Looking for advice on development


I'm looking for some advice on development tactics. I have so far built my character quite evenly and was progressing steady.

Now at lvl 29 with Catching Horses, bridge building and Exploration as the highest level jobs I can perform I seem to have hit a glass ceiling.

The next set of high XP% jobs (hunting coyotes, buffaloes) is about 50 points away. Hunting wolves is about a 100 and grizzly bears is about a 155 labor points to gain.

Now I'm thinking about raising my setting traps skills and reallocate skill points where my wallet allows to hit these next lvl of jobs within the next 8-10 lvls.

The other option would be to stop at this baseline of jobs and now start focusing on developing duelling skills.

Are any of you in the same situation? Are you currently hitting a glass ceiling and are facing a similar decision as described by Robert Frost's "The road not taken".

What do you think are the roads to development "less travelled by" in the West?


What i did at the begginging was picked out a range of jobs that needed the same kind of skills and sticked with them.


I have hit that glass ceiling at a lot lower level than you have.

I too am at level 29 but duelling has been a big part of getting XP for my development.

With the high XP jobs you have open to you at the minute i would put more now into duelling skills.

It is already a big part of the game for me and i am sure whether you like it or not, someone will want to duel you with your high level for the XP points.

You could put the points into areas that can be used for quests, such as reflex, tactics and appearance if you didnt want to close off the quests completely at this stage.