Marquette is in need of a 2nd builder


Marquette, 12251 points, ranked 515, has the following stats:

Town Hall: lvl 4
Residences: lvl 3
Bank: lvl 5
Hotel: lvl 4
Gunsmith: lvl 5
Tailor: lvl 7
General Store: lvl 6
Mortician: built

Marquette is populated by easy-going, relaxed, and helpful people who have all been contributing voluntarily (no required fees here) because they WANT TO because they are getting what they need out of being town members. The town is run so that everyone gets a say in what we do; after all if you're investing your hard-earned money, you should have a voice!

Right now, I'm the primary builder, and since I seem to loose my "motivation" we need another builder, preferably level 30 or higher.

If you're looking for a town, feel free to give us a look and see if you like it. No hard feelings if you join and then decide for some reason Marquette isn't for you. I have a feeling though that you'll like it and be glad you're part of what's going on here.

Shoot a tele in-game to Martinlb if you'd like more information or an invite.