Peppermint Bay


Peppermint Bay is currently recruiting. We have no taxes just a request that you donate whenever you have the chance and stay active. Our current store levels are at level 1 but we are quickly expanding (because our builder is awesome).

We're allies with Lollipop so we are also looking for anyone interested in forming a protection league.

Check us out we're in the third square from the right, third square down.


Still recruiting! Remember, we don't ask for any set amount of money.

Our stats are as follows:
Town Hall: 10
Residences: 3
Bank: 6
Hotel: 4
Gunsmith: 5
Tailor: 10
General Store: 8
Mortitian - yeah we have it.

Unique items at our shop: Arabian, Black Bowler Hat, Brown Slouch Hat, Brown Top Hat, Brown Waist Coat, Charlatan's Shoes, Clint's Poncho, Dancer's Dress, Fancy Dress Coat, Fancy Shoes, Indian Clothing, Mexican Bandana, Pilgrim's Dress Shoes,
Pilgrim's Shoes, Plain Iron Cross, Silver Cross

We also have two other towns in our alliance for shopping privileges: Lollipop and more recently Sweet Shoppe.