muscled, almost as if he was a fighter or something in his past.
Major Skill: Aries (as the name implies) is a great fighter, he is skilled with all forms of combat, even knowing Karate, kick-boxing and Judo.
Minor Skill 1: Lock-picking
Minor Skill 2: Agility, Aries is fast and quite agile, he can't scale a cliff with his hands or something stupid like that but as long as there are decent hand holds he can climb onto the roof of a small building.


Subject Name: Scorpius
Age: 23
Gender: male
Description: small, clean cut black hair, sunken eyes.
Major Skill: Shooting
Minor Skill 1: Stealth
Minor Skill 2: Climbing


Subject Name: Noctua Cerberus (a combination of two archaic constellations)
Age: somewhere between 28 and 34
Gender: most likely male, as far as it can be told
Description: from all accounts, a fairly tall bloke with blonde hair, brown eyes, and a penchant for leather bomber jackets
Major Skill: Investigative, especially forensics, able to find and nick the right guy
Minor Skill 1: firearms training
Minor Skill 2: explosives ordinance disposal and handling

Deleted User - 819397

Subject Name: Gemini
Age: About 25
Gender: male
Description: Long black hair, eyes are a piercing shade of green, highly angled face, slight build. Almost disconcerting in appearance
Major Skill: Detecting lies/lying (knowing when others are lying and being able to hide his own lies)
Minor Skill 1: Plotting (anything from battle plans to robberies)
Minor Skill 2: Intimidation (uses his off-putting facial appearance to intimidate foes)
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Subject Name: Orion
Age: 38
Gender: male
Description: 6’0’ 190 lbs. auburn hair in a high and tight cut, brown eyes, Athletic build with no distinguishing marks
Major Skill: Marksmanship (from rifles tho pistols and most modern firearms in between)
Minor Skill 1: Counterintelligence
Minor Skill 2: close quarters combat (armed and hand to hand)


Subject Name: Andromeda
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Description: Unremarkable. 5'0, 115 lbs., shoulder length black hair, lithe build.
Major Skill: Emergency Medicine
Minor Skill: Shooting
Minor Skill: Tactics


(OOC: Sorry it took so long but i've had a busy week, also it took me a lot longer than i expected to write this bit. Oh while i remember unless otherwise stated all characters are assumed to be speaking in Russian)

Noctua Cerberus
The cell is cold and dark, the single fluorescent light that had blazed twenty four seven for as long as he could remember begins flickering inconsistently, barely capable of lighting the tiny concrete cell anymore as its power source slowly fades away.
The cell’s single occupant lays on the hard foam mattress of the bed staring into space, the side of his head is covered with scratches from where he has tried to claw at his ears in order to stop the constant whispering within his head, no doubt the beginning of madness brought upon by his surroundings, thousands upon thousands of voices forever whispering within his head, loud enough for him to hear but low enough that he cannot hear what they are saying.
For hours he had screamed at them hoping that someone would come to drug him into a deep and blissfully silent sleep, but no one came….not this time.
As he lies there he slowly comes to realise that for the first time for as long as his blurred memory can recall there is silence, no patrolling guards or the clatter of opening doors, no screaming as other inmates unseen but frequently heard are dragged away to some private hell and best of all no whispering.
The room suddenly plunges into darkness as the power finally dies followed by a hollow clinking sound as the electro-magnets holding the door shut fail leaving the door to his cell completely unlocked.
Pacing back and forth across the small concrete cell he grips his head in anguish as he tries to remember something…something of deadly importance yet all he can recall is a name…. Tanya.
All over the bare concrete walls the name Tanya has been scratched, over and over again, etched deeply into the surface, he cannot when or why he began to scratch the name into the walls in order to keep from forgetting the name liked he’d forgotten everything else, but what does it mean? Who is she? And why is she so damn important that he had felt the need to etch her name deep into the concrete of his cell walls? He has no memory of anything before this cell and knows no name other than this one, not even his own, something he found to be deeply troubling.
Slamming his foot into the steel cell door in frustration he watches as the door swings violently open to slam into the wall outside.
He gapes open mouthed as for the first time he gazes out into the deserted corridor in which row upon row of identical steel doors like those of a prison or asylum.
He stood there for several moments staring barely capable of comprehending the fact that he had been so engrossed in the name that had been haunting him for so long that he had even noticed that all power to his cell had gone, releasing the magnetic locks on his cell’s door allowing the door to swing open into the deserted corridor beyond, the time had come for him to leave and seek the answers that he required.
He awakes with a sudden gasp of air, his eyes snapping open to stare at the white tiled ceiling above him. He gazes around himself confused and disorientated until he realises that he is in some kind of operating theatre a set of large spot lights stand either side of the stainless steel trolley upon which he is laid and a small wheeled cabinet containing surgical tools is beside him.
However as his mind slowly starts to kick in once more he realises that things are a lot worse and than that he is in fact currently laid on one of two trolleys with a set of intravenous lines connected into his arm the contents of the drips long since pumped into his system, though judging from the track marks in his arm it isn’t the first time that this has happened to him.
Glancing over at the other trolley he finds himself staring into the long dead eyes of another man, dressed in the same pale blue hospital pyjamas’ as he is and with the same IV lines running into his arm, the name VIRGO tattooed on his wrist in black ink very much like his own tattoo, it isn’t his name of that much he is sure but without any others currently to mind it would have to do.
With the exception of Virgo’s corpse on the trolley beside him the room was completely deserted and as silent as a tomb and yet judging by the hastily discarded latex gloves lying in the corner of the room and the surgical tools left haphazardly on the cabinet it would appear that whoever had been here previously had been forced to do so in a hurry and without the hum of electrical equipment the large operating theatre was eerily silent….no wait….it wasn’t silent at all… someone is humming to themselves, a woman by the sound of it, the tune drifting quietly out from an adjoining room, the wooden blue painted door left slightly ajar allowing him to hear her.
It would appear he was not completely alone in this place after all.
Clean white cotton sheets lay against his heavily bandaged forearms as he lay upon the narrow hospital bed, his eyes slowly opening as the drugs he was administered hours before began to wear off allowing him to return to reality or what passed for reality these days, it had been days since they had taken him not that he could recall from where he had been taken or by whom...even his name was a blank to him.
Sitting up he stares down at his heavily bandaged forearms trying to recall how he had come to be in the medical wing, most his past was a blur, destroyed by those who ran the facility in order to make their prisoners more susceptible to their commands and treatments but eventually the image of a shouting guard and the screams of medical staff return to him….something had gone wrong with his latest batch of treatments, his skin had begun to peel away from his arms in great sheets like that of a snake all but erasing the tattoo on his wrist, SCORPIUS it had read, they all had tattoo’s a way for callous guards and disinterested scientists to distinguish between their victims.
Realising that the hospital ward was uncommonly quiet, he glances around the long oblong room noting that only two of the half a dozen beds were occupied, clean and neatly pressed sheets covering the others as if the medical staff had decided to clean up after themselves before they disappeared, abandoning their patients to whatever fate would befall them.
Balancing his feet on the lid of the stainless steel toilet set in the corner of his small cell, he had just enough room to do the push ups required to keep himself strong, he’d need to be strong if he was to escape, he had to escape, he didn’t know why…hell he didn’t even know who he was all he had were a pair of tattoo’s; one was his name stamped across the back of his forearm ARIES….but Aries wasn’t his real name that was only what they called him, the doctors and the scientists and that was only when they deigned to think of him as being human the rest of the time they would merely point and shout. The other tattoo was high on his right arm and was of a double headed eagle, each head turned to face a different direction as its great feathered wings spread out wide…it meant something….an important clue to his identity but what that was he couldn’t say.
The time to make his move was almost upon him, things had gotten quiet recently, the constant tramping of patrolling guards had disappeared leaving him alone with the eerie silence of his cell how long had he been in here? He wondered idly, he’d tried to mark the passage of time by scratching the days into the wall but he was pretty sure that the guards had been adding marks of their own whilst he’d been with the doctors, a cruel joke played at his expense.
The lights suddenly went out followed by the clunking of the locks disengaging, outside he could hear the slamming of a door as it was violently kicked open it would appear that he wasn’t the only one eager to escape this living hell.
She listened in quiet concern as the steady hum of the ventilation grille mounted into the ceiling of her cell slowly came to a grinding halt closely followed by the single fluorescent light and the locks on the doors keeping her and whatever had been making her sick within the confines of the quarantine cell.
She had been dragged into the small room after the she’d began getting nose bleeds, the facilities staff paranoid that she had contracted something potentially contagious “Its merely a precaution” they had told her through rubber masks locking her within the confines of a quarantine cell and she had believed them... she had to because the alternative was far worse
However the nose bleeds had then been closely followed by vomiting and abdominal pains, symptoms that she readily recognised, she didn’t know her own name but she recognised those symptoms and knew what they meant as did the medical staff.
From that point on no one entered the room without a hazmat suit and only stayed just long enough to do what was required and get out, making it very clear to their unfortunate patient that they believed that she would soon be dead, just another failed experiment.
But today was different, she no longer felt sick and the abdominal pain that had left her in constant agonising pain was now reduced to that of mild indigestion and fading fast it was almost as if she was cured, but how?
Staggering off of the low, hard foam mattress she staggered unsteadily over to one of the large observation windows and peered out in search of someone…to tell them that she wasn’t sick anymore only to find the normally packed room to be completely deserted, only a half packet of crisps and cold cup of coffee told her that anybody had ever been here at all.
Panic slowly began to set as she realised that with no one outside that she was trapped in here and likely to starve and then she remembered the hollow clunking of the locks disengaging, bare footed and dressed only in a pair of pale blue pyjama’s she decided to go and find somebody herself.


Aries stood up and stretched. It was time to escape this hell-hole and find reality. He slammed his elbow in his door and it fell off it's hinges. Smiling he stepped out into the corridor. He was wearing Combat jeans and a plain grey T-shirt. It was time to find out who he was and where he was and why. Looking to his right he saw someone. A fellow prisoner? Or was it a guard, come to kill them?
"Hello?" Aries called off down the corridor to the person "Who are you? What do you want?"
The person was tall, with auburn hair and had brown eyes. Something stirred in Aries. Recognition? A second later it was gone and he was himself again. He didn't know this person. He curled his hand into fist in-case they tried to attack him. Then standing looking at this man he awaited a response.

Deleted User - 819397

Gemini groaned. What was he doing on this table? What had they given him, that had killed Virgo? What was going on? His head was too fuzzy to contemplate any of this, but he asked himself those questions over and over. He tried to sit up, but the dizziness increased and he found himself unable to do so. Instead, he tried calling out to the female voice he could hear. "Hello? Is anyone there?" he rasped, his calling voice little more than a whisper. All was confusion...he was adrift on a sea of no knowledge.


Andromeda hesitantly pushed the door of her cell, and smiled slightly as it silently swung open. She padded out, and looked around the observation room, and then at the small amount of food and liquid. She narrowed her eyes, again looking around as if half expecting men in Hazmat suits to come running at her. She moved to the table, picked up the bag and examined the contents. She looked at the cup of coffee, picked it up, and tentatively stuck the tip of her tongue into the cold liquid.

She drank the two remaining gulps of coffee down, finding the soothing sensation of the coffee washing down her raspy, dry throat completely drowning out the fear of what else might be in the liquid. A trap perhaps, but she was dehydrated and desperate. She set the food back down, opting not to eat it, as she knew she could survive for several more days without food, but unsure as to why she knew that. She frowned, and moved through the observation room on silent, bare feet. She didn't locate anything of interest. Other than the suspicious meal left on the table, there was nothing else. Tables, and chairs. The computers were all dark and useless due to power failure. She looked at the emergency lighting, and figured a generator most likely was keeping essentials going, but apparently the computers were not on that circuit.

She padded across the room, hesitated at the only exit without a huge viewing port into another quarantine room, and pushed the door open. She peaked out into the hallway, and slipped into it. Somewhere, from within the bowels of this... this whatever this place was, she heard the loud bang of a door being slammed open. Two peculiarities were instantly noticed by Andromeda. First, she found her left hand slap her left hip, reaching for a weapon that was not there. Second, she immediately recognized the noise wasn't natural. Somebody had caused it, which meant she wasn't alone.

Andromeda frowned. Not knowing anything was maddening in and of itself, but adding an unknown person, or even persons to the paranoia was even worse somehow. She didn't feel it was a cowardly action, when she made an educated guess as to where the noise had most likely originated from, and headed the opposite direction. She wasn't ready to confront others, be they guards, scientists, doctors, or other patients, inmates... whatever she was.
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Scorpius got out of the bed, gently he prodded the bandages on his left arm, he almost cried out as the pain seared through his nervous systems.
what to do now? get out. a voice inside his head screamed, get out of the ward.
something stirred in his memory but he still didn't know what, obeying the voice he began to walk towards the door at the far end of the room.
soon he reached it, he twisted the handle and it came open,
so the staff had left in a hurry, running from something, the voice whispered in his head.
another thing stirred in his memory, but he couldn't reach it.
putting the thoughts to one side he stepped through the doorway, he was in a cold, grey corridor, with flickering lights on the ceiling.
"Hello?" he spoke, the words rang out in the empty space, faintly echoing, no reply came.


The humming stopped instantly to be replaced a wary silence, followed by the sound of someone doing their best to move silently across the black and white vinyl tiles that covered the floor of the operating theatre.
Upon hearing Gemini repeat is earlier question a little louder despite his throat still being dry a female voice replied, her voice shaking slightly in fear "Who...whose there? What do you want from me?....don't come near me...I ...I have a knife" the last part was a lie Gemini could tell, he didn't know how he knew but he was pretty confident that whoever was hiding in the next room was unarmed.
Moments after the crashing of the door a shout could be heard echoing down the corridor the bare white painted walls making it easy for the sound to travel down to her, although judging from what she heard whoever had made the call was a long way from her.
Along the corridor at regular intervals there were doors all painted in the same pale blue as her outfit with neatly stencilled signs over them; Radiology, Gene therapy, Dr. Chekhov the list went on and on.
A sudden creaking from behind caused her to spin around once more fumbling for the phantom weapon as a woman with short black hair in an almost masculine cut and dressed in a pale blue nurses uniform entered the corridor wiping at the corner of her mouth with back of her hand.
She stopped and gaped horrified at the site of the other woman before turning to flee into the nearest room.
The words echoed quietly down the white painted corridor to go unanswered, the tiled floor cold beneath his bare feet. Lightly scratching his chin he watched horrified as several flakes of skin parted company from teh rest of his body, there was no pain but he would have to be careful in future.
A voice could be faintly heard down the left had side of the corridor, a line of doors painted in blue stood either side with names stencilled on them in white paint, the closest one's were a nurses station and a chemical store though voice he had heard hadn't come from out of either of these but much further down the dark corridor.
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Scorpius waited, seeing if whoever had spoken would repeat what they had said,
this meant that there were other people in this place, or maybe there wasn't maybe the voice had been his imagination, or just an echo of his own voice.
the voice was real. the voice inside his own head stated. go towards the voice. it continued.
Scorpius began to walk down the left hand side of the corridor, the lights flickering above him, the identical blue doors repeating themselves in the corners of his eyes.
suddenly the lights went out, smothering him in darkness.
before he knew it he was touching the wall, using it to continue moving down the corridor.
the thought hadn't even crossed his mind, why was he doing it? training. the voice whispered.
a blurry image flashed across his eyesight. hands, his own, cleaning a weapon... the image disappeared.
Scorpius stopped to try and lock the memory of the blurred image into his mind, but it just escaped him, like trying to catch air.
within a few seconds he had forgotten that he had ever seen the image, and he continued moving down the corridor.


[FONT=&quot]After the first initial shock of the door swinging open, Orion's subconscious kicked in as habits long forged from lessons forgotten began work on there own. His brain immediately sent the message for his eyes to scan the room while his breath evened out and his ears focused on his surroundings.
His eyes scanned the hallway taking note of the empty corridors with rows of doors in each direction, after his eyes finished scanning and closed on instinct as he focused on his hearing. He could hear scuffs and shuffling barely audible along with grunts as if someone was pushing or pulling something heavy but that was all he could tell. Orion opened his eyes once more and turned, about to start heading down one of the corridors when one of the doors was flung open violently and a man stepped out. On instinct his muscles reacted by memory as he swung his foot back in a shooters stance, shoulders tensed, breathing evened out, eyes focused on the target all happening quickly while his right hand went immediately to the right thigh just above the knee only to grasp nothing but air.
Orion's eyes quickly scanned the target to his front as his subconscious took of the important info, the mans scowl, squared shoulder, balled fist, and his tone of voice all pointed to one thing, aggression but it was the eyes that betrayed the man as Orion's own eyes took note of the man's emotion and it was true fear, fear that couldn't be hid, the guy standing in front of him was scared and covering his fear with aggression he must be another "patient" how he knew he wasn't sure but he had to listen to his instincts for that was all he had at the moment. Once the man had finished his questions Orion lifted the sleeve to his shirt exposing the tattoo on his arm of the word "ORION" and simply turned and started walking the other way down the corridor without even speaking a word as he watched the other man out the corner of his eye to prevent from being attacked from behind.


Deleted User - 819397

Gemini came to the realization that the woman wasn't aware that he had been there. His strength was low, and he knew he wouldn't be able to project his voice much anymore, so he rasped, ""


Aries saw the word Orion tattooed onto the man's arm and immediately knew that he was a prisoner too. "Wait!" he cried as Orion turned and began to walk away "We have a better chance of getting out here alive if we work together. I have skills that might help you."


The door silently slid open to reveal the young woman who had been hiding inside, peering out at the man prone on the table. Checking the large operating theatre for any sign of a trap she slowly walked across the vinyl tiles towards him giving teh corpse of Virgo a wide berth her eyes never leaving the body as if she was afraid that it would suddenly jump up and grab her.
Standing over him Gemini could see that she had black shoulder length hair, green eyes and was dressed in the same hospital clothes as he was "Don't you try anything funny or you can forget me helping you" she warned him as she made her way around the trolley to peer at the white sticky labels attached to the IV bottles allowing him to catch a glimpse of a tattoo on her wrist but not what it said.
The woman let out a low whistle as she finished reading the last of the labels " should be dead, this is some pretty serious stuff they have in these bottles" she spoke with admiration the corners of her mouth curling breifly up into a smile "Obviously you're made of better stuff than our friend was" she nodded towards Virgo before bending down to examine the contents of the metal cabinet that lay next to him "you should be fine but I'll you see if i can something to give you a little jump start"
Moving slowly through the darkness with only the wall for a guide he had only the vaguest of idea of far he'd walked, too far to find his way back to his comfy hospital bed though that he was sure of.
Suddenly out of the darkness the sound of people talking once more made its way to him, much closer than before.
Overhead the emergency lights started to flicker as their battery packs began to kick in casting thr corridor into a kind of half light allowing him to see well enough to leave the safety of the wall.
The distant voice sounded raspy as if whoever it belonged to had just spent a week within the desert, more importantly though it appeared to be coming from a pair of double doors a short way up ahead.

Deleted User - 819397

Gemini did his best not to move at all, lest the woman think he was "trying something funny", whatever THAT meant. However, as she worked, he asked, "What was it they gave me?" his voice was now barely above a whisper...the effort of talking was draining his small supply of energy surprisingly rapidly, and he figured that unless the woman found the booster she was looking for, he would soon be unconscious again...perhaps this time for good. He hated the feeling of utter helplessness. If this woman suddenly decided not to help him, he'd be as good as dead. However, the question that was forefront in his mind was, "Who am I that warranted my death? Assuming of course that the drugs they gave me were intended to kill me...who am I?"


"Hallucinegens, enzyme inhibitors, genetic carriers and a whole bunch of other stuff i've never seen before" the woman replied conversationally as she carried on sorting her way through the cabinet her earlier fears all but disappeared.
Standing back Gemini watched as the woman ripped the cellophane packaging from a hyperdermic holding the contents up to what little light could be had from within the dark room. Upon hearing his last question she gave a lighthearted laugh before replying with a smile "Thats easy silly...." gently but firmly taking hold of Gemini's wrist she turned it over to show him the back, her fingers seeming to leave a tingling sensation where they touched him "...You're Gemini see?....and they weren't trying to kill you I'd wager that Virgo's death was an accident far easier ways to kill you than this" she spoke calmly her voice was some how reasuring to hear... almost soothing.
With long agile fingers she quickly began unbuttoning his top exposing his chest, had not been so weak he would have probably have put up more of a struggle but any attempt he made to stop her was swiftly dealt with like a mother dealing with a fidgetting child "Now this is epinephrine so it's got to go straight into the heart but once thats over you should be right as rain...ok?...good because this is going to sting a little" without even waiting for an answer she plunged the needle into his exposed chest, the pain was like nothing he had ever experienced before causing him to black out only to come round a few moments later to find that the she had gone the only sign that she had ever been here at all was the empty syringe left on the cabinet beside him.