Job Items


I think the items you get for jobs should have more usefulness then just for quest

like meat and grain and other food items could be consumed for an energy increase
or hammers and shovels increase your construction skill as long as they are equiped
maybe cotten and wool traded to taylor for items discount
cities build faster if citizens have a certain number of materials like wood or stone which they can donate to the town
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You 4 starred your own thread?

I too think that you should be able to use items for your benefit.


I agree, expecially on the meat thing. It would make earning items worth somethign more than quest or even money, expecially for those without a town.

Like, right now I got no place to sell my excess, I got nothing to use em for, and it would be a waste to get rid of them after gathering them


sugars usefull.. 4$ per sugar and you get 8 for 4 hours work while im at school + usual pay :p