'nuther noobie question, labor points


Searched the forum, but haven't found an answer. I know that in order to be able to do a job, I need sufficient labor points. BUT, if I go back and do a somewhat menial task for my current skills, am I getting more $/XP for that job per hour? Am I luckier, too?


Elaborating on this with a question of my own,

Is it better to do a job with a low payoff and xp return, that I have say 50 labor points in, or a much higher payoff and xp return with say 5 labor points? What is the ratio, or formula of figuring out which is best, aside from experience (which changes as soon as you change level or use different items!)?


I do not know the formula, but I'd say it was much better to do the higher paying job with less labor points.

The 'more labor points equals more xp and money' is only good for a little while. It has a peak, to stop high level players doing a low level job and milking it for a fortune. It's not a massive amount of difference in my opinion, so nearly always go for the better job, not the better labor points (unless the jobs are close, percentage wise).