New Maya Roalstad window not loading - JS error - World El Dorado


In-game name: ProfBaatz
Affected worlds: El Dorado (en17)
Browser: Chrome Version 59.0.3071.115

Type of Bug:
  • Quest
When clicking Maya Roalstad in the saloon, the opened quest window is endlessly loading, displaying the loading animation with two spinning guns but otherwise being greyed out. The developer console in chrome shows the following error message:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'image' of undefined
at Class.createItemElement (tw2game.js?1498555400:578)
at Class.getMainDiv (tw2game.js?1498555400:578)
at Class.init (tw2game.js?1498555400:644)
at new Class (tw2game.js?1498555400:4)
at (tw2game.js?1498555400:633)
at Quest.getRewardWidgets (tw2game.js?1498555400:7172)
at Quest.getRewards (tw2game.js?1498555400:7170)
at Quest.render (tw2game.js?1498555400:7149)
at Quest.init (tw2game.js?1498555400:7143)
at Quest (tw2game.js?1498555400:7143)

I have already hard refreshed my browser. (This can be done by pressing Ctrl + F5 on Windows or ⌘ + F5 on Macs.) CHECK
I have already consulted the Bugs FAQ.CHECK
I have searched if the bug has been reported before. CHECK
If applicable, I have tried disabling all browsers addons, userscripts and extensions. CHECK


I have no problem on world en19 - Fairbank - same browser
i know of one player having the same bug, talked in saloon 2 chat - missed his nick, refreshed my browser again


It only seems to be happening on El Dorado and not on other worlds.


Same problem for me as well in El Dorado. When I click on Maya in the saloon, I just get spinning pistols and it never shows me a quest. She does display a golden exclamation point like there is a quest available.

Also myself and some town mates are receiving job complete notifications with German ( at least I think it is German ) titles.


Well-Known Member
Why are the job reports coming in German only in El Dorado?
I wonder if it is related to this bug or not.

Start of german job reports:




Also have the same problems on El Dorado can't open Maya Quest and have reports in German :mad: