New advantages for Dueler class

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This is my idea to improve the Dueler Class


Class description: Duelers live for the moment. They love to duel. They challenge other players for a handful of dollars, out of revenge or even just for fun. Duelers rarely stay close to their town, they move from town to town looking for good opponents. Duelers are ideal for very active players that like the conflict.


Bounty hunter Gunslinger Bandit Hangdog


Head hunter Gunslinger girl Bandit Hangbirdy

Advantages: I think we should get rid of this...
The speed on the map is increased by 10%. Who cares

The motivation for dueling raises faster. It is increased 20% faster. Big deal


You receive 10% more money in a duel. Ohh one more dollar

And have this:

In duels you receive 50% of your Appearance.

You can wait 30 to attack the same player again.

If you KO a player, you receive all of their money.

Your motivation of dueling goes down 1% each duel

Please post any feedback

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basically joe ackert got pwned by Trappers who are pure blue and got a little self-defense capabilities AND soldiers. henceforth the ridiculous +50% Appearance. at least that's what I get from his wordings. About motivation dropping 1% per duel is ridiculous. RIDICULOUS. that means The West will be made very uncomfortable for others. and guess what? duelers will level-up the fastest feasting on Workers and Adventurers. Basically he wants to pwn players unable to defend themselves and feast on their exp/money, henceforth this idea is utter nonsense.

Really, you're not the first to dream about Dueler-Superiority... I will suggest you spec for it, not asking for ridiculous bonus to win ROFL


Duelers need new advantages but the ones you suggested are just overpowering other players, specially the appearance one.


I'm guessing these new advantages they suggested will allow a "Duelers" to:

"Bind & Gag" their victims (Off-line?), holding them hostage. (30 min. wait..)
Pummel them with their new greater skills (+50!!) until they get every last dime! (Take ALL their Money)

And then walk off without even breathing heavy. (-1% motivation)

That sounds like a lot of fun for lower level workers, adventurers, and Duelers alike.


Appearance has been suggested as a dueler advantage many times, with the intention of countering the soldier's tactics bonus, which is flawed logic. The tactics bonus is a defensive bonus. If they choose to spend SP on tactics, they weaken themselves offensively. It's still an effective bonus, even if it's only to tactics from charisma and gear, but it's not overpowering.

The appearance bonus wouldn't only be in effect against soldiers, but anyone else you choose to duel, whether they're specced for dueling or not. This would take away any chance people not specced for dueling have to win a defensive duel.

Also, anyone specced for dueling tends to duel much more offensively than defensively. A soldier might have 10 duels as a challenger to 1 as a defender. That means his tactics bonus is only in effect for 1 in 11 duels. In the case of a dueler with the same ratio, his appearance bonus would apply to 10 in 11 duels.


New dueler advantages have already been considered and have passed all the way through the Development and Discussion voting anyway,and all the possible advantages and debates on them were made on that thread, so we really have no need for this thread.
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