outpost of liberty


Town Name: Liberty Road

Town Rank: 1200 860 515 544

Town Points: 2240 4567 11317 20770

What positions are open: all but founder :)

Number of Open Positions: 3

Town Description: I created this town for those who are lovers of liberty, free markets, individualism, and decentralized power (IRL). Looking forward to meeting likeminded folks. There are no requirements other than to live by the Golden Rule. However, as long as you don't initiate any force or fraud on others (excepting dueling, as that is part of the game), you're welcome here.

Where to contact: My character name is the same as this account, so just copy and paste into a telegram. ;) You may also send me a private message here.
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Still welcoming anyone interested. I'm in it for life, so holler any time.


2919 points.

Anybody tired of central banks and bailouts? We don't believe in that stuff here. No force or fraud perpetrated on anyone. Protect the smallest minority: the individual.


4567 points. Goes a lot faster with a builder! Now we need money earners and fighters.


Still looking for money earners and fighters. All characters welcome though.