Lago - 3x maxed out towns recruiting


Hi all,

Lago is soon to max out our 3rd town at which time we are putting a halt to further town expansion and focusing more on people expansion.

Looking for any class right now, with a preference to anyone who is configured as a fighter, or is interested in re-skilling as a fighter once they tidy up some final quests. We totally dominate our section of the map already but there are plenty of targets in the surrounding sectors if you are of a semi decent level like me (mid 50s), and still quite a few useful targets if you are 10-15 levels lower in our sector itself.

With 3 maxed tailors/smiths/generals we have a nice spread of available equipment, with almost every item available in one of our towns including the ever annoying Precise Buntline, with a small number of exceptions (Only notable one is Lincolns Top Hat...).

Contact me directly if you feel you would be interested in joining.



The Lago Towns are still looking for motivated players. We have a total of 5 towns with no rent required. We also have the complete Indian set and the best dueling equipment in our shops. Mail a town founder or councilor for an invite. All player classes are welcome to join.