Locking Backpack Items and More

Hot Moose Knuckle

Well-Known Member
1st- Lock Back Pack Items
2nd- Color code indications while shopping

1st- Have the ability to left click on your back pack item to give options of locking a quantity for NOT being sold with out being prompted of unlocking the items to sell, if locked. Example: I have 4 yellow rags- I left click on the rags (while I open my inventory not when I have a store or merchant open) and proms be to lock a quantity, I choose to lock one. When I try to sell at anytime the rags, the quantity available is only 3.)

2nd- When in any store, traveling merchant, or market. The border around currently inventoried items in your back pack that are presented while in the store, traveling merchant, or market will have a green border indicating you have that item, and a red border if you currently do not have that item. I do understand that when you hover over the item in a store & traveling merchant they have an inventoried number on the pop up, but it would be visually better if going into a store or these other places to have 2 colors indicating you have or don't have the items.

Maybe I am lazy! But I think these would help add to the game and I know it would be helpful for me to reduce the mistakes I make. Some of my gaming is at home on a kindle and that is a b&^(* to play on and mistakes happen. Less mistakes when I am at work on a computer.




1) Vote No. That is just laziness :)
2) If you are running the cloth calc script from TW-DB.info, then this is irrelevant as the script shows if you have the items in your backpack or not.


Hot Moose Knuckle

Well-Known Member
That is good... need to get that...if it doesn't put a tool bar on my computer. The only problems is that the-west is relying on an outside website to add to the game instead of being part of their game. But yeah, that's what I mean! thanks