

This isn't a rant... ;)
A suggestion maybe/ a thread to see if it's just me

I think that important things such as rule changes eg. should take priority over ingame notifications such as sig of the month.

Rule changes affect 100% of players yet only a small % of players are intested in SOTM.

So why iss it SOTM is slapped in our faces in game but rule changes aren't?

This is not a rant



I would like to see important subjects like this added in as a pop up just like the SOTM was done today so everyone can see them right away. There are many who do not even come to the forums at all and even though it was added to the log in page it can easily be overlooked, but not the pop up.
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Nashy (as himself)
It could be done in the style of a proper announcement with useful information people will actually want to read.
Updates, rule changes, new hints, events etc. and links with them all.


I generally try to only use the pop up (it's called an interstitial, case anyone was wondering) for positive things, but I do agree it would be helpful if used for general announcements. I'll see what I can do to develop a format that is appealing, functional, and easy to maintain. Thanks for the input.