Old (and new) Farts


Old (and new) Farts is free for taking

Old Farts is looking for some new residents.

Our bank is at level 7 to protect your hard earned cash.
Shops are all at level 10.
A comfy level 5 hotel for your nighttime slumbers.

We are near some great jobs: Trading with Indians, Buffalo hunt, and not far from Silver Mining.

Crime in the area is minimal. But we could use a new sheriff to insure it stays that way.

No requirements for membership, just message Onyx in forum or in-game.
She always has the coffee pot on.
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Are you a builder?? Need a challenge??

Come finish the building of our town. We would love to have you join us.


Recruiting builder for Fort. Come join in all the excitement.


Need a five star hotel to sleep in. This is your chance to get in for free. Town will soon be abandoned and then you will need $300 for start up. Claim your town now for FREE!


Last chance to become the black hat in your own town. Save yourself the $300 on claiming a ghost town. Offer expires Friday, September 25th. After that I will abandon town.