kill yourself and drop something


He falls On my head(He weighs 100000000000 pounds), killing me!
I drop A Precise Peacemaker!


the perfect peacemaker shoots me for not being perfect. or for not being a peacemaker.

i drop the thread; 'klll yourself and drop something'.


I try to catch it but with all destructive things involved, I die in a jiffy( Did you know that a jiffy was a 100th of a second :blink:)


I try to catch it but with all destructive things involved, I die in a jiffy( Did you know that a jiffy was a 100th of a second :blink:)

Nope,new stuff learned every day.

I catch the thread,but it slips and hits me in the head.I die and saddly drop a Yamaha


it fell on my weanis (the skin on your elbow) and i died of laughter at the word weanis, i drop a crate of beer


Weanis is not the term for elbow skin! It was made by a bunch of stupid thrid graders who didn't want to get in trouble for saying something else.

I drink the beer and drop dead from a destroyed liver.

I drop 27 bloody knives.


I show off by juggling the 27 bloody knives, and cut myself. I drop dead from blood poisoning. I drop a paper airplane.


Yes, a wenis is the skin on your elbows. ACTUALLY look it up

i trip over one of the knifes and am so embarrased i cut myself and die
i drop an a tank


Yes, a wenis is the skin on your elbows. ACTUALLY look it up

Actually follow your own advice. It's callled the Olecranan. Wenis is actually a form of the name Unas, an Egyptian Pharaoh.

THe armadillo in a tank runs me over when I try to stop it.

I drop a bag of groceries.

Deleted User - 819397

Actually follow your own advice. It's callled the Olecranan. Wenis is actually a form of the name Unas, an Egyptian Pharaoh.

I'm ending this argument. A Wenis is defined here as the skin on your elbow, but defined here as non-existant. Therefore it's a slang word, and yes, Johann is right...3rd graders probably made it up, but not for the reason he said.


I eat the groceries and die due to the fact I forgot to remove the packaging...or the bag.

I drop a good book.


I read it.And die of laughter when I realised it was a phonebook.

I drop a glass of water.


I drink the glass of water, but I find out I'm water intolerant, so I swell up and explode.

I drop the skeletal remains of Senator Joseph McCarthy


i laugh at the skeletal remains and am murdered by the CIFBIA. or whatever it's called.

i drop a wenis :)laugh:)


I find out what I wenis is and die of laughter.

I drop a thread revival attempt.


I die of shock, this thread died two years ago!

I drop a paperclip.


I shove the paper-clip down my throat and choke

I drop a clue. (as to why I revived this thread, someone was viewing it, a guest and interested as to what it was I read it, thought it was simple enough and decided to revive it.)


The clue makes no sense and I die of shock (again)

I drop a question (how could you see what the guest was doing? Are you an undercover mod? :eek:)


I am unable to answer the question, and thus commit suicide.

I drop an answer (if you go to the bottom of the main page you can click on the active users button (it's a name with a link attached to it) and it shows you what all people on the forum are doing, including what threads they are viewing. One of them was viewing this thread, and so I saw the title of the thread and thought it looked interesting. So I revived it.)


I am annoyed that you found that out before me, and thus kill myself.

I drop a stapler. (I stapled my own thumb once...)


I staple myself to a cliff, where I starve to death

I drop vampire venom (that turns you into a vampire, it doesn't kill you.)