Manchester is recruiting... (5 spaces, around 5000 points)


Town Name: Manchester

Town Rank: 973

Town Points: 4867 (increasing fast)

What positions are open: Any position is welcome :)

Number of Open Positions: 5 but we have nearly leveled up again so it will be 10 very soon :D

Town Descriptions: We currently have 5 very active and friendly members and a nice set of buildings...

Town hall: level 2
Residences: level 2 (soon to be 3)
Bank: level 2
Hotel: level 2
Gunsmith: level 4
Tailor: level 4
General Store: level 3
Mortician: Yep

we have some nice items in our shop such as "fancy cotton shoes", "fancy slough hat" and the "Precise Shot Gun"

Where to contact: Send a telegram to "craggledoos"


Its kind of lame if your the only one posting in your town recruitment thread you shouldnt reply your own post.


well im not anymore am i thanks to you :p anyway im just keeping my thing at the top of the list plus need to inform how many spaces there are left... og we just upgraded so its 8 now :)


i like big bumps an i cannot lie :bandit:

also.. only 6 places


we now have around 5500 points, the resisdences have been leveled up as has the twon hall. he general store is on its was to going up a level aswell :)