Project Blue Ark


Name: Wesley Macintosh

Age: 21 years

Nationality: Non-affiliated

Occupation: Occasional bounty hunter

Weapons: A .44 Magnum Ruger Redhawk in a holster on his right thigh, a Beretta 92FS with 3 magazines in a backwards holster on his left hip, a 6 inch combat knife placed conveniently upside down in his coat and with a simple tug of his hand can unsheath it, and an .308 FNAR rifle with two 20 round magazines slung over his shoulder.

Bio: Wesley Macintosh is a man who lives as he sees fit. There are no moral standards for him, there are no steep rules against him, the only thing that seperates him from a feral is the fact that when he sees a benefit, he will take it, regardless of how cruel or good it may be. He is the perfect opportunist, which he has to be to make up for his delima. Wesley is an emotionally scarred man. Life in the concrete shelter was harsh, and the people living with him gradually lost their sanity. By the time he was 15, people had began to fight for mates, and out of the 22 people from the begining, the number had dwindled to just 14 from infighting, he himself was almost attacked and victimized by a crazed and deprived man, whom his father gave his last breaths in killing. Insanity began to take a thresh hold on the remaining members, and as soon as he had a chance, at the age of 18, he fled from the shelter, leaving the door open for the others to follow if they wished.

For the next three years, he learned the lay of the land, picked up firearms he could find in decrept buildings and shelters, and practice his ability to speak to other individuals inside of towns. For a long time, he had avoided the altered wildlife, soon however, he was going to leave the shelter of the cement city and find a sustainable settlement, and so he searched, New America, he found.

Description: Wesley is a young looking boy, his eyes are a deep blue, feminine and innocent, but his chin and nose masculine as his personality suggests. His body was an average build, but he was stronger than he looked, able to fight off slavers mistaking him for an easy product in hand to hand combat. His slightly bending brown hair is long from a lack of trimming, and he has a moustache and trimmed beard, the only thing he bothers to keep trimmed with his knife. He is knowledgable about some things, blank on others. Vehicles are an enigma to him, however he can fire a weapon or combat a human like no mans business. He seems like he is bred to survive, socialize, and kill, but that is it. He can easilly intimadate individuals, but groups require him to show his true strength before they will stand down to him. His view of females are as mates to protect, something hard driven into his mind during his time in the shelter. He is brutish, loving, and talkative. Perfect for the world he grew up in, but will it prove worthy in the areas of New America?

Wesley glanced at his compass as he stood beside an evergreen tree of an unknown type, possibly a style altered by the radiation. He looked around, the dense forest filled with the sounds of the wind, silence, and some forms of mutated life. He gently slid the compass into the front pouch of his military coat, something he had picked up from a young woman he had come across on the path. She was ill with a lead sickness, having two large wounds in her legs where her past slavers had clutched her with chain. She had apparantly been abandoned, but not before they had their way with her. He had spoken to her for hours before she gave him the coat. He tried to comfort her, promise to take her to a doctor of some sort, but she only refused and begged him to track down the slavers. despite his dislike of tracking down someone when he has an objective as is, he agreed to fufill her request and grant her dying wish of an equalized death to the slavers that tortured her. It had been a group of five, but they had seperated, three off to a town of some sort, while two stayed behind to 'dispose' of her, as she had put it. And so now, he was tracking the two slavers that were heading towards the town, but their tracks lead off the path and into the woodlands. He looked around, the tall, ragged trees hovered over him as he smelled the air, a faint stink caught his attention, and he snapped his head around to see two men and a cart, one smoking a cigarette, and the other urinating on a tree. "Hey." Wesley hollered, sternly.

One of the men spun to face him, an upset glare in his eye as he quickly zipped his pants. "Hey hoss, look at this guy?" He muttered.

"Bad man, look strong." Hoss laughed, pulling his cigarette from his mouth and tossing it to the ground. They both took fighting stances as Wesley simply stared at them, both ever so slowly approaching him, the one called Hoss pulling a small club of some sort from the back of his belt.

"You got pretty eyes, boy, I betcha you'll want a nice woman if we sell ya, we can do it if you come peacefully, people pay for good genes." The slaver said, "We ain't lookin to harm noone."

"You harmed a girl on the road a few miles back." Wesley said, sternly. "I'm takin it to my duty to fix her dying wish."

"She was a witch." Hoss said, clutching the club in both of his hands as he prepared his feet in a rushing stance.
Wesley simply cracked his fingers back and fourth as they swayed at his sides, his eyes dead set on Hoss, preparing for the inevitable stupid move. It came quick, as Hoss yelled in a furious roar, rushing towards Wesley with the club swinging through the air like a bone clutched by an ape. Wesley simply caught Hoss by the wrist as he snapped the club backwards into Hoss's eye, the club fell to the ground with him, and Wesley whipped around and caught the other slaver by the upper jaw with is long fingers. He clinched his left fist tight as he submerged it into the slavers nose, thrusting his fist deeply into his skull several times before he realized that the front of the mans face was now nothing more than a deformation of skull fragments, teeth, and blood. He loosened his grip and the mans face tugged away from him, leaving him holding three of the mans teeth in his hand as he fell limply to the ground. Wesley tossed the teeth away and wiped his hand on his pants, and he quickly glanced back over to Hoss, the other slaver. Hoss was trying to load his revolver as quickly as possible, fumbling with small bullets as he wimpered to load the gun. Within a second, Wesley had reached into his jacket he wore under the coat and pulled out his six inch combat knife, he held it by the blade and threw it quickly at Hoss, the knife sunk into his chest as he yelped in despair. Wesley then charged at him, leaping a foot off the ground and diving down with a kick aimed slightly high, thus it shattered the mans neck. Wesley laid on the floor of the forest as he stared into the cloudy sunlit sky, listening to the cruel mans last breath escape from his mouth as he went limp underneath him, Wesley's boot stuffed neatly beneath his chin, and he felt at peace having done the good deed. He gently raised himself up, and took the mans revolver as he crouched. It was a simple .28 caliber revolver, slightly rusted around the trigger guard, while the cylinder had a tug necessary to spin it. He shrugged, tossing it back to the ground. He would be better off leaving it to decay. He pulled his compass once more, and began to head directly south.
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Poirot and Jean and the rest of the Frenchmen rendevoused at the steam convoy vehicle to see what they had gathered. "Sir, it was amazing here coal amazingly is fairly plentiful, as a result of a large stockpile in the area, and since it's warm here, no one uses that much." "That's good. Me and Poirot gathered up ammunition in the market." "Sir, the rest of the supplies we had troble obtaining in bulk, both reinforcements and supplies, enough so we could go back and salvage the ruins of the rest of our convoy." "Hmm, so what did you do." "Well we mentioned that our mission is to civilize and modernize the area and when we mentioned advanced technology, we were reccomended to meet a Lord Daigmon" "Daigmon?" "The ruler of Savannah, we watched his large military parade today." "So yet another petty warlord who keeps himself safe but can't police the rest of this town, do I have an appointment?" "You better head to his palace now." "Palace? Come Poirot, let's see if we can improve this dump and get our goods." "Aye sir." So the pair of Frenchmen proceeded through Savannah, and finally reached Lord Daigmon's palace, where they were welcomed in..."


As the outlander began to pass him, Rowdy moved his hand from the butt of the Automag and motioned for her to stop. He then reached up to the helmet that he wore and flipped the switch to open it. Rowdy's helmet was colored red, white and blue, each color having a splotch on the front that curved down at an aggresive angle.

With his helmet tucked under his arm, Rowdy continued "I have a proposition for you, one that I hope you won't refuse."

Jack McAlister Carlyle, smiled.


Phram stopped when Rowdy asked her to. There was no reason not to at this point as everybody should have their say. She set one end of her spear on the ground as she nodded. "I will hear your words", she responded. As always, her face remained emotionless as she regarded the soldier.


After the man had helped her get her stuff back to the Jeep, he took the whole crate of vegetables, which made Catori happy because now she was done with her sales, had enough money to go back and get what ever she wanted. Of course she got fuel that would last her two more runs, a really good meal, and snacks for the ride home first, but she still had extra. In the end she also got some treats for the two little ones that she sometimes played with on the rez, a new one shouldered breastplate made from some odd metal and painted deep mahogany, a new set of white washed jean shorts, which she felt freed up her legs more when it came to running around, and some shoe soles. She took the soles back to her car, and using a kit she kept in there, along with skins from an animal she didn't know that she had killed on the road, and made some old fashioned moccasins. She made her way back to the market, still not wanting to leave this late, to look for a place to stay for the night.

Whilst walking she had seen the whole fight that had gone on between the girl who she assumed was an outlander, something Catori was confused for time after time, and the slavers. She remembered back to a day when the slavers had tried to get her on her second run, and how luckily some guards were closer by and helped fight them off her. She was just about to intervene when the girl finished them off, and Catori smiled, loving the way that the last scum down. Once the girl started walking away, Catori started walking perpendicular to where the fight had taken place and even crossed it as one of the men started to rouse. A sign for room and board caught her eye, and she turned around to get a better view of the market which she was now in the middle of, only to see one of the fallen slavers now charging off in the direction that the girl had gone, then she looked to the girl. . .

Who was speaking to a man with her back to slave trader, and completely unaware to the on coming meat bag wielding what looked like a knife. Acting on impulse and instinct Catori pulled out her bow, which she had grabbed during her trip back to the jeep, loaded an arrow, and lined the shot for the slavers leg that was side facing her. She let the shot fly and started running the moment after to make sure that it made contact with who and what she wanted to, and not some innocent bystander, thanking god that the market was starting to dwindle person wise and that the slaver had been so chunky. The man was writhing on the ground when Catori reached him, but she only stepped on his leg and retrieved her arrow, not having that many left, then looked to the girl and man to make sure that they were alright with wide eyes.


Phram was paying attention to Rowdy up to the point that she heard the distinctive whistle of an arrow sailing through the air. She instinctively ducked, and spun to face the Slaver with the broken nose, who screamed in pain behind her as the arrow pierced his leg. She looked down at him squirming in the dirt. She narrowed her eyes at the man about to advance on him, before looking over at Catori as she came running up. She again placed the tip of her spear on the ground as she observed the woman step up to the man and jerk the arrow out of his leg. She observed Catori look to her and the man standing behind her. She then looked back at the whimpering Slaver who was beginning to crawl away, and observed his discarded knife laying nearby.

She addressed him, "I thought my message was clear enough Slaver. I'm not interested." So saying she stepped up to him, twisted her spear in her hand and thrust the blade of her spear into the base of his skull. His body shuddered with the sickening crunch and collapsed. She jerked the spear back, and shook the gore into the mud. She looked back at Catori, still revealing no emotion as she nodded and rested the tip of her spear in the dirt. "Thank you sister of the plain. I am unaware of your location prior to launching that arrow, but the stories I have heard of the plain tribes prove true. I would speak with you, however, this soldier has words as well." So saying, she turned her attention back to Rowdy.


Justin pulled. And pushed. And heaved. And finally got the log onto his trailer. Everthing else had been unloaded and hidden. Justin looked at the pile of logs he had -- three. This was going to take a while.

With a trailer loaded to full capacity, a sweaty Justin got into the Hummer. He was headed to a saw mill Isaiah had shown him. Once he got there, he spent the rest of the day turning his logs into boards. He loved the smell of saw dust.

Justin returned with boards, tools, and bags of stuff called cement. Isaiah had told him to get it. They sold it at the quary where the huge stones came from to build the Fortress. When he got out of the truck, Isaiah handed him a shovel.

The next day, they had laid what Isaiah called a foundation. Justin didn't know why they were going through all this trouble. What was wrong with sleeping in the dirt? However, Isaiah insisted.

Justin stared at the "generator" the pirates had given him. Isaiah acted as though it were a gift from God. Justin didn't have a clue what the thing was. He didn't think that the pirates knew either. Yet, the way Isaiah danced around it, one might have thought it was a shrine to the Almighty.

Justin was impressed. With the generator, they had built a wood house in one day! Justin had always lived in grass houses. This house had tall, wooden walls; a wooden roof; and a concrete floor! It was great; but Isaiah wasn't satisfied yet.

Justin wipped his muddy hands on his pants and took a step back to admire his work. The roof was now covered in tall grasses they had gathered. Isaiah said that the wooden roof wouldn't keep out the rain; it was just for support.


Isaiah was relentless. Now he had Justin building a "garage." He said that it was very important that they have a building to store their vehicles and gasoline in. Whatever.

Justin sat on the ground and drank a beer. Isaiah had brought it all the way from the saloon for him. It was good. Justin looked up at the night sky.
"Isaiah, how old are you?" he asked.
"I'm seventy-five years old," he answered.
"Wow, I would have never guessed," said Justin.
"You need to take a bath, you stink," quipped Isaiah. "Tomarrow, we're going down to the spring."


Rowdy remembered a conversation he had with his father, long ago, back when the world was still mostly green, instead of the accursed brown that it was in most places. His father, wearing a pair of scuffed riding boots and dirty blue jeans, lunged a horse inside a corral constructed of interlocking metal slats, as he spoke to his son, a young Rowdy, who was hanging from the top bar of the corral.

'Son, I'll never forget the first time I was charged by a stallion. Big mean brute, and me a cocky young buck who thought he knew it all. The first sign that the horse is about to charge, he'll put all of his weight on his hind legs and then he'll flatten his ears back on his head. The second you see that, head for the fence and jump, but if your back is to him and you don't see the warnings, the last thing you'll hear is the rapid clack of the horse's hooves as he throws his weight forward, if you hear that the only thing left for you to do, is to make your peace with the good lord above.'

It was that kind of scuffling sound that first alerted Rowdy to the danger. In a flash, the helmet that had seen him through countless conflicts and firefights flew onto his head, almost of it's own will. Then, his right hand pulled the Automag from it's holster and he stepped to the side of the Outland woman and centered the Automag's sights on the chest of the charging slaver.

But, before Rowdy applied the neccesary pressure on his handgun, the unmistakable Thwack of a bowstring being released stopped him in his tracks. The slaver went down, his leg crumpling beneath him, as he collapsed to the dirt of the market's streets. A woman of indian descent rushed forward and, stomping on the Slaver's already ruined leg, twisted an arrow out. A splotch of crimson began to collect, as the blood began to soak into the street.

Rowdy holstered the Automag under his arm again, as the Outland woman stepped forward and plunged the tip of her spear into the brain of the Slaver, as he screamed for mercy.
Jack McAlister Carlyle smiled, a long ago scar at the corner of his mouth turned the grin into a ugly sight. Rowdy suddenly stopped smiling, as he thought of how ugly it turned his face.

"Ladies, I believe I have a proposition for both of you." Rowdy said, as he stuck his hand out to shake the Outland woman's hand and then the Indian in Capris Jeans.

"My name is Rowdy." He began "I am the war commander for Trader Falcon and we are short on manpower."


Phram looked down at the extended hand, then back up at Rowdy's face. She made no move to take his hand in hers, instead opting to grasp her spear's shaft with both of her hands. She nodded once acknowledging Rowdy, while maintaining her stoic demeanor. "I am called Phram. I have no title that means anything to Not Tribed. I have heard no stories of one called Trader Falcon, but I recognize and respect your title for it means leader of men. I am no man, so do not understand what I might offer to you."


Catori was unfazed by the death of the slaver, knowing he would have just led a miserable life and would have caused misery for others while he was at it. Her mouth opened to compliment the Outlander, but the girl spoke before she could get anything out, and so she closed her mouth with a small pop. Catori nodded with a 'thank you' and then a 'likewise' with a smile in her voice, to the Outlander who was turning to the man when he started to speak. Catori also turned to the man, but kept and ever ear hearing and an ever eye seeing, still high on alert from the fight. She didn't even realize the man was also speaking to her until he thrust a hand at her and she backtracked her mind to what he was saying, which was offering her and the Outlander girl a job on his convoy.

She took the man's hand, not in a shake, but a grasp with grimace and said, “As nice as that sounds sir, I already have a one woman run from where I live, to here trading off crops for ammunition. I wouldn't be able to stop that, they rely on me and it is my home,” before letting her hand fall to her side. Catori had never thought of leaving her tribe for somewhere knew, but even as she was being offered it, the idea didn't seem promising. Each of the runners for the tribe had their own market to bring and trade with, and the job was highly sought after with in the tribe.


Rowdy thought about their words. The Indian woman was speaking of her home village. She was an outrunner, then, Rowdy thought, as he put his hand to his face a scratched at some beard stubble. If he could manage to make this woman see his way of thinking, he could bring her back to Trader Falcon and the two may be able to work out a deal, afterall the massive APCs were much bigger and well fortified then smaller trade caravans.

Phram also spoke to him, she din't seem to understand what he was asking.

"Well, Ms Phram, manpower is just a figure of speech, you see. Trader Falcon employs about one hundred and fifty men and women. It's a legitimate mercy job, we are only looking for people who will protect the convoy in case of a mutie or raider attack."

Rowdy stopped a moment to scratch his stubble again, before continuing "Would you at least let me show you the APCs? You can make up your minds then and there."


Catori thought a moment about the offer, and shrugged saying, "Sure, I've got a little time, it would be crazy to travel this late outside so I'm stuck around the market any way," letting her weight shift to one side. Her mind was starting to bring up bits of information concerning Trader Falcon, seeing she had never met this Rowdy before, remembering that he was one of the larger well known convoys that went from town to town. The leaders back at home had always been wary to trade with any one, already having such a good system for themselves, but maybe at least Catori could get this Rowdy or someone from the convoy to come to her home and strike a deal. Sure she would lose business but what really mattered was what was best for the entire tribe.

Plus it really wouldn't hurt to see a couple of the APC's, it would probably be a little educational even, and it wasn't like she was going to do anything but find a place to sleep. This would be productive while sleep at this point would just be wasted time gaining energy a light nap could give to her.

[{just to make it clear, I have no idea what APC's are :-D}]


"Look sir at the market, they're fighting, ooh that man is dead..." "Silence Poirot, you don't want to piss off a dictator by being late, now RUN!" A Few Hurried Minutes Later... "This is the Dictator's compound sir." "Daigmon's compound? Surely the man does not think straight, look at how impressive this building is with its steep sides. However it's too high, one artillery round would collapse it in an instant. However the simpletons in this burg have no idea how weak this compound is." "I suppose sir. Look there is an escort for us." Two guards approached them. One of them spoke. "Who are you?" "Why I'm Jean Lafitte and this is Poirot, my assistant. We have an appointment with your Lord Daigmon, no?" Ahh, you must be the men who bring tales of new advancements in science. Come my Lord is having dinner right now, I'm sure he'll let you eat with him." The pair were escorted into Daigmon's compound and into his dining hall, where manyof his aides were eating on the floor. Daigmon himself sat in a mighty throne with two scantily clad wwomen clinging to him as he consumed massive amounts of food in a gluttonous manner. Two chairs and food had been brought out for the pair. They introduced themselves, bowed and sat. "So? You say that you bring new advances in technology what are these things you speak of?" "That sir is the power of steam." ,answered Jean. "Surely you joke, we have gasoline fueled vehicles and you speak of steam power?" "Sir, I would hope that you have noticed how high the price of fuel is, compared to coal which is far cheaper. Fuel as I hope you know is uncommon because only a few regions where crude oil can be harvested from have been safely secured. Refineries are even rarer. Coal however is common and easy to obtain." "Yes? However I do not see a vehicle with a massive steam boiler being a threat." "That is where you are wrong sir, for this is where me and my team come in. We are from the distant lands of France, and we've come to bring civilization to this barbaric place..."


Phram felt a bit uneasy about the request made by the man. She did not know what these APC's he spoke of were, but there was seldom a time that a Non Tribed spoke of specifics that she did. She DID know that going to a place of the man's choosing, may not be in her best interest. She wished to speak to Catori however, so decided to accompany the pair. She nodded, and slung her battle spear onto her back. "I will follow you both and make my decision"


Rowdy narrowed the corners of his eyes, trying to show that he was happy with their decisions. The scar that was across his cheek and tugging up the corner fo his mouth wasn't something prety to look at, though, because of his sleep in the chryogenic chambers, it had turned from a livid red to a dull grey, a shade away from the color of his skin.

"We'll, ladies, if you have never seen anything like them before, you are in for a treat." Rowdy turned and lifted his helmet back onto his head. Reaching up, he opened the clasp that held it down and tugged the faceguard up, showing his face again "Now, they are parked outside the gates, we couldn't fit them through with blasting a hole in the walls, so people have to come out to trade."

Rowdy walked away at a leisurly pace, his hands down at his sides and swaying slightly as he walked. His eyes continually scanned the crowd, looking for signs of trouble, but none were forthcoming.

As he walked, Rowdy filled the two women striding next to him in on the APC's history and how Trader Falcon came to be.

"I've known Trader Falcon for about five years now. He's the meanest man I've ever met, I once saw him chew a horseshoe up and spit it at someone. No joke." Rowdy kidded, trying to get his companions to speak more freely "Yep, Trader Falcon was nothing more then another two-bit trader, selling junk to the highest bidder, until he came across the APCs. Now he's the biggest around, no one trysto cross him, or they end up deep sixed. I remember, one of the men tried stealing a case of ammo, to sell on the side for some pocket cash, Trader broke both his legs and tossed him out of APC 1 while it was still moving."

They were coming up onto the steel gates, now laying wide open, that barred Wallville from the outside world each night. There was a steady stream of people filtering uot the gates, towards where the APCs were parked an appropriate distance away.

As the thre stepped through the gates, they saw the APCs. All three stood thirty feet tall, almost as tall as the walls of the vile and were as wide as two semi trucks parked next to each other. Tires with kevlar sheeting held them up, high above the heads of the people milling around the bottoms of the vehicles. APC 1 was clearly labeled, a latticework of interconnected tubes were welded across her hull, the massive trading doors were open to allow the people of the town to see the wares for sale. The convoy guards walked around, below the massive juggernauts, holding their assault rifles in ready position, but looking relaxed and ready for anything. From the front of each APC, the dual maws of flamethrowers pointed forward. Gun ports were cut along the sides of the beasts and from each a form of heavy weaponry looked down upon the assembled customers.

Rowdy looked back at the two girls "Ladies, this is the convoy!" Rowdy pointed towards APC 1.


Catori offered a few nods while Rowdy spoke of Trader Falcon, knowing most of the lure any way from her own visits to the Marketplace. She hadn’t known the specific story about the man stealing but she had heard that Trader Falcon was a fair man, but when you crossed him he was a force to be reckoned with. She had never felt safe enough to travel her self out of the Market walls when the legendary APCs were out before, because of one reason or another like it being too late or she having to leave, so she had only heard descriptions of them from the traders who had. Even with descriptions, that was usually followed with ‘you haven’t seen anything until she saw Falcon’s APCs’, she wasn’t really prepared for what she saw just as the group of three exited a gate that she hadn’t used for the Market,

Not wanting to seem like a child with her mouth opened wide with surprise regarding the size of the moving fortresses, Catori pressed her lips together for a moment before saying, “And this is something that needs protecting? It’s the size of an ancient building, it’s a wonder you don’t need every last surviving soul to guard a fleet of twenty.” Of course she was exaggerating a little, but she was starting to wonder if her even being able to leave the reservation was a lot smaller compared to the real size of the world then she had previously thought. The idea to see new places, which she had never thought about before, started to slowly creep into her mind like an infection.

It was hard at first to think about these things riding up to the reservation with their size and large amount of people that were armed, but the possibility of all the kinds of benefits that it would bring pushed those thoughts aside almost instantaneously. Instead of having the few strongest of them go out and face the constant dangers of raiders and vicious wild life, they could stay home to protect and help out while the convoy brought them the best from all over the land. Plus, though he was the leading Trader of the area, Catori had only heard fair things about Trader Falcon, especially when it came to his prices.

She looked to Rowdy with an unwavering gaze that meant business, saying “And how often would this convoy be able to make it to the place I live, if I do decide to join that is, and if my leaders allow it to come? Things grown from the land does not last long, and the wild life there quickly diminishes our ammo, it would have to be weekly at least. Though I assume you would only need one of these APCs, we’re not many,” not promising anything, just wanting the facts straight first.

[{lol did anyone catch the Inception reference?!}]


After a long dinner and discussion with Lord Daigmon the French men were on good terms with him and could freely access his personal supplies. "So, you will bring new technologgys here?" "Yes sir, we will reform your police, your military, your weapons, improve your citzen's trust in you, and generally improve this place." "Hmmm, well I liked this idea in particular, you mentioned a government typed called communism and..." "Please sir I would reccomend a democracy, that is of a parliamentry republic in style of the government of SIngapore. That is you will have plenty of power, and your people will be happy." "Ohh?" "Yes and we do have directions on how to perform such a reform, however at the moment we will, lets see how about we improve your police forces, and pull off some land reforms." "Land reforms?" "Yes, your system needs a little bit more reorganization make it tidier you know. "Aye, but..." "I know, we'll wait now we shall start by reforming your police forces tomorrow." "Thankyou, Jean and Poirot, feel free to use my supplies as you require. You may go now." "Goodbye sir." Jean and POirot left and came back to their steam vehicle which had been moved so that it was in the market, the next morning they could set up technological displays and the like to impress people. "Well Poirot, we better get a good night's rest." "I suppose..." "Tomorrow we will alter this place quite permanently..."


Justin was at the spring, but he wasn't taking a bath. He was getting muddier. Isaiah wanted him to lay a concrete platform around the spring to make it easier to gather water. Once that was completed, Justin had to build a wooden platform, and finally attach a spout. Then Isaiah brought him the soap. Yet, Isaiah seemed intent on keeping Justin dirty. The next day, Justin was tasked with clearing a path from the house, through the woods, and to the spring.

Isaiah shook him awake. Justin slowly sat up in his cot.
"We're building proper beds today," declared Isaiah. "And chairs and tables."
"What's wrong with the beds we have?"
"Those are cots, not beds," said Isaiah, "We'll need a chest too."
Justin moaned and got up.

Justin looked around. He had to admit that the house did look better. There was a bed, chest, and night stand in one corner; chairs and a table were in the center; and a shelf and a "counter" along the wall. Isaiah said that a "counter" was where you prepared food. Justin had always prepared food around a bonfire, but it seemed like a good idea. Isaiah put all of their food stuff on the counter and it looked even better.

The next day Justin and Isaiah walked into a saloon together. They were going to get recruits for a raiding party.


Phram looked at the armored vehicle and still showed no outward signs to betray her thoughts. She simply nodded and looked at Rowdy. "The one known as Catori speaks truth. This does not appear to need attending, unless this machine is powered by muscle in which I have no interest in. I am no beast of burden." She looked back at the APC and shook her head. "I do not understand how you lose helpers, unless this one called Trader Falcon makes it a habit to throw his workers from this contraption a regular happening. What is it exactly, that would be expected, and what reward would be offered for service?"