non stop being duelled


I'm being non-stop dueled by two guys and there isn't anything I could have done to cause it.

I'm forced to go sleep in the hotel non-stop to keep them from doing it. There is nothing else I can do.

I think I'll quit the game if I can't play it. Isn't there anything that can be done? They just sit there, dueling me all the time.


I don't think I should be posting their names publicly. But they're currently still residing at my town Springston. Their city Dead Man Ghost is right next to mine.

I'm a pure builder and I just want to get this town to 42000 points, I'm nearly done. I might leave town after.


Perhaps if you were not a Level 37 Greenhorn you would be better able to defend yourself. Don't your duelling level 95 and 77 fellow citizens see them off? Or perhaps that is the problem. They have been duelling everyone in the neighbourhood and you are reaping the whirlwind.


But isn't there a level range for whom can duel with whom?

My town members are shopping.


yes, but you fall in to their level range.

ask shoppers to duel them as a fee of shopping.