Join Black River


Nashy (as himself)
Ҩ Black River Ҩ

We are open to recruiting all levels and all types, it doesn't matter if you are a fort fighter or just social.
Players will kicked if they go inactive for more than a week, unless they specifically ask us not to, they can rejoin at any time.

Black River was originally built as the overflow at a time when Black Hills was full, we practically operate as one.
Black Hills is allied to 11 forts and Black River is allied to 5 of those (where we want to sleep), our forums are shared too.

Benefits of joining Black River:
- Large forts to sleep in
- Switch between our towns freely
- Shopping is easy and convenient
- No taxes, only donate what you want to.
- Plenty of fort battles

Town Points:
Active Members: 10

We are in the middle of the map.


Join today :cool: