Options on who you wanna be..


Howdy fella i be seeing this a cowboy era and all..But wait a darn gone minute where are the Indians??as i believe as my history serves me correct there Indians in this here time and age..

Hold your horses there partner now before y'all come and adding some Indians in the likes of NPC's (Non Playing Characters) why dont we add an addition to this game..when you first start out your character you can have an option whether you be a bad ass cowboy or a red neck Indian..so we can have a little more excitement into the game and instead it is Cowboy killing another Cowboy it could be Indians versus Indians..

Would make the gameplay quite more interesting..and then the Indians could make camps and then they could make there own villages and also raid other the towns of the cowboys..

Then maybe by then we can make that indians can take over a cowboy town..that is if it be ok with the others..just a thought..


basically you want an indian version of cowboys that do all the stuff cowboys do? :S


There were no indian camps between the white man towns. And since we can build towns basically anywhere (and with time the map will fill up) there would be no place for indian camps.
But you can choose from some indian avatars ;)

ps.: I also like the indian concept, but it just doesn't fit the game like that :/ Maybe with some alternation, who knows.


Well if there may not have been any camps but there sure were indian trading posts basically merchantiles as I have mention in me indian places thread.


basically you want an indian version of cowboys that do all the stuff cowboys do? :S

No just trying to say as i know back in those days there was indians...and there was an indian and cwboy fued as i believe..so instead of us cowboys always getting at each other heads why not giving us something to shoot at..and make war against..


oooo i am lokota or micmac or chemiche..... there is more i need to go to google.ca


This is kind of like Civilization. It sounds good. Instead of towns with buildings you'll have hut villages.

Just don't start adding the Greeks, the Aztecs, etc.


hey hey now aztecks are cool [ i spellt that so wrong ]
like god.... but they were 1200-1400 was there eara


Sure, then we can add Cultists, who instead of normal buildings have larger Residences and Sacrifice Pits, where they turn their HP into Town Treasury Money

^^^ half sarcasm, half OMFGTHATWOULDBECOOL :)


hey hey now aztecks are cool [ i spellt that so wrong ]
like god.... but they were 1200-1400 was there eara

Indeed, but this is The West. And seeing Gilgamesh in a cowboy hat and boots does not sit well with me.


Sure, we can have a little sign that says "Dump Unnecessary Bandwidth here"


Rofl. That would be a fun thing to be. xD You kill someone in a duel, steal their money, and sacrifice them to Satan. :D


yeah would be a lot of work and..But in the end would be all worth it for the sake of realism..