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  • Thread starter fastfinger fred
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Have new items for trade or sell!

i currently have 2 chingachooks talismans, 2 natty bumpos scarfs, nattys hat, nattys pants, and chingachooks raven. Might wanna keep some things that i dont have doubles too but what im looking for is the allan quartemans parts, and cash. Maybe al swearagans belt but mostly looking for allan quartermans top/hat/belt/pants/!


Well-Known Member
recipe Glowing Mixture

I am looking for the recipe to make Glowing Mixture (600) for Tonic Peedler.

If anyone has is, please PM me ingame.



looking for a master saddler for permanent trade of canteen with amulet or tinderbox mail me in game if interested


3. Key for sale!

For negotiations send me a telegram in colorado, i'm henry faber


Buy Allan Quatermain's jacket

I need Allan Quatermain's jacket, For negotiations send me a telegram in colorado, i'm henry faber


hi i is selling

hi i is selling 40 cigarettes from transfer horses for 1700 each on world market



Looking for Natty Bumppo's coat and pants

I'm really in need of Natty Bumppo's coat and pants.
Items i have for trade are
Allan Quateramain's pants
Allan Quatermain's revolver
Calamity Jane's cartridge belt.


Looking for Brew Goulash recipe, send me a telegram =)
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looking for BEER recipe, already got prepare mash recipe, but have no beer :)


Offering Natty pants for Chinga pants. please Pm me or telegram in colorado if interested.


looking for a blue bandana. if anyone has one ill buy it for anything. thank you.


Mornin. I just opened a steel box and got something I'm not going to be able to use for about another 20 levels (George Crook's army pants?), and tbh if they are worth anythin the in-game cash would be really handy atm. But there aren't any on the market (Colorado), so I don't know what to try and sell them for, or whether to just hang on to them.

All advice welcome! thanks. :D


Mornin. I just opened a steel box and got something I'm not going to be able to use for about another 20 levels (George Crook's army pants?), and tbh if they are worth anythin the in-game cash would be really handy atm. But there aren't any on the market (Colorado), so I don't know what to try and sell them for, or whether to just hang on to them.

All advice welcome! thanks. :D

Sell them. You should get about 300.000$


Sell them. You should get about 300.000$

:eek: :blink: :eek: :blink:

*checks date to make sure it isn't April 1st!* Seriously???

ummm, okay, thanks! In that case I'll put them on the market this afternoon (with a 150k start-price, mebbe?), and hope someone wants them! Thanks Fafer!


$150k start price will be potentially ripping yourself off. You should get $300k fairly easily.