Number 1 Headband


Since there is this ambiguity about who the best duelers are, and how much duel rank should figure into that... I was curious, who would be interested (and more importantly, who would turn out) to a world 1 duel tournament to establish bragging rights and perhaps to see how close the duel rankings are at approximating one's skill at dueling?

I was thinking things like having a minimum dueling level of 110 to enter the tournament (that number would be subject to negotiation). Also, I think the tournament should be double elimination, and structured similarly to college NCAA tournament brackets.

both duelers would submit their identical reports afterward to avoid cheating; in the event of one player refusing to submit their report, the one who did would automatically win. each round would last 1-2 days to give everyone plenty of time to get their challenges in.

Also, I was thinking of having each "match up" between players actually consist of 3 duels - one attack, one defense, and a random attack/defense to settle ties. However, we could just leave it as each round is ONE duel, and reward the more aggressive players who get out to challenge their opponent first.

this is still in thought experiment form, but if enough people were interested and would show up, I would be willing to organize and help put this together...


You really think this is possible to set-up and run?

I'm out since I won't be playing much starting quite soon.
and if v1.22 comes out in the middle of the tournament, then hell no, i wouldn't even consider joining even if i was still playing.


i like the idea, but im currently under the limit, but just barely.


I would of loved too if i had not moved skills for forts, at the moment, hence the retired dueller on my profile.

I can still defend but have low appearance now, but at least when forts skills get implemented properly, i should be a force on those at least.

It would be interesting but you will find firearm dueller builds are set up very similar.

I would always find it harder to beat a soldier my level and likewise when they attack me.

I beat Steviefow when we slugged it out on defence, he beat me on defence. I think you and me did the same back in the day Roland.

Unless you add up the average damage over 2 duels, that may be a way forward but at a competitive level such as ours, a lot is down to luck of aiming rather than just skill alone.

We all know the likes of passis,phonebook etc got to where they are by c*******g and why most of us who enjoy duelling for a job, have given it up. The ranks as most people know are not true an dif you can implement such a tournament with said players, it would be good. I doubt they would take the challenge though.


It would work a whole lot better when the update is introduced whereby all duellers could gather in one place for the tournament, rather than have to travel to various cities....

That place could be a pre-determined town, and sleep could be scheduled after the duelling to aid in recovery...


your dueling level 75. he said the minimum was 110.

i just stared hard core dueling i used to be a build/dueler and now im a full dueler after useing 20k to redo my stats i would like maby to see a lower lv torment


I would of loved too if i had not moved skills for forts, at the moment, hence the retired dueller on my profile.

I can still defend but have low appearance now, but at least when forts skills get implemented properly, i should be a force on those at least.

I agree many have respeced a bit for fort battles; I myself have even changed slightly where I put my points because of forts

It would be interesting but you will find firearm dueller builds are set up very similar.

I would always find it harder to beat a soldier my level and likewise when they attack me.

I beat Steviefow when we slugged it out on defence, he beat me on defence. I think you and me did the same back in the day Roland.

again agreed =)

Unless you add up the average damage over 2 duels, that may be a way forward but at a competitive level such as ours, a lot is down to luck of aiming rather than just skill alone.

yes aiming/dodging patterns are a huge determining factor in many higher level duels. having each round actually be a series of duels (kind of like a best of 3, 5, or 7 series) could help with that, but would also be a lot of extra work (and time) for each round of the tournament.

We all know the likes of passis,phonebook etc got to where they are by c*******g and why most of us who enjoy duelling for a job, have given it up. The ranks as most people know are not true an dif you can implement such a tournament with said players, it would be good. I doubt they would take the challenge though.

don't forget that very soon, damage reducers will have the "bug" with toughness/reflex fixed so they can't zero out damage completely anymore =)

the way I see it, if some of those players refused to take the challenge, it would reflect poorly on them and make people realize that perhaps their 'ranking' isn't properly representative of their 'skill' in dueling...

You really think this is possible to set-up and run?

I'm out since I won't be playing much starting quite soon.
and if v1.22 comes out in the middle of the tournament, then hell no, i wouldn't even consider joining even if i was still playing.

well I am not sure if it is possible for one guy to setup and run, but I think it would be possible definitely if enough interest was expressed. of course, you also need turnout, and in particular I am hoping alot of the dueling level 130+ players would participate =)

if enough people post up (or mail me in game) and are interested, I would be willing to start drawing up some actual rules/plans for how it could be implemented, and post them up here so everyone can help brainstorm...
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The forums probably isn't the best way. I doubt any of the types of duelers that you're looking for come onto these forums. Might have to telegram.


Good idea, first thing I thought when I read it was that me old mate realm'd be annoyed after his costly little respec.


When I saw the title of this thread I already decided that I would post that the black headband was #1 ;)


All of the duelers I've talked to either focus on offense, or focus on defense. Some focus on toughness/reflex but I honestly don't think that works against good duelers. I think the best way to make this work would be to have 1 offensive duel, then 1 defensive duel... add up the damage on both sides and see who wins that way as a tiebreaker rather than doing a 3rd duel.

Of course I'd be in this competition, but it's be nice if we could wait a week or so so I can finish my suprise respec :unsure:


oh I expect to have to track people down via mail but still I figured it would be an easy way to gauge if I should even put the time into going down that road (depending on how many respond on here); I dont want to have to track EVERY person down that is going to participate I figured I would maybe send mails to all the major town leaders regarding the tournament and see how many people mail me back...

I agree its unlikely to ever happen, but I think it would be cool to be able to finally settle this whole issue of duel rank fairly representing duel skill...

@scary yeah thats why I figured each round of the tournament should probably be a 'series' of duels between the two parties. and don't worry this probably won't be happening anytime soon; even if I did decide to go ahead with it, it would probably take a few weeks just to organize and get everyone signed up and into a bracket of some sort
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i know a couple of my friends who would most likely want to join, and i also want to join. i know my level has dropped over the summer in comparison to everyone else, but im not out.