More town Ranks and buildings


there should be more town ranks not just three say you could even make a office (well you know what i mean a small building) for the sheriff and his deputy that could be a rank also may people have suggested bank robberies attack town this could be part of it basically that also i notice the church is like a rally point in tribal war you can't upgrade i know its got no point just help raise the energy slighty so it would be good for stuff with that
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Well the game is still on its beta phrase so you have to wait. I think they are planning to include a sheriff and that includes an office for the sheriff. Well if the church is upgradable like the typical Tribal Wars rally point because its only purpose is fulfilled since it was first built. Its only purpose in the game is to let you pray, you cant expect to use it like a town hall.


Could the benefit of praying be increased with higher building levels?


yeah also the church when you pray there for 15min recharges one energy point


Or the monks (if it is high enough, say level 3, church 1 and Cathedral level 5) heal you more than a Level 2 shrine or a level 1 chapel.