New town - bottom right corner


Have a town called Homestead - just built in the very bottom right hand corner of the grid.

No level requirement, no money required, don't care less what your character or skill build is going to be, just looking for some peeps to join...and take over the town from me.

Yep - a free town as i will be quitting in a bit (even though i have built myself a town)

First person to reply that says they are willing to commit to the world gets given the town, and saves themselves $300 and the 8 hours building time :)


I would be willing to try. I am totally new to The West but I like it so far. I would like a chance. I am a level 8 and not quite sure what I want to do. But will likely go for laborer or adventurer. I would also accept some advice on a town and my character.


Message me ingame...i will send you an invite and place you in charge :)