"One account per world."


For some reason I had thought we were only allowed one account, period, and could only be in one world ... but re-reading the rule, we can have one account for each of the fourteen worlds?



You can have one account that you use on all 14 worlds or 14 accounts (if you have enough email addresses) with a different account on each world. You just can't have any 2 in the same world.


You can have one account that you use on all 14 worlds or 14 accounts (if you have enough email addresses) with a different account on each world.
Way to word it more difficult than needed.

You can only play one account on any individual world. Nothing more needed.


Obviously that's not all that was needed or there wouldn't have been any confusion about it in the first place. A lot of other people have thought you could only play on one world with an account (but could have more than one account in a world), and others thought that you had to have a different account for each world. Seems to me that explaining both at once clears it up for more people.


One account can be on multiple worlds? Do your stats, skills, etc. carry over to different worlds?