Jordan's Outpost #3


Town Name: Jordan's Outpost #3

Town Rank: Currently #295, but we're moving up constantly as we're constantly building

Town Points: 5047

What positions are open: We'd really like some soldiers and duelers, but a couple adventurers wouldn't be bad. We'd prefer if you're higher than level 10, but we'd even take down to level 8 or 9 as long as you're active.

Number of Open Positions: 5 currently, but many many more very soon as more residences are built

Town Descriptions: We're a bunch of friends working on our town together. We don't have any real super-important qualifications for new residences, except that you generally be a nice and reasonable person. We're all very active, and our town is constantly growing. We're one of two big towns on our sector of the map, even though we've only got 8 residents right now!

Where to contact: send an in-game telegram to Jodi Lynn
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Town Rank: now #378

Town Points: now 2121

Now have a level two hotel!


Town Rank: now #317

Town Points: now 3027

We've got a level 2 hotel, level 3 gunsmith (soon level 4), and level 2 general store. Awesome items you can get in our town include:

Precise Slingshot
Golden Indian Necklace
Blue Indian Necklace

We're looking mainly for soldiers, duelers, and adventurers. We've got a nice and efficient crew of builders. Applicants should be level 10 and above.

2 spots open!


Haha. Our founder (my husband) is actually named Jordan. And the Outpost #3 comes from a joke with a bunch of our other real-life friends (who are also members of the town).


Just upgraded the residences, and we've got some spots open! Join this fast growing town!


Three spots at the momment.

Town hall 4
Residences 4
Bank 3
Hotel 3
Gunsmith 4
Tailor 4
General store 3 40.25%
Mortician 1


Three spots at the momment.

Town hall 4
Residences 4
Bank 4
Hotel 3
Gunsmith 4
Tailor 4
General store 5
Mortician 1

as you can see we are growing fast and need new members to help.